The 19-year-old model, which makes virginity auctioned, accepted the Arab Businessman's offer of 2.5 million Euros!
Giselle, 19, who modeled in America, decided to sell her virginity on Cinderella Escorts.
German-based agency Giselle says the highest offer comes from a Abu Dabei business man. The record is worth 2 and a half million euros! A close sum of 3 million dollars ... 💰
The 19-year-old Giselle who modeled in the US is getting ready to sell his virginity through Cinderella Escorts.
German-based agency Giselle De says the highest offer comes from a Abu Dabili business man. The record is worth 2 and a half million euros! A close sum of 3 million dollars ...
He also did not expect that the auctions would rise to such a high level. The model, which says that by doing this, is shocked when it realizes how disgusted the women selling virginity are.
He also did not expect that the auctions would rise to such a high level. The model, which says that by doing this, is shocked when it realizes how disgusted the women selling virginity are.
The girl has not heard from the world that ...
Giselle, who chose this first sexual relationship to live like this, says she will spend the money she earns on education, she will buy a new house with this money and travel the world.
"Women can do what they want to do with their bodies, and they have the courage to live their sexual freedom against the criticism that turns into hate speech."
"Women can do what they want to do with their bodies, and they have the courage to live their sexual freedom against the criticism that turns into hate speech."
"If I want to live with someone who is not my first love, my first love, it is my blush."
"If I want to live with someone who is not my first love, my first love, it is my blush."
"If I want to live with someone who is not my first love, my first love, it is my blush."
The lady expresses this as a freedom, nothing more than a respect for her opinion ...
The 19-year-old model did not neglect to ask a question: "How many people would like to go back and delete the first one if they knew that they would earn 2.5 million euros?"
We are here to explain why Giselle is more than satisfied with the darkness he is giving us, how and why. Satan and the area are satisfied. 🤗
Cinderella Escorts says that business people from all over the world are participating in these auctions and that virgin women are very popular.
Cinderella Escorts says that business people from all over the world are participating in these auctions and that virgin women are very popular.
With this agency, Giselle Abu Dabili, who reached record-breaking offers and dreams, accepted the 2.5 million euro offer from the business man and will meet him at a hotel in Germany. 🏆
Cinderella Escorts