Creating Awareness About Domestic Violence And Helping Our Children See Life Differently By Shunning Domestic Abuse At Every Level; We Are Their Voice Lets Make The World A Better Place.

in #violence7 years ago


My last post on family protection project I mentioned that our children deserve more than to be handed the CPS (child protective services) which was gotten from @markwhittam's post on the family project he made mention of what CPS is which I extracted and talked about too.

Today I am going to be talking about another different topic entirely that has become a big threat to most families and somehow the victims involves lack various protection as how to fight back or stop this. However this is seen to occur in various families and one of the various things that can possibly live our children to the mercy of the CPS.

At the end of this piece we are there called to be alert and help families that are in dare need of our help and also the children involved as this could reduce family ties and shatter the love that is supposed to bond them together.

Domestic violence (also named domestic abuse, battering, or family violence) is a pattern of behavior which involves violence or other abuse by one person against another in a domestic setting, such as in marriage or cohabitation. It may be termed intimate partner violence when committed by a spouse or partner in an intimate relationship against the other spouse or partner, and can take place in heterosexual or same-sex relationships, or between former spouses or partners. Domestic violence may also involve violence against children or the elderly. It takes a number of forms, including physical, verbal, emotional, economic, religious, reproductive, and sexual abuse, which can range from subtle, coercive forms to marital rape and to violent physical abuse such as choking, beating, female genital mutilation and acid throwing that results in disfigurement or death. Domestic murders include stoning, bride burning, honor killings, and dowry deaths.

Having known what domestic violence is at all levels it is also important that we understand domestic abuse as well. It is a pity that when people think of domestic abuse, they often focus on domestic violence. But domestic abuse occurs whenever one person in an intimate relationship or marriage tries to dominate and control the other person. Therefore, domestic violence and abuse go hand in hand and the sole gain of the abuser is to get the victim under his control using fear, guilt, shame and intimidation to get you down at their mercy.

Domestic violence is everywhere and anyone can be a victim, be it women, men and children especially verbally and emotionally. Punchline is; domestic violence or abuse is non -acceptable, it is bad and mean thing to do because every person deserves peace, love, value and respect.

Its one thing to know you are violated, its another to know how it starts

Domestic violence does not just start over night, it has some little spices that seasons it up to a full blown violation. It often escalates from threat, abuse, name callings and eventually violence.

It happens that injuries are the physical signs we see but the psychological trauma and emotional stress which it comes with is unbearable and severe. Emotionally abusive relationships can lead one to so many dangerous things and reduces such person's worth, esteem thereby leading to depression, anxiety and suicide on the long run making you feel helpless and alone. Hence, once this is able top be recognized in a relationship or family you can always get the help you need.

The issue on domestic abuse is so broad and in one way or the other affect people and families, some are confused and do not know how to get help but I will let everyone to go through This and know if there is anyone you know who is in the same predicament and quickly help this person if you can please.

How does this affect children and families

In recent times there have been various reports on the issue of domestic violence and children are mostly at the receiving end. At the end of the day families splits, marriages break and couples divorce living the children helpless and to the mercy of emotional and psychological instability.

This on its on gives the children certain sense of judgement on negative and evil things even when they are not up to that stage of their lives. There is always a notion in the children's mind that the world is full of evil and nothing good can come out it... this is the craziest thought any child can have and it is so not fair for our world.

Socially that child has lost everything because every fun part of his life is taken and replaced by misery, unhappiness and sorrow over some family problem as domestic violence. That child has been cut short Physically, mentally, psychologically and emotionally. This can also lure young children to loss of interest in school, loss of appetite, bullying and being being bullied, anger and the likes.

1 in 15 children are exposed to intimate partner violence each year, and 90% of these children are eyewitnesses to this violence

What happens to this children when they are finally separated from their parents because of domestic violence

Like I earlier mentioned about @markwhittam post on family protection project, it brings us back here to really access what we are putting our children into by exposing them to the custody of the CPS (child protective services) through domestic violence and abuse.

