Meme the News 5/14/18

in #vietmeme7 years ago

You want news? I got news. Lots of news. Shit's going down in Gaza. Lots to talk about. Ok. But first just be careful because these salty ass Memes can cause cognitive dissonance, cankle disformation, and tibetan discharge.


Don't mock the cops...


Gonna need some bigger pallets

Fuck the TSA. Those anti-american assholes

Palenstianian terrorists.. Made me cringe

Cash payments to good use..

I see pedos everywhere


Molon Labe... oh wait, this is CA...

Not sure I like mandatory insurance, but it does seem to prove a point

Liberals are animals


Cause she called the cops on a black guy in a park bbqing

oh Iran...

Fighting Chicago...


This is gonna get salty

I can get behind this


Say no

Well, the internet was fun while it lasted

I'm a vaccine conspiracy theorist because I read articles that aren't paid for by big pharma


he probably didn't share those imagges...

that's very intersting...


Democrat priv.

Go on..........


Women in power...

And here we have a dead Gazan...

It's all bullshit people

Liberal logic 101

Step 1. Pickup the pittbull. Step 2. Kill it and the family... Anyone else see anything worng with this?

it's probably nothing...

It's called life now... and it sucks

that's the plan


I think so

Obama needs to be in jail

It's a trap

Just some normal clouds

side by side

US has been attacked by israel

police have attacked americans

college is a scam

Life is still depressing

war isn't cool m'khay

Seriously cops bombed an american city

Muy interestante

Even CNN gets it...


Ah, but some lives are FAR more valuable than others.

(I've always said the real racists wear 3-piece suits, and live inside the beltway.)

'The world's core Jewish population was estimated at 14,511,000 in April 2018, up from 14.41 million in 2016. Demographer Sergio DellaPergola proposes an "extended" Jewish population, including people identifying as partly Jewish and non-Jews with Jewish parents, numbering 17.3 million globally, and an "enlarged" Jewish population figure that also includes non-Jewish members of Jewish households totaling 20.2 million. Additionally, the total number of people who hold or are eligible for Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return — defined as anyone with at least one Jewish grandparent, and who does not profess any other religion — is estimated at around 23 million, of which 6.6 million were living in Israel as of 2015. Figures for these expanded categories are less precise than for the core Jewish population.' -Wikipedia

Even grasping at straws for more Jews, they are still only .3% of the world's population. Why are they so important? I think that protecting Israel has more to do with protecting the Christian holy site than the Jewish one.

It is a nation living in its historical lands. it was decided from the Great Powers at the time the creation of that state. Now as a state that have to right to guard their territory.

protecting the Christian holy sites is not the matter. One time or another everybody protected them, Christians did, Muslim did. If there is any who could destroy them, are not the above mentioned.

Israel was created after World War II. The Muslims never, in all their history, protected Jews. The Muslims only care about their own religion and converting other people to it.

well not exactly the truth. During Medieval times, Muslim rules were the only treating Jews with some degree of respect and let them be.

In Europe, hm, something else completely. During the reconquering of Spain, they were sunk together with Muslims if they did not get baptized.

today I think this hate is more politically. And there was an Israel till the destruction of the Jewish state from Romans in late first century, about 30 35 years after Crucifixion

"Although they were severely discriminated against and regulated in worship, movement, ownership of property, repairing of buildings etc., the early Arab period tolerated the presence of Christian and Jewish communities in the city with the Jewish population given the most freedom and benefices. However, the communities, especially the Christians were in essence second class citizens, forbidden to proselytize, worship outside of specific locations, limited in areas where they could travel, forced to bow before Muslim Mosques and Imams, charged to wear specific clothing, ordered to make way on the streets to Muslims, and limited in the number of pilgrims allowed to visit Holy sites. The Emperor Charlemagne started the precedent of Western European influence in the region under various treaties with the Caliphs establishing Frankish protection for pilgrims." -Wikipedia, "History of Jerusalem during the Middle Ages"

Ordering someone to accept second-class status is not "letting them be".

didn't western civilization do the same up to 20th century? I think these people (Israelis) have had enough, and are going to let anyone boss them around. and as you're quoting above, Christians were mostly considered second class.

I'm totally touched by your words

Ok these are pretty great, resteemed!

Thanks for this

good shit bro

Here's what looks like an Airbus 380 commercial jetliner with wingtip nozzles spraying climate engineering particulates. Still think these are contrails?

climate engineering??? like controlling it, making higher temperatures???

Climate engineering or geoengineering is indeed a program designed to modify the climate. In this case, the goal is to reduce global warming. The 'official' narrative put out by the US gov't, as well as other gov't around the world is that geoengineering is a viable method to slow down global warming, but has not yet been deployed.

That's the first big lie. Massive worldwide geoengineering programs have been deployed since the late 40's, but the gov'ts of the world have been keeping it under wraps, probably to avoid causing panic. Whistle-blowers are dealt with harshly and even 'neutralized'. The gov'ts are also running propaganda and disinformation programs to keep the public confused and in the dark.

The second big lie is that global warming is not real. The situation is actually much worse (dire) than anything Al Gore said. The gov'ts know this and that's why they have been running these geoengineering flights over all the continents and even parts of the ocean.

These flights are spraying an ultra-fine powder consisting of aluminum, strontium, and barium particulates. Over time, the particulates dissipate to create a thin layer that blocks a small amount of solar radiation from reaching the earth's surface.

The third big lie is that the spraying program is working well when actually it's causing more harm than good. The particulates drift down to earth within a few days, contaminating the soil, water, and the air you breathe. Aluminum particulates in the air are easily inhaled into the lungs where they enter the bloodstream and accumulate in the brain. Over time, this may lead to early Alzheimer's disease.

The spraying is also damaging the ozone layer of the atmosphere. The ozone layer blocks harmful ultra-violet (UV) radiation from reaching the earth's surface. So, some regions are in fact being exposed to harmful UV rays. The increased UV is damaging trees, agriculture, insect populations, and even the phytoplankton in the ocean. Trees and phytoplankton generate the majority of the oxygen in the atmosphere. The phytoplankton also makes up the bottom of the ocean's food chain, so this is real bad. IMO, the gov'ts knew that the spraying program was an act of desperation, but they could not come up with a better idea.

Global warming is a huge problem because if the temperatures get too high for too long, all life on earth will end, not to sugar-coat it. Much debate is going on about the causes of the warming, but the fact is it's happening.

The oceans are also warming and this is probably the most alarming part of the story. Water is a heat sink. It can absorb about 4000 times more heat than an equal volume of air. This means that the oceans have been absorbing heat from the sun and atmosphere for decades without warming, and this has slowed the global warming. But now, the oceans are saturated with heat and are warming and becoming acidified, and there's no stopping it. Global warming is sure to accelerate now. Together with with the loss of phytoplankton, these conditions are causing massive losses of sea life.

I can think of only two things that can save us. The first would be the deployment of some alien technology that would reverse the global warming. The second would be a miracle from God.

My references: Dane Wigington Youtube channel, website

I'm actually not sure if this aircraft is spraying climate engineering particulates. It could be jettisoning fuel. A particulate trail usually looks thicker.


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