Curious to know spiritualism
Curious to know spiritualism
Today, in the spiritual field, it is often seen that if any seeker, saint or mahatma becomes a small achievement, then he is considered to be the greatest achievement of the world of spirituality and to get involved in propagating it with his name. looks like. Spirituality is not so easy as some people understand. We think a little bit about how much time is given to get knowledge of different subjects of this world and then what is our achievement? For the study of a botanical science, we have to work hard for years and then we learn a little bit in the science of grass culture in typical terms. It is not easy to get complete knowledge even if we need research to go into this small subject. But what kind of irony is that the God who is the regulator of the whole creation, whose power is being governed by all the powers, which is omnipotent, who is omniscient, who is the headman, we have no time to know that divine and if a little Even if there is a time, at the beginning stage, we put a full stop. In order to enter the science of spirituality, some general correspondence should also be made and the preliminary puja lessons were also made. In this, bathing, burning incense, chanting mantras, offering flowers, bathing, praying and then proceeding to meditation and meditation. Virtually there is little contribution of these worship methods in order to enter meditation and create the initial eligibility. But when the spiritual practice starts in the knowledge and light of the Sadhguru, then the usefulness of these early rituals is reduced automatically. It is a paradox that many people are entangled in these early worship-ritual methods and rituals till their lives and they can not enter the internal practice. When someone goes a little further on the inner path of worship, they become enchanted only on a certain achievement and they put a full stop on the same. Only some people are continuously moving on this path of sadhana and give their travels the same break, where knowledge is complete. In fact, such a cosmopolitan master is called master lord Sadhguru. Sadhguru Sadaphdefdev Ji Maharaj is called Pradya Sadguru Kya? An attempt will be made to send the answer tomorrow. One word in the Vihangaimyog theory is considered worthy. Therefore, we must all contemplate all the siblings, only then we will know the master fully. It should not be such that 'the home is not familiar', that is, it is in the heart but not able to know. Now I stop this pause from my mind.