Village Head Persecuted Residents
Ibn Jakfar Bin M Yusuf (48) Keuchik Gampong Cot Nuran Keumala, Pidie suffered heavy bleeding in his head due to dianiya ZK (48), Monday.
The incident started when the perpetrator exchange ideas with the victim related to personal problems in his family. Do not accept the victim's answer, the perpetrator is angry to rampage at the same time repeatedly hitting the victim's face until he fell on the ground. Then the offender leaves the victim.
As a result of the persecution, the victim's face was swollen and bruised on the upper forehead, a torn wound in his left eyebrows to bleed and a swollen wound on the bottom of the left eyelid to the victim's left forehead.
The case has been handled by Polsek Keumala Police Report Number: LP / 08 / IX / 2017 / Aceh / SPKT, dated September 25, 2017 related to the criminal act of maltreatment.
While for victims and perpetrators have been questioned in Mapolsek Keumala for further investigation.