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RE: 6/21/17 Update on the queen of the VIXens (VIX)
you just been dropping one turd trade after another since you came here to steamshit....god awful calls never seen you flounder and fail so badly. What a train wreck.
Not quite 100% on the one closed SLV long and only 40% on the other trade. You "probly" missed it because my posts are getting flagged by Greg Mannarino's tribe. :-) The QQQ short to 140 I posted and closed yesterday generated at least 100%, I think it was more like 300% tho but I couldn't research the entry as that spew was also flagged. The FB short to 150 was also a winner. I'm happy with my results. Of course I'm sure you are unhappy with your results. :-) Still holding GDX long, VIX long, and initiated a new short in SLV today, again >>> flagged. :-) It'll be a winner though. You "might" even see GDX rally as SLV drops. but SLV is a short term trade to July 7, whilst GDX is a hold until July 21st. Wish me "luck." ??? Oh, I updated Tessie's progress on her 80 lb weight loss in 30 days under my "intense" supervision today too...from 385 lbs. Uh huh, you guessed it >>> Flagged! :-)
well if you are spewing and no one can see em what's the point? I did see your call for uvxy to drop to 8.55 today....absolutely destroyed on that turd call. still waiting to see that QQQ 135. 2 months now?