The Magical Virus Theory

in #virus2 years ago


Obviously they faked the whole COVID pandemic. It was obviously just the seasonal flu, and they wanted to re-brand their old failed flu vaccine into something new and exciting. The new and exciting part is the change from vaccines (containing virions) to mRNA injection therapy. Vaccines are "grown" in eggs, which means that the egg is injected with virions that stimulate the living cells to expel similar virions. The new mRNA injection therapy is a tacit rejection of virus pseudoscience, replacing the old concoction of egg-generated virions (containing RNA) with a supposedly cleaner solution of pure RNA (plus fillers).

So you might say it is an improvement. They are no longer mystified by the magical "growing" virus. They realize now that a virion is just RNA in a capsid. The capsid is a useless protein shell, a product of nature, and nothing more than a hindrance to spreading their RNA message. They know how to manufacture their own RNA formulas now, and no longer need eggs. The new mRNA "vaccines" are attempts to inject pure RNA. They no longer pretend that a virus is a little animal that attacks us. They are publicly acknowledging that a virion is a little trash bag containing RNA, the RNA being the only active ingredient.

Viruses cannot carry out metabolic processes on their own. They do not have the machinery to generate energy, synthesize proteins, or carry out other biochemical reactions. Viruses do not have cells or cellular structure. They are simply a package of genetic material (DNA or RNA) wrapped in a protein coat (they call this a "virion"). Viruses cannot reproduce. Viruses do not respond to stimuli or have the ability to maintain homeostasis. They do not have regulatory mechanisms to respond to changes in their environment or maintain a stable internal environment. Viruses cannot grow or develop. Viruses lack the ability to carry out key life processes and therefore are not considered to be living entities themselves.

So, a virus is not living, so it can't be killed. So much for "live virus vaccines" and "killed virus vaccines" (they are switching to "activated" and "inactivated" now). The basic concept of testing for a virus, whether using PCR or molecular assay, is to treat the sample as a pool of chemicals. Labs test for the presence of certain proteins and if they are there, we are declared 'virus-positive'. So each particular combination of proteins is a potential virus or variant, depending on how unique it is. If people show signs of sickness and a new protein pattern is detected, then science will claim a new virus. If it overlaps with a protein combination that has been labeled a known virus, then it becomes a subtype or variant. Ultimately the test has little relation to health because if you are healthy and test positive, then you are declared "immune" (infected and healthy). The virus theory is never questioned or seriously investigated.

When a virus is contagious, the implication is that a sick person is sweating or otherwise expelling virions. A virion is DNA or RNA held within a durable shell. A virion is not alive, so it can't attack anything. Virus researchers treat virions as something like enzymes that have an automatic deleterious effect on human tissue, almost like a chemical reaction. A virion is not alive, so any reaction will have to be autonomic. Obviously the "infected" body is expelling these virions because they are toxic to the body, just as it might build a tumor around something toxic and expel it, or how the skin purges itself of excess oils by forcing them out through boils and pimples. So a diseased body expels virions as though they were little trash bags.

So what happens when a healthy human body is exposed to these little trash bags? Again, a virion is DNA or RNA held within a durable shell. DNA and RNA is how the body stores data. Mothers know that flus and colds are transmitted from kid to kid to parent like a wildfire, and that the "same toxic environment" story does nothing to explain it. However, virions may be more than just trash bags. They may also be signals to neighboring bodies. Lifeless biochemical signals spread through touch and respiration to nearby organisms, and they in turn either react to these biochemical messages or they don't. It seems to me that a virion is a biochemical message capsule. If one body wanted to notify others in the vicinity of a threat, there's no better way to transmit this information. The threat is encoded within the virions, which are shed by an infected person. Virions are absorbed into neighboring immune systems and they also kick into high gear to fight the potential threat, expelling their own mucus, etc.

Pheromones are another way bodies communicate biochemically. Virions simply take pheromones to the next level. Instead of trusting the immune system to react properly to a dumb chemical, a virion contains far more data, perhaps even a sample of the offending agent. But the mechanism is similar. Bodies continuously communicate to each other biochemically. What we think of as a "virus" is in actuality a warning. If a nearby immune system interprets the virion data to indicate a threat, it will immediately start to generate loads of mucus, perhaps fever, tears, maybe vomiting. The body has interpreted the warning and is taking steps to expel whatever toxin may be indicated by the DNA/RNA data contained within the virion.

So what happens when millions of virions are injected into the body? Virions and various fillers from the vaccine are absorbed into organs (like the kidneys, liver or brain) where they are continuously attacked by the immune system. The immune system is getting a permanent warning signal now. It may spend many years trying to wash it all out, sometimes resorting to forming tumors within the affected areas. The immune system has recorded the details of the "attack" and is permanently sensitized to the vaccine fillers. The only way to suppress this reaction is with anti-allergens like Benedryl or immunosuppressants like Prednisone. Vaccines are "grown" in eggs, which means that the egg is injected with virions that stimulate the living cells to expel similar virions. The new injected mRNA therapy is a tacit rejection of virus pseudoscience, replacing the old concoction of egg-generated virions (containing RNA) with a supposedly cleaner solution of pure RNA (plus fillers).

"Mass Psychogenic Illness" is the term they use to describe the situation where a group of people get sick at the same time. They start with the assumption that they know everyone's health condition and the assumption that the entire environment, from air quality to mold, is pristine. Furthermore, "Mass Psychogenic Illness" is limited to just a few symptoms, not to mention that the whole thing is put down to a form of temporary insanity. However, we know that just looking at someone who is nauseous will often make someone else nauseous.

A new study shows that looking at a photo of a sick person will elevate their blood serum level of interleukin-6 (IL-6), which is secreted by white blood cells as a response to stress or trauma. "It makes evolutionary sense that the immune system would respond aggressively only when it’s really needed," says Mark Schaller, a psychologist and co-author of the study. "If I see a bunch of sick people, maybe a big infection is around, and I better kick my immune system into high gear." And seeing an image of someone is much less stressful than sitting down next to him. When you are in the presence of a sick person, you are being exposed to stress pheromones and other smells that naturally drive us away and stimulate defensive reaction from our immune systems.

Is this "Mass Psychogenic Illness"? Of course not. This is how all animals interact with their environment. They look and they listen. They sniff. They sense electromagnetic fields. They are searching for threats. It's difficult to quantize these things so researchers just ignore them. Social contagions are acknowledged, such as emotional contagion, do you think these contagious feelings might influence their immune systems? Sick people immediately generate loads of mucus, sweat, tears, or vomit. We call the body's reaction to a threat "illness", because it's uncomfortable, but we may not actually be infected with anything. The current state of science is such that they would never be able to tell you. To diagnose you, they rely on questionnaires where you circle your symptoms.

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