[Video Blog #155] - Opiria - PDATA - Monetise Your Data (Crypto)

in #video6 years ago (edited)

Data Data Data

I feel that it is time we take back control of our data and be more mindful on how we share it.

Every key stroke on the internet leaves a foot print and imagine being able to make money from these movements with your CONSENT.

It was very clear that Mark Zuckerberg was put on the spot in recent weeks and the reason I believe is because the big boys want to play the data skimming game and have some of his market share.

Blockchain is about to gamify data and present greater income potential to the individual.

We will see numerous data monetising platforms come available on the blockchain and I feel it is a great opportunity to leverage your data whether that be personal or from your own business.

Privacy and encryption is the first step.

Consensual transfer and sharing of our data is the second.

Checkout Opiria and let me know what you think of this concept.

They have a working product and numerous major partnerships in place.







Let me know what you think of this concept.

I like it.

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~ Sebastian

Please NOTE: All videos and articles are not financial advice. These are 100% personal commentaries and opinions.


SOURCES: All words in my post are my own including rights to all images and music where relevant. Videos are also linked to their relative sources.

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As platforms progress they will need to follow this type of privacy, more people will enjoy that there data is secured and can only be viewed by them.

You will also be able to monetise your data. All your daily movements will become assets and have income potential.

I want my Privacy....I want control of my DATA. This may have legs.

Me too. There are quite a few of these coming out. Data wallet is focusing on data control and revenue. Privacy based applications are going to be big IMO. Crypviser communication app. Fortknoxster! It's a race!

Very interresting project expecially since it seems to be german

everyone talks data this days :) i will check it out thank you for this review see ya in the telegram group:)

Yes will these types of platforms we will be able to control, track and sell our data. Very important for our privacy and basic rights.

I'm agree with you, everyone should be carful because many sites profit from our informations without telling us it is time we take back control of our data .

excellent post ..loving to your blog.thanks for sharing..

wow this is a concept on i think many will focus on in the future and they are the first one :)

data is the real mine of gold now

after the facebook breach of information this has become a major concern

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