A Vlog About Vlogging. It's not easy making videos in the Philippines.

in #videos7 years ago

Recently I received a request for some insight into my behind the scenes vlogging. There really are no 'behind the scenes' scenes I'm sorry to report. But I did use the idea of how tough it can be sometimes just to put it all together. I'm definitely not an "on camera" type guy and mostly I video other subjects, places, and things. Occasionally though, I might make an appearance. But I will admit, with events like I just experienced, it is getting easier to turn the camera on me. If only I could refrain myself a little!

Just the other day, I had a request from a gentleman and his wife in Canada to visit their restaurant here in Calbayog City, Samar, and shoot a little promo video. I obliged. Shortly after completing and uploading the video to YouTube, I get an email from the folks at YouTube stating the "Video was not suitable for most advertisers." Yep, that's what it said. Damn those YouTube bots and their algorithms... it's a video about a pancake restaurant for crying out loud! So, because of that, I am unable to have the video monetized to earn any revenue. Actually I think it has more to do with the music I used (which was found in the public domain and also provided in the video editing software I use). Did I mention I received a copywrite claim also? (The same disputed and successfully overturned claim for the same music 10 times over!)

It sure is getting tough trying to earn anything on YouTube these days, let alone make a living. And when you consider my physical location in this world with the almost daily brown-outs and the worlds worst internet, it's a wonder I get anything done at all!


Check out my YouTube channel and please subscribe.

Retired in Samar 1.gif


Great video Randy!

Thanks Doc. More to come!

online travel vlogging is a double-edged sword. :)

on the positive side.. meeting a lot of cool people you might not have met otherwise. and going to see locations for new material you might not have otherwise visited. overall i'd say the positives out-weight the negatives.

as for negatives, losing a part of your privacy. fans of the channel are cool and i've yet to have a bad encounter with meeting a viewer, either planned or by chance. it is the online 'trolls' who seem to take pleasure in twisting around your dating choices, your haircut, your voice.. anything to be negative that is a bit of a downer.

fortunately, those people can be blocked online and their comments deleted. life goes on. :)

I have met many people that I now call friends from my online presence... from Luzon to Mindanao, and Guam. I really haven't had a big problem with trolls... although I have had to block a few (that goes with the territory). For the most part, if you present information that folks are genuinely interested in, throw in a pinch reality, and sprinkle it with a little humor, most folks will be receptive. While I might blog in an "event-based" format, I really do not discuss particulars when it comes to privacy issues with me, my wife or the family. So for me, I loose very little privacy. For me, it's simply being "Retired in Samar - One Day at a Time!" (And don't forget to smash that "Follow" button Henry!)

Your vlogs are entertaining and funny!

(you hear an engine rev and horn honk)
(the window on the humvee rolls down to reveal a warm smiling face)
"Hello! I'm @shadow3scalpel and with the help of my protege, @chairborne, we are actively assisting veterans, retirees and active servicemen and women here on Steemit. We feel it is our 'duty' to support each other. Any questions or comments you may have, simply respond to this comment, thank you!"
(the window rolls up and the engine roars as it drives to the next person on the list)
Comment by @killerwhale. This is a opt-in bot.

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