The Great Virgin Mother Goddess. In Egypt she was called Amunet as consort of Supreme God Amun, aka Neith, who are part of the eternal primordial Ogdoad.
The Elohim is plural masculin form Hebrew word more accurately translated as the Luminaries aka the seven planets, wondering stars, that are visible with the naked eye, who become the God of Moses and Babylonian gods. The actual Father of the Beginnings and Virgin Mother Goddess were removed and hidden from the original scriptures leaving behind only hints for the savvy readers.
This was accomplished by removing the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet Aleph from the opening sentence of the Bible, thus instead of "Father of the Beginnings has Created the Elohim, Heavens, and the Earth," Aba Rashit Bara Elohim, et Hashmaim, v'et Haaretz, the Babylonian Bible now reads, "In the beginning Created God (Elohim) Heavens and the Earth," Barashit Bara Elohim et Hashmaim v'et Haaretz.
Starting therefore with the second letter Bet, meaning house, the House of the Lord God and Elohim not the God and Goddess of Creation, since where is the Father, God of Truth, there is sure also Mother, Mary means beloved in ancient Egyptian, Beloved Virgin Mother Goddess, the Goddess of Peace, with Ruah, the Holy Spirit, as their love for one another, their beloved child, androgynous in nature as it is the apex of Christ Consciousness.
Interesting is that the word for truth in Hebrew is amet, the first, middle, and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet, hence it would have made perfect sense for the ancient priests to write the holy scriptures, as the sacred truth and word of God, starting it with the first letter of the alphabet and title of God as the Father of the Beginnings, and not some banal opening as is currently "In the Beginning Created Elohim" translated as God nonsense broken Hebrew, and English for that matter.
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