c0ff33 vlog 10th March 2018 - WaterWorld 💦 with me @c0ff33a ☕️
Welcome to the weekly Vlog by @c0ff33a ☕️ 👈🏽 That's me! Seven full days have passed since last week's Vlog, and it's been another killer week for me. Starting with Monday morning unlocking my work premises to discover a new paddling pool in the reception area, and water pouring from the ceiling like rain. A pipe had burst upstairs - obviously frozen in the previous weeks cold weather, it defrosted when it got milder on Sunday and must have spent the whole night pouring water onto the floor above, which then drained through into the reception and front office below. It took out the lighting and fire alarm systems, but by pure luck missed all the computers and phone system in the front office just soaking the laminate floors a little. We had to brush and mop out the standing water, and now have a dehumidifier running to try and remove the damp. Not a fun start to my working week.
I have separated the full raw text of this post from the graphics and gifs, you can access it here https://jpst.it/1c2qM for easy translation into your own language.

Before all this drama though, on Sunday I did a #SublimeSunday post which seems to be taking off as a tag right now, it's a fun way to create a post if you are stuck for ideas and I like now to mix in some #FunkyEdits started by @krazypoet to mix it up a little. I was impressed with @smartphoto Dancers Skating post, he does really clever things combining multiple photos and graphics to end up with a complete piece of photographic art. My good friend @maruharraca found these Tree Branches grown into a chain link that made for a fascinating set of pictures - quite amazing. Meanwhile @saffisara thrilled us with the most unusual Frozen Hands which is rubber gloves filled with coloured water and left out in the freezing weather to freeze solid - very clever and different. I got to look down on an icy river in this Moss covered bridge post by @vee2180 where I enjoyed the focus used and the amazing paint on the stone of the bridge. The @krazypoet joined in sharing with us some stunning Digital Art he had made which is compelling viewing - I could stare at it for hours. And of course the master of Tags himself @old-guy-photos joined in with this Bigfoot eating sausage off a tree stump post that had a little bit of everything to delight us. Meanwhile @hazem91 decided to buck the trend and post his #SublimeSunday on Monday - which is fine for me because it is a tag where anything goes. It seems he had SublimeWeekend where he somehow managed to do more things in two days then I do in a whole week! A fabulous tale and I'm pleased he decided to help his brother out on Sunday night rather then post his Sublime Sunday.

I wasn't the only one suffering from mysterious acts of God this week, Earthquakes were plaguing @alvinauh but at least he was able to go commando and save the day with a great speech as well. On a more relaxing note Monday Mixtape by @carmalain7 introduced me to some interesting new musical artists to enjoy. But I also saw once again that phishing and scams are on the rise with @guiltyparties giving some timely advice about Phishing websites and malformed URL's and also some good advice on protecting your Steemit account as well as recovering it if necessary. After all that I was ready for some light relief, and this excellent photo of Cotton wool effect tree growth by @crisangel was very relaxing and quite a different photo.

Moving on with the week Tuesday I did a little more #FreeCommenting trying to catch up with some accounts I had not been to for a while, to be fair I was tired and distracted so it didn't produce massive amounts of comments this time - but whatever you can do when you have chance always helps. While all posts are varied and entertaining, some can be quite inspiring and I was most taken with What Steem Means To Me an incredible story about how @shadowspub who many will know already from his Popular Pimp My Post Thursday progressed from the early days of this platform, it an amazing journey and just shows how this platform can support as well as entertain people.

On the subject of incredible journeys, @crazybgadventure chronicled his 30 Days on Steemit Full Time and I was pleased to see he is progressing well now, he also introduces in this post the Steemit More Info plug in for Chrome browser which can give you a ton of additional information over the standard Steemit page layout - worth trying out. My Wednesday started with computer problems, my MacBook Pro Retina has not been happy since Mac OS High Sierra came out, something in the drivers for my models GPU causes no end of graphical glitches and bugs. I'm even on the developer update betas to try and get a quicker solution, so when a new update was available I set it off first thing Wednesday - not the best idea when you need the computer for work! The update won't take long I thought, and I was desperate to get rid of the graphical glitches - which sometimes got so bad I had to reboot. So I set the update off and went and packed some coffee while it worked. After an hour and a half I had run out of non computer based work - and it was only 3/4 way and not moving the progress bar at all. I started to look up details of frozen update installs, and all the news was bad - requiring a reboot and then booting into recovery mode and reinstalling the os from scratch. That would take hours more time, out of desperation I force shut down the Mac and unplugged every external device, powered it back up and mysteriously it came straight back to the same progress bar position - which suddenly started moving - quickly reached full and presented the log in screen! Blind luck but either the reboot or removing peripherals started it moving again.
While my Wednesday was troublesome my good friend @askmee was having a great day, in this post all my friends above me he presented the amazing collection of caricatures he has built up of different people he knows from Steemit - I'm sure everyone will find one or two they recognise. He has done very well with this post, and I'm very pleased for him. He's been posting tirelessly on Steemit and working incredibly hard to come up with new and inventive posts - it's really admirable and I'm glad he is getting some success for all his hard work.
I really should avoid food posts because they make me hungry, but this one Experience with cheap cook cafe was great fun with an interesting back story and some super photos of the meal he eventually got to enjoy. And then I found this incredible post on an outdoor bbq by @frozi and I was amazed at the amount of varied pictures with the flames from the fire pit and the curried chicken looked amazing - one post that did make me feel very hungry!
I was pleased to see @christheaudioguy producing some great ideas for music ideas in this Make money by giving your music away post he explains about upselling alongside music with merchandising items. Good information and he has a link to a indie music discord as well for musical artists to get together. The music mixing genius @sweetscience continues to amaze with some incredible photo art and another long music mix to listen to while working. Meanwhile @avesa has been super busy this week posting tons of musical creativity, Tiniest desk concert was super fun and I wish I'd managed to catch that one live.
I could not agree more with this post by @cygon Ethics of the Great Steemit Experience lot's of good and invaluable information in this post - I won't try and cover it here enjoy the read yourself and reward him with and upvote and comment. And there were some very worthy winners in Six word story and picture contest by @anjkara a very clever and fun competition idea I hope she does more like this.

