in #vlog5 years ago

VLOGMAS IS HERE! Find out what special ways we started off this christmas month! #twinmom #vlogmas2019

Today's vlog
Friday to Friday
This vlog was a long one. We did a bunch of stuff around the house. The dog and cat went to the groomers, lillie is getting shaved. I made a delicious copycat cheesecake factory pumpkin pie cheesecake which was incredible. Jackson got his first advent calander, we finally got to open day 1! He love sit so much and runs to the fridge every morning for it! I had my 19 week anatomy scan for the twins, which was amazing we got to see them move around so much and are measuring a week ahead. I also share with you what my belly looks like at 19 weeks with twins in it! Crazy how small I still am. This is our first epiosode of vlogmas 2019 I hope you enjoyed it! Oh man 3 under 3 is going to be a handful! Never a dull moment! From chasing my toddler around, being pregnant with TWINS and renovating our home. Follow us along our daily struggles and life, lets see where it takes us.
Hope you enjoyed watching.
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Instagram – @Jacksonthebabe
Twitter – @ckreklewich

Overseas by Vlad Gluschenko
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Baby vlogs, parents, mommy vlogs, dad, mom, mom vlogging, family vloggers, family fun, beauty vlogger


Hi ckreklewich,

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Hello Hello!

Your family is beautiful, I love how they are! They are so cute and very cute

Greetings from Venezuela

Awe thank you love

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