How To Get A Visa Lottery And Residency Permit Without Money From This Countries- USA,Canada, Australian And China
Getting the right information about VISA lottery is a major issue for many people around the globe, as getting the right information is very difficult. Therefore, this post is about how to apply for VISA Lottery 2017/2018 in Canada, Australia and the United states. People seek VISA lottery to these country for various reasons such as to live and work there, to study there and so on.
Also note that there are different kinds of VISA you can apply for apart from VISA Lottery 2017/2018. The type you apply depends on the country and reason you are applying for a particular country. So we be just focusing on How to apply for VISA Lottery 2017/2018 with respect to few countries offering such services.
Different Types of VISA issued by most countries are
Tourist VISA
Visitor VISA
Pilgrimage VISA
Diplomat VISA
Transit VISA
Farm worker VISA
Study VISA
Skilled worker VISA
Business VISA
How to Apply for American VISA Lottery 2017/2018
American VISA Lottery application is the best among them and is done every year and only eligible people are qualified to apply. This means that if your country is not eligible to apply for American VISA Lottery 2017/2018, you cannot apply
To apply for American VISA Lottery, i recommended you to first contact the American Embassy in Country
to verify if there is VISA Lottery application for your country or simply head over to the official DV-Lottery
website for all the necessary information that you may need. The American VISA is known as Green card is
usually being offered the US Department of States to qualifying applicants.
How to Apply for Australian VISA Lottery 2017/2018
If you will like to explore more and travel, Australia is another choice either to work or study, the Country
has an official website for intending immigrants and people willing to travel to the country. Visit this
website for all the issues concerning Australian VISA Lottery.
How to Apply for Canadian VISA Lottery 2017/2018
Another great country for VISA applications is Canada and they provide different VISA applications to
people and immigrants moving into Canada across the globe. Canada also offers work permit VISA,
designed for those seeking to live and work in Canada and there is Study VISA for those intending to study
in Canada. You can check here on the best way to apply for USA,Canada, Australian VISA Lottery 2017/2018.