Thursday morning I woke up to another heavy snow fall, just great - another struggle to work and this time the roads were so slippy even my car was struggling. Well technically the technology in it did it's job, with traction control taking over the engine for me so foot to the floor accelerator pedal the car did it's own thing controlling power and breaks so the wheels turned with no spin - slowly - very slowly. Which made the drivers behind salty - but I get there in the end just very slow and steady progress. It was also International Women's Day, with plenty of good posts created to support it. @bridget.art made a lovely post Happy Women's Day to mark the occasion, while @felobtc created a post This is for the Women of Steemit which was an incredible story covering everything to celebrated about women, including the special ladies in his life. And at the same time @baby07 shared Women in life and how they inspire me a wonderful celebration of some of the strong women in her life, although I personally think she is very strong herself battling so hard with illness while still taking care of her son. And @deadgrlsuppastar shared a beautiful rose photograph another one not feeling so well at the moment but I left my best wishes and hope she is feeling better soon as well. I enjoyed a lovely poem She is by @angelveselinov again celebrating International Women's day in a unique and different style. And this vibrant red flower post by @ilhuna just seemed to fit in perfect with women's day.

Cryptocurrency is all down at the moment, Bitcoin has gone so far south it's costing me money to mine it at the moment (and one of my poor Asics nearly drowned) but I'm just holding out the value will climb again and make it a bit more worth while. In the post Too many reds @roykie17 notes as well the general downturn of Cryptocurrencies including Steem, although I'm confident in Steemit we have a safe bet if we keep on posting and powering up. With my distinctly snowy Thursday morning it was quite fitting to read Flight into Sulfur Creek where @warpedweaver remembers a previous experience ending in a ton of snow too, she also left the most amusing comment ever on my #SublimeSunday post it really cracked me up - great fun. Talking of fun how about this for an idea, Snack Sharing on Steemit where @carrieallen suggests the idea if people from different parts of the world sent snacks to other to then review the unusual tastes - so who has chocolate crickets and worms for snacks 😋

I'm always fascinated with beautiful skies, and this bright blue sky taken by @hangin is incredible - such a wonderful beach as well you can just imagine spending a lovely, warm day there. On a more technical aspect this Steemit Home Page Redesign by @theuxyeti is quite inspired, I like the design and he also says people connect with pictures 7 times faster then written text - so I had better make sure I put a ton of pictures into this post!

But of course if I want an incredible picture I don't have to look far, as usual @huslein.slash makes incredible art and in this Majestic Eagle Painted in Coffee and Watercolours such a stunning picture I really don't know how he manages to keep on creating so many incredible pieces all the time.

Sometimes you can read through a post, a story and you can not quite work out if the writer is pitching a real situation or just developing a story. I was quite like this with My Life is Based on a True Story by @snowpea - I know what the title suggests but sometimes it hard to believe such things can happen. An incredible and heart wrenching tale in multiple parts, as it happens it's all based on true events which makes it all the more engaging. And once you clear one heart wrenching tale another comes along, this Story of becoming a mother is quite incredible by @arrliinn - I won't say any more then it is a compelling and emotional read - well worth taking the time if you have it free.

