Health tips vitamin D


Researchers are finding a link between coronavirus (Covid-19) and vitamin D mortality.


It is a type of vitamin that is produced in the skin of the human body in the presence of sunlight.


-Sun is produced in the skin of human body in the presence of light rays.

  • Edible oils, dairy and dairy foods, various fish oils, egg yolks, butter, ghee, fats and hilsa fish oils are found in sufficient quantities.


  • Structure of bones and teeth.
  • Increases the absorption of calcium in the intestine.
  • Regulates the levels of calcium and phosphorus in the bloodstream.

Deficiency diseases



  • Lack of vitamin D and calcium softens baby's bones and stunts growth.

  • The bones of the legs bend like a bow and the other bones also bend under the pressure of the body.

  • Swelling of the joints of the hands and feet.

  • The bones of the chest or the pelvis are bent.


  • Feeding the baby vitamin D rich food.

  • Let the child play in the soft light of the sun for a while, especially in the morning and afternoon.

Austy and Malaysia

Rickets in the elderly is known as osteomalacia.


  • Interrupts the absorption of calcium in the intestines.
  • The storage of calcium and phosphorus decreases.
  • Changes in the function of the thyroid gland.
  • Weakness and stiffness of the bones are reduced, so the chances of a fractured bone are much higher.


Eating adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin "D" foods.

Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency is seen in many people. It is often seen that most people are not aware of it or do not even realize that it is lacking among them. So I hope many people will understand after reading this article. If any of the above symptoms appear in anyone, it is necessary to check the level of vitamin D immediately. Some of the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency-

Bone and muscle weakness:

Vitamin D is essential for teeth, bones and muscles, so a lack of it can weaken bones, muscles or teeth.


Studies have shown that women who are depressed and depressed have lower levels of vitamin D.

Severe pain:

There is chronic pain in the body due to insufficient vitamin D in the body.

Chronic gum disease:

People with vitamin D deficiency are more likely to have swollen gums, redness and bleeding.

Having high blood pressure:

In addition to bones, muscles and teeth, it is dependent on heart and vitamin D. So if blood pressure levels rise, it can be due to vitamin D deficiency.

Feeling tired and getting too much sleep:

If you have a lack of energy during the day or frequent fatigue, you should understand that the level of vitamin D in your body is low.

Sudden mood swings:

The hormone serotonin plays an important role in controlling our mood and the production of this hormone is influenced by vitamin D.

Decreased endurance:

Studies have shown that athletes who are deficient in vitamin D do not achieve satisfactory results and have lower levels of energy than other athletes.


Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin stored in the fat cells of the human body. So overweight or obese people need more vitamin D.

Intestinal complications:

People with low vitamin D levels are more likely to suffer from intestinal fat absorption, sensitivity to celiac and non-celiac gluten, and inflammatory bowel disease.


Excessive headaches are an early and common symptom of vitamin D.


Having enough vitamin D in the body significantly reduces the level of allergies. A study of about 6,000 people found that people with low levels of vitamin D were more likely to be allergic. A source of vitamin D.

Vitamins of sun rays:

Vitamin D is the vitamin of sun rays. Adequate amounts of vitamin D can be obtained from sunlight. A number of factors, including age, skin color, season, and time of day, as well as the use of sunscreen, determine how much sunlight we need. However, vitamin D is produced in the body only when the body is unprotected, that is, without sunscreen or in any other way. So if you have to take daily dose from sun ray vitamin then you have to stay in the sun for at least 10-15 minutes. If you want, you can stay longer than this (20-30 minutes a day). If you do not have skin problems, you must take care that the skin does not get sunburned.

: Vitamin D Deficiency:

Vitamin D symptoms are associated with a variety of diseases. Difficult to understand. We did everything. We measured the vitamin D25 hydroxy level. As it turns out, many have come down to 18/10 or more. Usually 20 to 50 is normal. When it goes below 20. Seems very tired. And for those who are older, menopausal age, their vitamin D is measured regularly. And not everyone is measured that way. If everything else is OK, if there is still a problem, then measure it.

Vitamin D is available in the sun at any time.

  • The sun is best from 10 am to 3 pm. The light of the sun that comes at this time is good. Not only in winter, but in all seasons, if we sit in the sun for a while, twice a week for five minutes to half an hour, we can benefit.

Does sunlight really contain vitamin D?

My idea is that many people still believe that sunlight is the source of vitamin D or that sunlight contains vitamin D. The source of this idea seems to be the general science book of primary. I don't know if this information has been corrected now,

However, I well remember that in one of the science books in our time, it was written, "Sunlight contains vitamin D."
The bad news for those who still know and believe this is that it is completely wrong information.

