Meme the News- epic times we live in

in #vietmeme7 years ago

I'm a little addicted to alternative news right now. I have some thoughts that major things will be happening over the coming weeks and months. Nothing to do but wait and see, but I'm looking forward to what I think is coming.

your neighbors are good people

We can do better

Disclosure or propaganda through Netflix?

Vaccines aren't safe

THey've been hiding it for decades


Kids today

A nice summary fo things to consider

AI patents

More disclosure. This is essential


Happy Easter

Tony Blair?

The salute looked weird

Dont' trust it.

MSM is full of shit for those that have bothered to look

What did the FBI know?

BTC= 1 lambo

Why building something different is worth it

It's coming...

Gaza protests this past week

Snopes fact checker...

See anything on this list?

Sometimes they seem to act in similar ways

Rice on teh board, Obama show, Soros funding...

Hogg timeline...

More Parkland creepy connections


They are trying to pass gun control in VT, please help me contact the governor and someone has been downvoting all my articles about gun control with $1+ downvotes, what do you think about that?

You have the right to alternative news It's a wonderful news and evolution of our culture
Better choose news about
Happy Easter Holiday

Tony Blair?

Greetings looked strange

Do not trust him.

If you look closely at the news, you will see it is mostly advertisements for agendas...

All the memes you have created? Then you have a very bright and versatile sense of humor. Bravo! I like your optimistic attitude for the year 2020)))

I appreciate your conspiracy news

Very interesting friends,
Steemit steady

The one about turning off your TV to just go out and talk to others is spot on.
Care for each other and nurture good feelings. Embrace the power of words that you got.

Some YouTube news channels I trust are Greg Hunter, Democracy Now!, and Russia Today (RT). The major TV news networks like CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and CBS are conduits for government propaganda. If you want to hear the truth, don't watch national and international news on these channels (local news is okay for the most part). In particular, don't trust some of these guest contributors like former CIA Director John Brennan, former Assistant CIA Director Mike Morrell, and former NSA Director Mike Hayden, among others. They are lying psychopathic scumbags and are playing the public like a cheap fiddle.

This is very Interesting.

haha...its a nice post ...

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