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RE: Solar Coach powered by VIVAcoin.

in #vivacoin8 years ago

I've been an advocate of solar energy for many years. Owning and operating an electrical contracting business for 10 years, my company has performed many solar power installations both on- and off-grid for individuals and businesses.

As progress is made in this field, the current issue with disposal of spent batteries and panels will be solved. The only true issue I see that faces the solar industry, which applies to any such alternative fuel (i.e., wind or hydro) is the problem of adoption. Changing from 120V AC to 12/16/18V DC is currently expensive because it is new and not a lot of DC refrigerators are available at Home Depot or Lowes - at least not many which are household size.

Even though DC is much more efficient than AC electricity, it is not widely adopted. Imagine households running DC power. < dream clouds rolling in, ethereal music playing> Electric bills are a thing of the past because every roof does triple duty: keeping weather out of the house, providing electricity, and heating household water. Imagine no more ugly and dangerous electric lines and poles marring the landscape; no more electric lines snapping in icy weather.

I could go on and on. Adoption is the key. The more solar energy is adopted, the more affordable it becomes. Prices have already come WAY down from when my company first began with solar.

I believe you have something going here @chrisaiki! Not only have you adopted solar energy, but you have adopted VIVA - a socially responsible economic system which, like solar energy, GIVES BACK to the user!

Way to go @chrisaiki! Upvoted, ReSteemed, and I'm following you! You certainly show to have the good of society and the planet in your heart!


I also run a photovoltaic car shelter company from 2008 to 2011. We had to spend a lot time to explain how solar energy is working and what is the interest. The I have been teaching for 6 years. Today, I am combining the two of then, teaching about solar energy. If you like the courses, then you buy them, you promote them and you sell them, following a two level marketing system I tried to keep as simple as possible. All the bills will be paid in VIVAcoin or Steem. At the end of the year, the Solar coach will have to invest 300 € (= 60 VIVAcoin ) into a local collective solar plant. Your comments are welcome.

I had no idea that you were so well versed in the electrical industry. I grew up in this industry also, Ironically I never took time to get a license after dedicating to electronics, but I do still wire and repair when I get a chance. I believe that the solar industry will take off soon due to the new tech in batteries. /salute

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