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RE: (Now Playing on Dtube) Inverted Reality - Media Rolled-Out Main Child Actors From Parkland School Shooting Event Made Foreboding Movie Trailer In June 2017

in #video7 years ago

its not a demoralization tactic, its calling out the absurdity for what it is.

the degree to which some people have gone complete conspiracy is saddening.


Saddest of all, are the people who are unfortunate enough to allow themselves to be both SILENCED, and DISARMED by their government. - The historical precedent for this principle is compelling, unmistakable, and... very, very SAD. The end is always the same - human serfdom, or slavery. Go back as far as you like, the story repeats, over and over again. Some day, take a look at the youtube video of the life of the body double of Uday Hussein. Freedom is never free, friend. And Slavery - is intolerable! Those who would enslave us, are not gone, it's just that we are too strong collectively for them to have their way. That's what they fear, and that's why we are free. It's just as simple as that. Those who would enslave us, are cowards, and cannot have us where they want us, whilst they believe that we are armed. And so, what would you do, if you were in their position. I would seek to disarm the masses - by any and all means. (It's not like I would give a shit whether some kids got killed ) So yes, when I hear of another school shooting - again, and again, and again - and each time, there are obvious inconsistencies, well, I'm ready to question the circumstances. Frankly, it's our duty as Americans to be watchful. Add to that, the sudden "end run" to gun control, sometimes within moments of the shootings. What am I to think? So I go to youtube and twitter, and facebook, to perhaps get some other perspectives and insight as to what may have transpired - only to find that anyone who mentions, or questions, or dares to challenge the narrative, has been terminated, shut down, closed off, or otherwise 'Silenced' - on Youtube, On Twitter, On Google results, on Facebook - I see a narrative, that may be possibly questionable, and then I see all opposition, silenced. I have a major problem with that - and you should too! Because Saddest of all, are the people who are unfortunate enough to allow themselves to be both SILENCED, and DISARMED by their government, and that appears to be exactly what is being attempted. If my viewpoint is absurd, then so be it, but my 55 years on this earth have definitely taught me one thing - The world is full of bullshit and bullshitters, who will say anything and do anything for power, money, and sex - and there is NO LOW which is too low, to which those demons won't stoop, to get their fix of money, power, and sex.

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