The correct information is that one of the many other elements in sunlight is the "ultraviolet ray" or ultraviolet light which has a wavelength of 270-300 nanometers. This ray converts the 6-D hydro cholesterol in our skin to Vitamin D3. This means that the main ingredient in vitamin D is ৭-D hydro cholesterol in our body, not in sunlight. Ultraviolet light from sunlight only acts as an influencer to convert ৭-D hydrocholesterol to vitamin D.

Now the question is how long should we stay in sunlight during the day / week to make vitamin D using sunlight and at what time does the light have more ultraviolet light?

You will be surprised to hear that only 5-30 minutes of sunlight is enough. In this way, you have to be in contact with sunlight twice a week.

People whose skin color is black should be at the end of this range.

However, there is no benefit if the sunscreen is in the light. The function of sunscreen is to protect your skin from ultraviolet light.

This means that sunscreen will not produce vitamin D on the skin.

The light that comes through the window glass does not have ultraviolet light because the glass absorbs almost all the ultraviolet light.

So, if you want to make vitamin D in your skin, you can get as much vitamin D as you need by keeping your face, hands and feet in the sun for a while without any cover or sunscreen.

However, in the early morning and late afternoon light, there is less ultraviolet light, so less vitamin D is produced at this time.

The best time is from late morning to noon. But beware, while ultraviolet light helps you make vitamin D, its extra exposure can make your skin cancer. So if you want to stay in the sun for a long time, it is better to cover your hands, feet or apply sunscreen.

Even in winter, sunlight has less ultraviolet light, so less vitamin D is produced in the body.

উৎস Whatever the source of vitamin D, this vitamin is very important and its deficiency creates very serious problems.
Vitamin D helps in calcium absorption. So when this vitamin is deficient, calcium is not absorbed, resulting in bone diseases such as rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. So vitamin D and calcium are marketed together as supplements. One of them is useless without the other.

Vitamin D is fat soluble. That is why fatty fish contains vitamin D. Vitamin D is found in salmon, mackerel, meat liver, fish oil, cheese, soy, orange juice, etc. Those who cannot take such food regularly need supplements. If we have 100 to 400 international limits every day, from children to 60 years of age, then that disease will not happen. That is the normal supplement. When you are deficient in vitamin D, you need to increase it. As seen many times, we give five thousand international units. Vitamin D deficiency causes the bones to become soft. So vitamin D is very necessary.

Vitamin D rich foods:

Foods rich in vitamin D are very rare. If vitamin D deficiency is found to be exacerbated and complicated, vitamin D should be taken in combination with a few foods.

Natural sources:

Egg yolk-shrimp-salmon-sardine-cod liver oil

Supplementary source:

Yogurt-milk-cheese-orange juice-mushroom-cereal etc. The best option for vegetarians is mushrooms. Mushrooms are rich in vitamin D2. Another important thing is that in order to increase the amount of vitamin D in the body, it is necessary to take adequate amount of vitamin K with food. Therefore, if any one of the above symptoms is seen, then the doctor should be consulted to check the level of vitamin D. And when the body needs to maintain the level of vitamin D, it is necessary to increase the amount of vitamin D through the sun, food or taking supplements. However, if you need to take a supplement, you must take care to take a good quality supplement. There are different types of supplements available in the market, not all of them are of good quality, so you have to look carefully and buy them.

অতিরিক্ত Excess Vitamin D in the body

The body's need for vitamins is met by adhering to natural eating habits. But if this vitamin is in excess in the body then the body is not healthy anymore. Vitamin D is essential for the body. Because lack of ‘D’ can cause rickets in the body. That's why many people add high amounts of vitamin D. Which is very bad for health.

Problems that occur when there is excess vitamin D in the body-

  1. Calcium levels will increase

Vitamin D is important for the absorption of calcium in your body. Excessive intake of vitamin D will also increase calcium levels. This can lead to frequent urination, nausea, digestive problems, and excessive thirst.

  1. Decreased bone density

High levels of vitamin D can lead to loss of bone density. Excess vitamin ‘D’ reduces the amount of vitamin K. Vitamin K carries calcium from the blood to the bones. So even if calcium enters the body, it stays in your blood until it is absorbed by the bones.

  1. Kidney problems

High vitamin D in the blood can also affect your kidneys. Excess calcium in the blood can cause kidney stones.

  1. Difficulty in digestion

80% of the body's immunity depends on the digestive system. Too much vitamin D can cause stomach cramps, nausea and other digestive problems. Sudden weight loss is also a symptom.

  1. Weak and tired muscles

High levels of vitamin D are associated with fatigue. This is because of the high levels of calcium in the blood instead of the bones. Muscles are not nourished due to lack of iron and protein.

  1. Constipation

Too much vitamin D causes difficulty in bowel movements. Abdominal pain may also occur.

  1. Reduce appetite

Excess vitamin D in the body reduces the appetite. This causes dehydration and lack of nutrition in the body.

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