Exploring Iceland's Craft Beer Scene Part 2 | Vlog 5

in #vlog6 years ago (edited)

How far would you travel to try a new beer? During the weekend, we embarked on a journey to Heimaey Island in Iceland, which is famous for its local craft brewery and for the millions of puffins that visit it each summer. We didn't see a single puffin (probably due to this year's colder summer), but Brothers Brewery was open and serving!

Compared to the last brewery that we visited (Bryggjan Brugghús in Reykjavik), the experience in Brothers Brewery was on a whole different level. The guys behind the bar were super friendly, and they let me have a sip before I decided on a beer. Moreover, there was free hot chocolate for my driver @agniese, as well as a bowl of popcorn for me.


I drank two beers - Gölli IPA and Horfnir Humlar. While the first beer was more of a standard-tasting IPA (very solid, though), the latter blew my taste buds away (positively) with its fresh aroma, mango sweetness, and balanced hoppiness. The color was out of this world, too!

To summarize, if you love beer and if you happen to be in Iceland (@harveyword), Heimaey and Brothers Brewery should be on your list of must visit places. Of course, there's more to see on this small, charming island, and as most attractions are within a walking distance, you might be better off leaving your car in the parking lot before taking the ferry.

Drop me a line in the comments if you need more info about how to get to Heimaey, the prices or anything that comes to your mind.

Thanks for reading and watching!

This post is my entry for the 52nd anniversary edition of #BeerSaturday.

Music: epidemicsound.com

▶️ DTube

That mango infused IPA looks soo good!
Very cool scenes too - like the view of the town through the glass... and the beautiful scenes of the town's atmosphere... great stuff, thank you for sharing!

That mango infused IPA looks soo good!

Oh, you cannot imagine how good it tasted! The view of the town was pure luck - I was looking to take a shot of the glass from another angle when I noticed it :)

I am very glad that you liked it, and thank you so much for your comment 😊

I’m impressed by your ability to spell those words! Icelandic beers sounds interesting.

I speak Danish, so that helps a bit :P They do have some very interesting beers, and like in most other countries, the Icelandic craft beer scene is blooming. Thanks for dropping by, man! :)

5pm won't come soon enough. Dan, I need to watch your videos at night and not when the coffee pot is still on.

Dan, I need to watch your videos at night and not when the coffee pot is still on.

Haha! I feel you, dude, but we both know that this is not going to happen 😁 Luckily, I don't upload videos that often :)

Great to see you! I loved the video...happy snappy musak and lots of artsy shots - ie the one through the base of the beer glass....love that.

Also liked the shot of @agniese hair blowing in the wind.

Looks like you found a better pub this time. I'm glad it was a better experience.

Hey Deb :) Did you noticed the sound effects that I included? I recently subscribed for epidemicsound, which is full of cool music and sfx.

the one through the base of the beer glass....love that.

I love it too, although it was just a lucky shot. And by the way, that's not Agniese's hair blowing in the wind, lol. She was in fact inside, trying to cope with the seasickness :)

Thank you so much for your comment!

Yes....I did notice!!! Very good! I thought they were real so I had to go back and watch it again. :) Good way to get me to do that :)

Seasick...yes...I get that too....thankfully just nausea and tired but not puking....that would just be embarrassing. Motion and me do not get along. At all.

Haha :)

Motion and me do not get along.

Do you also get it when traveling in a car?

Sometimes ... it depends. If I am in the backseat, I am likely to feel it a bit. And if the driver doesn't keep a steady speed I'll feel it - meaning if the driver puts his foot on the gas and loosens it and again and loosens it....barf a rama!! But I don't puke...I do feel very nauseous and get sweaty. Attractive isn't it? lol

I know some drivers get annoyed with such passangers, haha 😁 Seriously, it must be horrible to feel nauseous when traveling.

You talking about yourself??? hmmmmm??? 😎

Haha, I am a very relaxed driver, and I rarely go over the speed limit! 🚗

Those views...! My good Lawd... Y'all have some beautiful countries :)

The landscapes in Iceland are out of this world :) But now when I'm thinking about it, such are the landscapes in many African countries too.

I haven't traveled much but I know Africa is beautiful... was just reacting to your captures :)

I am not a beer fan but I'd travel far for some vodka or whiskey :D

How far would you travel to try a new beer?

Have fun in Iceland! also some pictures of its landscape would be awesome!

For vodka? :) Haha, I am not much of a vodka fan, but I heard they make some nice vodka here that is filtered with lave rocks :) I will make sure I post a few landscape photos in the next weeks. Thanks for dropping by, @macchiata!

Damn your video is so good I want to taste some beer!

Haha, mission accomplished then! Is craft beer popular in Indonesia?

We have some traditional Brewers, but not beer. It's fermentation from rice, casava, coconut or other palm fruit. Arak Bali is the most popular one :D

Arak Bali looks like a proper hard liquor :)

That looks like a place where we might meet and sit a few days.

If you add this to your SteemitWorldMap, we might all find that place a bit more easy.

Yes, that'd be an awesome place for a Beer Saturday meetup :) The only downside would be the cost, haha

I will take a look at the Steemit map now :) Thanks, man!

na cant say i would As i dont like beer :P BUT side effect, i would travel for small bits & pieces 💕 :)

Hehe, what's the furthest place you've traveled to? :)

;) :P il guess my most idiotic trip was cross the puddle to Texas Austin.... to fry eggs on the asphalt.. yeahhh i shoulnet be let out with nooo supervision LOL
Canada was a treat to :D
So how far do you go for the hunt of beer?

Frying eggs on the asphalt? Lol, what did they taste like? :P

If money wasn't an obstacle, I'd travel far and wide :) I hear there are some awesome breweries in Australia.

Jupp , sounded like a fab Idea when i thought about it, soooo why not try lol taste is juust fine but dang what a sandhole to chew on o.O
Yeah its all about cashflow... sigh .. Austrailia is on My bucketlist:D dirtbike throw , is the plan. But my boss keeps me to well in check..hmf lol
See one do get waay thirstyyy in warm places like that.. juust saying lol:P

That sounds like a great beer tasting experience. I like how thy took good care of your driver @agniese. If i ever make it to Iceland I will ask you for detailed information :)
The video won't play for me?

Hey Lakshmi, I will be happy to share everything that I know about Iceland :) Hmm, dtube still has many bugs, and sometimes it's simply impossible to load videos. One thing you could try is use a different browser.

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