Once it happens that a child has been neglected or experienced any form of abuse or what so ever, this child is therefore taken or separated either permanently thereby depriving the parents of any right towards the child or temporally as the case maybe and this child will remain under the government as their property. Foster homes becomes the next alternative
option and like that a child becomes a government property... what a pity!

Domestic violence must stop!

I hereby stand to oppose domestic violence and all its cohorts. It is the most awful and meanest thing to make a fellow human feel. Everyone deserves the right to happiness and peace especially the children. So many children are suffering in the hands of strangers because their families have been separated through the evil thing called domestic violence.

Its time we get families to seek help from the necessary authorities, nothing should be hidden as this remains a very serious issue to tackle until every home and persons recognizes it and make efforts to stop the act.
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Let us say no to the evil of domestic violence, through this we are saving the children and the families. There are no better ways to do this but by creating awareness and helping the victims involved. Advising them and educating them to speak up when ever the needs arises.
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Let us save our children. Lets save the family. Lets save the world.


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It is a sad fact that domestic abuse and violence are too common in families, I am convinced it's because of the way we live, too many bills, not enough money, food prices rising, the stress of just surviving is too much for most families in this day and age.

I believe we have to drastically change our way before we can get back to peace love and harmony, I believe this can be achieved in communities, when we have the love and support of a community the threat of violence is reduced.

A man or women is much less likely to be violent to someone if they know a whole community is protecting one another.

This problem runs deeper than we think, one of my earliest memories was of my Dad beating my Mum whilst me and my brother were hiding under the table, so I am all too aware of this problem.

Thank you @gloglo for sharing this post with us.


Thank you @markwhittam for sharing with us your own experience, am glad you were here to tell it. Like you said we all need communities to look into this issue, by that we can protect each other.

Do we have foster homes in Nigeria? Wife or husband beaters are the people I can't tolerate, under any circumstances, walk the f$€k away if pissed!

We have welfare that take care of the children's case and decides what happens to the child too. But there is nothing like a family filled with love and happiness.

I agree with you, nothing beats a home a child is born into.

We have welfares in Nigeria where the court or government decides what to do with the child. They take care of the child's welfare but there is nothing like a home and family filled with love for a child. I really hope domestic violence stops soon. Thank you for you for voicing out your opinion.

I agree with you. We could only do as much as raise the awareness. Thanks

Yes that's the list anyone can do. One does not have to be an authority to do that. Thanks the pleasure is all mine.

I noticed your passion for the female gender, advocate for the less privileged and downtrodden in the society. That's a laudable objectives and work you are doing. Keep up the good job.

Is more important for us to be careful of what we say to each other in the home... Mostly the couples, your tongue can destroy your union

You are so right on that. Thank you.

its so bad and terrible. So common too but i believe in seperating from such guys instead of putting ones life in danger

I stand with you on this one, it has to stop, it also affects the child psychologically and a case where the child will start bullying his or her mates and when they grow up, they beat their partners up. Children always look up to us. I just hope this menace stops. People have died through this. Thanks for sharing sis.

I appreciate you view sis. Thank you for alerting us. It must stop is our watch word.

Violence has made a lot of peoples' life miserable especially women and children....we all need need to speak against ....Thanks @gloglo for this great awareness....upvoted

Thank you very much for you nice comments. We are positive that through awareness that a good number of children most especially will be helped.

Its really tearing homes apart...we need to stand and fight for everyones happiness...everyone deserve to be happy..thanks for the awareness @gloglo

Thank you very much for agreeing to this fact, we hope to help everyone get back the happiness they lost. Thank you for this my friend.

Everyone deserves the right to happiness and peace especially the children

I really agree with you on this
There is much love in this world for all to share, we just lack understanding thats it, by now marital violence was supposed to be a myth or fairy tale but its so bad that its still existing.

Thanks for creating the awareness @gloglo

Thank you my friend. It still bleed my heart that so many people are suffering in their homes. Thank you for dropping by.

Very good post thaks @gloglo

All hands need to be on deck.
Domestic violence is very prevalent in Africa, we must all rise to say NO to it...

Am with u on this. @gloglo

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