And now we reach the Charity section of my week, because it's important to acknowledge just a few of the many accounts giving up their earnings to help others and support communities. You can't go anywhere on Steemit without seeing the influence of @battleaxe who tirelessly supports charitable accounts with upvotes and gives away post rewards and her own earnings to support charities like @youarehope. In this Donation to you are hope I was again impressed to see just how much support she offers giving away post rewards to charitable causes. You have to admire this group photo shared by @kofpato of his team that help him do the amazing work he does within his community with the help of Steemit. And in this You can inspire post @aydayodeji shares a motivational message to spur us on to helping where we can. And charity and community support can come in all forms, in this post After the Euphoria we learn that @emjoe is getting some wonderful support from the Steemit community after his own selfless support in his physical community - just rewards for his hard efforts. And @fishyculture keeps doing a great job with Thankful Thursday sharing all the donations @youarehope have received during the week. Meanwhile the great @sircork has been continuing his world tour, in this poof go the blocks we learn he misplaced some of his Witness blocks - I've checked the backs of my sofas and they aren't there, feel free to hunt yourselves to try and help him find them!

And so ends my Vlog journey for this week, with all the flooding, snow and extra work I have had on it's not been as active as I would like on Steemit. My comments are down and I'm still desperately trying to get my recharge my VP back up - I keep having little moments where I go on a upvote spree and destroy it back down! I could do with being more ruthless to get it back to 100%, but it's so much of a struggle.
You can watch the full vlog video below (last week I managed to forget to include it - just the whole point of the vlog - what a dufus 🤪 I did add it in Sunday when I realised - doh!) and also supporting videos.
Who knows what I will discover in this upcoming week, one thing is for certain you can find some incredible content to enjoy on Steemit if you look hard enough. Remember my Steemit friends

If you enjoyed my post don’t forget to leave an Upvote, feel free to comment on what you liked or where I can do better even. Follow @c0ff33a for regular and varied posts, photography, my weekly VLOG, posts on coffee roasting and brewing - just follow and see.
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All photos are my own, taken with my iPhone. All my steemit posted pictures can be freely used by other Steemit users in their own blog posts - all I ask is that you follow me and credit @c0ff33a linking to my post you took it from. You can also follow me on Twitter
For Steemit to grow we need to post rich content - interesting and unique posts that encourage others to join in and share their experiences. If you feel your own posts are not doing well look at what your favourite content creators are doing - if you like their work they are doing something you could do as well - think of way to do similar things with your own unique twist.
The picture to the right kindly sketched by the wonderful @bridget.art , be sure to check her incredible art out https://steemit.com/@bridget.art
As Steemit grows making your content stand out gives it a greater chance to be seen and enjoyed, I try to work on making one post every few days - but making it as big and content rich as I can. I don't know if this is the right way, but I enjoy the most big content rich posts - and a wise man on Steemit once said to me - make your content like the content you enjoy.
!steemitworldmap 53.766547 lat -1.801500 long Bradford, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom. d3scr
Thank you sir really amazing post as usuall so rich , and thank you for encourages , I'm thinking to be photographer proffessionel I will shoot some photos from cities of morocco . Now I'm learning some steps for how to be good photographer I know that its not easy but I will try it ..
Thank you very much, Photography sounds awesome I am sure you will do very well and of course don't forget to share some of your pictures on Steemit!
Of course I will share photos , I still looking for a camera for beginner , because canon and Nikon expensive for beginner like me huh lol!
Love reading your Steemit weekly summary and discovering new names. It must have taken you a few good hours I imagine to create this amazing post. Thank you.
Thank you very much, I'm pleased you enjoyed it. Yes, it did take pretty much the whole of my Saturday again, although the longest part is re-reading the posts to remind myself what they were about! It was alot quicker when I just dropped the video link into the post and wrote "Here is my Vlog"
Excellent vlog my dear friend @c0ff33a! Sorry my comment is not that exciting today... I am heart broken, my fur-baby passed yesterday. :(
Oh no, I am so sorry to hear that. My condolences to you, such a sad time I wish you all the best stay strong this week.
So much snow, I even built a snow panda ☃️
You are a crazy panda!
Thank you for taking the time to read through my friend, I hope you were able to translate a little easier with the separate text link. It has been a trial of a week for this week, let's hope next week goes a little bit more smoothly!
nice vlog ! 👍... I like the snow ❄ 😂 it must be freezing out there .
Thank you very much, it was very cold but it's much warmer now the snow has gone away.
that's good ,, when summer there?
thank you for sharing friends, this post that I really like, make added knowledge, success for you @coff33a
Thank you very much, I am pleased you liked my work.
Thanks for sharing your week @c0ff33a. I got to check out some interesting people you mentioned.
Thank you, I'm pleased you found some posts to enjoy out of my week. And thank you for taking the time to look at my post and leave a comment.
Thanks @c0ff33a and I appreciate you taking time in highlighting some fellow alliance members. Real good stuff and I know that does take time and work. Also I checked out @shadowspub and what a great post.
Again,thanks :)
Thank you very much, I'm pleased you enjoyed my review of the week. So many great content creators out there on Steemit, finding them is the hard part so I like to share as much as I can :-)
Thank you for the mention, always a pleasure to read your recap of the week.
Thank you, I appreciate you taking the time to look through it - I enjoy sharing some of the amazing posts I have found during the week.