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RE: [Video Blog #43] - IRS, Income Tax and Cryptocurrencies

in #video7 years ago (edited)

Once you started veering into "admiralty law" and claiming you have no contract with your country of birth, you lost me buddy. That is conspiracy theorist territory for people who have watched far too many youtube videos, and think they understand the law better than all the other sheeple. You don't want to be a Sovereign Citizen... it's almost as bad as being an anti-vaxxer.

You do have a contract with The Government, whether you like it or not. You may not agree with it, you may have never signed it - but the government has a monopoly on violence and you are their subject. You are the product of the corporation of Australia, and by generating taxable income in Australian dollars, you are also a shareholder.

There is no escaping this deal if you want to participate in the modern world. You can renounce your citizenship and move elsewhere, but that is just transferring your shares. As an Australian you are incredibly blessed and should be happy to contribute to the civilization that enabled you to make this video.

Yes we are slaves, but we can choose to be happy slaves!


Thanks for your reply however I will disagree. Woo woo or not in your eyes the truth is in plain sight and I understand our history and deception well. I also do not concede to a so called violent monopoly. Why should I? You can, I won't. If you choose to be defined as a happy slave and accept this violence, force, manipluation and fear mongering as ok then that is your choice. That is selling out is it not? That is your prerogative and you have conceded to this position on your own. I also do not have a contract with the goverment and if you feel there is one then please show me the evidence and the evidence of jurisdiction. I am not dependant on this illegitimate corporatised government in anyway and I am working hard to keep it that way. Debt free and non dependant on any services. All my social contracts are mutual agreed. Our only contracts that are binding are those in writing and that is just how the law works. Its all in the language. If you are adversed in law you will know this fact. Anything less is just force and unlawful. I am also not a slave and never will be. That is my choice. I also don't accept the past as a definition for my future either. A violent past also does not mean a violent future. This is my personal construct. Social economics and structure is also evolving and I seek better for our society and actively strive for better solutions in my area. I participate and contribute to society as I deem suitable and I ensure it aligns with my moral position and based on my values. This is minus government. They play no part. That is just how it works in my reality and so it should in yours however only you can define that as a free individual. I am blessed, I am human, I love life and I love the reality I lead. I think this is a position of honour, its personal and I care not to live anything less. Most people are just too assimilated and lazy to stand up for what is right as they have been taught to fear standing up. Sad reality.

Thanks Sebastian for a very thought out response. But I think you should research the idea of a monopoly on violence, it is well documented by political theorists.

I think it is quite easy for those of us in the west to look at other countries and see how corrupt their entire government/system is, and how their citizens are controlled and enslaved, yet we think we are somehow "clever and classless and free", as Mr Lennon once put it. It's not true, we are still peasants. No amount of "I am different" declarations can change the fact that you are a subject to the powers that be.

However the one thing you can control is how you react to these circumstances and your advocacy for blockchain/crypto is appreciated and effective. We can agree on this much! Cheers.

No doubt the violent monopoly exists. This does not mean we have to accept it. I am free in the sense that I have created my freedom by removing dependancy of government. That is the key. The goverment needs us and not the other way around. We need to remember that. There are alternatives to the system we have and I believe even the blockchain can be a part of that evolution. Blockchain based administrations? Welfare, health and new age education on the chain? Token based futures? No more corporate political parties and old farts in suits. That would be a great start and I think it can be done if the people have the alternative to choose from. That is what is missing. Choices. Create administrative competition and I feel this is already happening.

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