
yeah its still beta and people around here get AY too pushy! they make a lil money and think steemit is going too slow? Its a huge project with SO many moving parts its a miracle its never down! its always up and always working and its been making people so much money as the price of steem stays pretty stable and THATS a miracle! the fact tat we have established a real market for this magical token with social media value, its insane! i cant believe peopel dont step back and see how amazing this is and invest in at LEAST a loittle steem while steem is still in the $1 So cheap and you can get yourself steem while its $1 before its $10 or $100 which it WILL get to as people ALL start to use it and it become sthe premiere social network and it becomes profitable to blog and peopel will realize when u do it like this then yes you DO get to mke money being a cool hunter!

Its so cool that it took us untill just now to figure out crypto currency! we know that computers wont ever be able to "break" bitcoin untill quantum computers become really powertful, ND we can make sure that noone with ACCES to one of those will be LEGALLy allowed to O that! by then it will be law that breaking someone's cryptographic lick is just like picking a regular lock and will be illegal hah im sure it already must be actually,

so anyway i think even if people had to abandon bitcoin for a new crypto currency that was more resistant to quantum computing, well, that would still be the same money jumping from bitcoin to the new new wiull still have to be crypto currency its still an amazing tool that none will be breaking in our lifetimes!

Anyway people really should just view crypto as a new invention because look, Kazaa, morphgeus, limewire, those fastrack p2p file sharing networks were the REASON people were able to use their computers to find ANY song they wantd ANY movie any program, it was crazy the availability of files on those nwtrosk! u could find whatever you wanted! and so now we have that with youtube but p2op sytems like bit torrent drove a LOT of innovation and now w have bitcoin BECAUEE of bit torrent in a way

and now we have al;l these crypto currencies that can be traded on exchanges and send back and forth online instantly, peoel can always use litecoin to send money cheap or steem to send money free, steem is growing to and has one of the only real tangible uses besides money for blockchain, for now, this social media system is very useful and steemit in itself is just so incredible people will give steemit creators the Nobel prize for SURE once steemit does all sorts of acts of human kindness, i mean now people will have the money to fund all sortsof amazing projects of compassion like paying for medical care for people in developing nations like @cryptopie who needs surgery , an many other stories, and we need to show people all the good thatsteemit dies, so that we end uo with DOINORS because people will DONATE to steemit to keep it alive if they have to if we can prove steemit ios worth keeping around! people will PAY tio keep steemit around and profitable for its users if we can show we are a machine for solving problems of human pain and suffering if we allow people to help themselves using steemit then we can cause exponential change on this planet because steemit allows everyone to help each other! it would become such a useful tool if they got everyone in one of these small african nations on steemit, and the government helped provide every citizen a smartphone or access to a laptop or computer once a day at a computer lab, that would be really allow the whole country to communicate with each other, like if everyone in Ghana for example had steemit @tj4real could help initiate this, we could et the government to see the benefit of getting al their citizens on this network connected with so many American with money, that argument alone might get them interested! getting all their citizens on steemit and allowing them to pay taxes in steem, allowing banks to use steem, letting steem be the national currency, its brilliant, u could use steemit for schools and companies, and it would let the whole world to upvote Ghana as a nation the GDP would increase so much if all the citizens could go online and use steemit!

Anyway I really love this website and this blockchain and people should se it for the new invention itis! crypto is SO new its SO useful though! bitcoin is JUST now flourishing and being used everywhere so just wait until steem catches up!

steemit is going to win nobel prizes for its creators! @dan will definitely get the Nobel prize for Steemit after we see how much good steemit will do for the world in the next few years! @steemit will launch @dan into the ranks of Elon Musk because of how important steemit will become! being decentralized will allow so much stuff to happen with steemit that cant happen with other social media....
and look social media is no fad, bitcoin and crypto is no fad (haha i could even argue that pokemon was not a fad either because here it is! as solid as ever!) But social media is no fad! its here to stay like computers and the internet! social media is simply an evolution of software and web browser functionality u have a website that keeps everyone organized so u can send messages and do so much, its a dream for businesses and its fueling so much economic growth and it will only get better! its STILL growing! Reddit for example has something like $240 million users and growing even facebook is sll growing in users and we will simply have a world where reddit had to compete with steemit in the future so redit wil bring back its reddit notes crypto currency program and then try to act like they dont need decentralization, but people will get tired of reddit archiving posts and deleting subreddits etc, steemit will always also be more efficient and reddit wont be able to compete! noone wil want to pay each other their reddit notes and they DONt have a curation system liek we do! their lack of steempower will make reddit notes lame, peopel will keep switching to steemit to earn some money and became serious with their use of the internet nio more wasting time on redditr and more productive time on steemit!

I am so grateful to be here, i want to get my whole city on steemit and buying lots of steempower!

Expect steem to be backl to near $3 level very soon!!!! :D:D:D Cant WAIt for that!

Ye dear n too @ackza

I totally hear you and look forward to the results of that, immensely! Namaste :)

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