Cancer the forbidden cures - documentary in which alternative cancer treatments are discussed, such as vitamin b17 treatment and apricot kernels.
So today I was watching some youtube videos and stumbled upon one particular video of Richard Hall. In that video they discussed about many topics and one of them was about documentary about forbidden cancer cures (movie about b17, apricot kernels, G. Edward Griffin, laetrile, amygdalin).
Richard D. Hall says :
So there was another very good program on showcase at that time paradigm paradigm shift TV and they put out a lot of good shows… And they have aired a program called “Cancer the forbidden cures”, go online and watch it! It’s a brilliant film. They aired that program and they then got complaint from “Ofcom” so it’s my suspicion that pharmaceutical industry lent on “Ofcom” somehow in order to get that inquiry launched and they were threatened the channel was threatened with a 30.000 GBP fine for daring to air a program about alternative cancer cures. So after that point in time I don’t think the fine was ever imposed but the channel was extremely wary after that point.
vitamin b17
There are some things that needs to be told about apricot kernels which contain b17 substance also called laetrile or amygdalin – all of you need to spread this information to friends and loved ones. So I added this documentary in my website, please watch it and share it with your friends:
Film made by Donald K. Ranvaud and Buenaonda Films
To watch or download the film please visit :