Vitamin B17 The Greatest Cover Up In The History Of Cancer Exposed

vitamin b17 the greatest cover-up in the
history of cancer vitamin b17 did you
know that many experts and researchers
around the world claim that vitamin b17
has powerful anti-cancer properties yes
and this vitamin is usually found in
nuts berries leafy greens sprouts tubers
and in abundance in the pits of fruits
like apricot peach and cherry you've
never heard of vitamin b17 well there
are two main reasons for that first it's
illegal to sell as a supplement in North
America a Macmillan is the active
compound of vitamin b17 and the second
reason it's synthetic manufactured form
is called laetrile note laetrile was
used as an alternate cancer treatment
until 1980 when it was banned by the
Food and Drug Administration FDA this
compound contains cyanide which is a
known poison that's why the FDA made it
illegal to sell as a dietary supplement
the cyanide content of a Macmillan is in
the form of a cyanogenic glucose I'd of
the Nitro Lizette family of
water-soluble sugar compounds found in
plants the experts studied the substance
and found that it inhibits cancer cell
growth and causes cell apoptosis death
in kidney breast and prostate cancer
cells cancer cells contain an enzyme
called glucose 'days at 3,000 times the
level in a healthy cell when this enzyme
comes into contact with a nitro azide a
chemical reaction breaks down the Nitro
lose it into hydrogen cyanide and
benzaldehyde the cyanide kills the cell
a healthy cell doesn't contain enough
glucoside ice to release the cyanide so
this means that this compound is only
toxic only to have normal cells leaving
the healthy ones intact the real truth
is that we all eat foods that contain
amygdalin all the time so apparently
small amounts of cyanide aren't harmful
or you drop dead after eating a handful
of blueberry
you should also know that bitter almonds
are rich in amygdalin apricot seeds have
the highest content of b-17 apricot
seeds are sold and safely eaten in other
countries for their health benefits not
the least of which as a protectant from
cancer it's easy enough to buy a bunch
of apricots break open the pits and eat
the seeds note according to the experts
too much of this nutrient can tax the
liver but take this for example
you would have to eat 50 seeds a day
every day for it to have any negative
effect and the recommended daily dose is
5 to 7 seeds for prevention you should
consume 1 to 2 seats every hour but no
more than 35 per day
all pharmaceutical companies have hid
far from us the fruit that treats cancer
everyone should know about this fruit
many people and experts around the world
claim that this fruit is the most
powerful natural cancer killer in the
world yes you got that right and you
should also know that the experts have
discovered that this fruit is ten
thousand times more powerful than the
conventional chemotherapy treatment but
as we mentioned before the
pharmaceutical companies don't want you
to know about this super healthy fruit
why well that's easy to answer because
the largest drug manufacturers can no
longer sell their terrible products just
take a look at the video and find out
more about this super healthy fruit as
we mentioned before many experts around
the world think that this is the
strongest anti carcinogen on this planet
and now here comes the million dollar
question what's the name of this fruit
we can answer that question for you
the name of this miraculous fruit is
Kwan Ivana or fruit of the tree soursop
it is a magical product that kills
cancer cells and now here comes another
question how come we don't know about
this fruit why because there are
organizations interested in
manufacturing synthetic versions
allowing them to make lots of money now
you can help others by telling them that
have to drink the juice of guanabana in
order to prevent disease it is pleasant
to taste and its use does not lead to
dire consequences of chemotherapy
you could also plant this tree in the
yard and the best thing about it is that
all its parts are useful what's
guanabana well guanabana is a low
growing tree and does not take up much
space it is known as soursop in brazil
guanabana in Latin America and soursop
in English it's fruits are large sweet
are consumed raw used for the
manufacture of beverages pastries etc
the interest in this plant is associated
with its strong anti-cancer effects it
has many other qualities but the most
interesting thing is its effect on
tumors this plant has proven curative
effect on cancer of all types and you
should also know that some people say it
is useful in
all forms of cancer note you should also
know that the plant is a broad-spectrum
antibiotic and that is has powerful
antifungal and antiviral cynic
properties which can help you regulate
the blood pressure levels acting as an
antidepressant helps in stress and
nervous disorders the source of this
information is one of the largest
producers of drugs since 1970 has more
than 20 laboratory tests which revealed
that the extract destroys the malignant
cells of 12 types of cancer including
colon breast prostate lung and pancreas
and to be honest with you I really think
that you will be amazed when we tell you
that the compounds of this tree inhibit
the growth of cancer cells 10,000 times
more efficient than adriamycin known a
chemo therapeutic agent and what is more
surprising treatment with extract of
soursop destroys only the cancer cells
and does not affect healthy cells we
really hope you find this video helpful
and don't forget to share it with your
friends and family thank you and have a
nice day

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