
Great food for thought, thanks a lot for bringing it to the table. My favourite part however was your conversations with your cat <3 So cute.

:) <3 thanks for being so open-minded and cool about it. And yes, he is the cutest.

I would have guessed the most asked question would have been, are you serious? or are you mentally retarded? or how stupid can you get?

No, because most people don't have the balls to say that to my face :) and neither do you.

interesting, the most unanswered question: why do you think the earth is round?

because the pictures you saw from space? all composites.

because you've seen videos from ISS? you've never seen the airlock, and they don't bother to test their space suits in the vacuum chamber, too dangerous, the do it in the water instead.

gyroscope can be calibrated to not move. this is impossible on a globe earth, it should move 1 degree every 15 minutes. and 360 degrees every day. but they don't move.

how stupid can you get?

it appears infinitely, as the majority just believe based on consensus, having no real knowledge of the proofs. science, in certain realms, has become more dogmatic than religion. but you wouldn't know it until you become someone that pushes the limits, then you see how/why you don't hear much from those people. and it isn't because they are wrong, they don't get beaten in the actual arena of debate, there is no debate! and that is the problem, they claim things are laws, but there are no laws in physics, simply things that appear to be true consistently. further investigation finds that most laws contain conditions, there is a physics for big things and a different physics for small things... and they are not compatible.

Not only is the Earth a flat disk covered by a solid sapphire dome (Which is why the sky is blue) but Nuclear weapons are fake, many mountains are petrified tree stumps, all rocks and stones contain DNA because they are petrified organic living tissue from Giants and beasts from before Noah's flood. Stars are not actually planets but are glowing angels that fly around the top of the dome that covers our flat earth, Antartica surrounds the entire Earth like the outside of a dinner plate, It's wall is hundreds of feet tall and hold in all the surrounding ocean. I have proof of giants hundreds of feet tall that used to roam the earth, There is so much proof of the God from the Bible and Noah's flood its undeniable, Anyone who wants to see more proof add me on my facebook, Hugh Behrendorff.

Do you have a video where you explain how I could fly in a plane from Kuala Lumpur to Stockholm 15 hours, from Stockholm to New York 10 hours, and from Kuala Lumpur to Los Angeles 18 hours without crossing either Stockholm or New York (or any part of Europe or USA)?

And I wonder what your reply to this would be:

My answer to that link is that this is not necessarily a conspiracy. I've never believed 100% that it is. This may very well be a dark hole of anti-science we have dug ourselves into because of the huge ego of Man. I will probably touch on this in a video.

Lol a cancer researcher that says there are no conspiracies haahaHAcoughhaha!
Man that is great! Current chance of dying withing 5 years of a chemotherepy treatment 97.5%... yeah sorry for laughing earlier.
Race for the cure!

he's not just "saying", there's math involved. If you don't want to check the math... how much do you know about human psychology? If I tell 1000 random people a huge secret, like where I've hidden an atomic bomb, or a billion in gold bullion, or something similar, and then threaten their lives (and their relatives) if they talk, and give them money to keep quiet, etc etc... do you really think all 1000 will keep quiet forever? No accidental spills, or deathbed confessions?
Now increase the number of people. 5000, 10,000... at some point the 'secret' becomes completely impossible.

Of course conspiracies exist, but they are boring ones - small, tedious, sordid... embezzling, adultery, misapropriation of funds, bribes to build a mall, or buy a business, or keep quiet about a boss who raped a secretary. Crap like that. Nothing exciting or grand. And even most of that comes out sooner or later.


Really? Just use a telescope and you'll see the boat, have you tried this, I think you'll quickly realize you can't see the boat.

I'm looking forward to rest of your explanations!

Where's @goldenarms, show him those kids where their ballon and lego man?

Yes I have tried this actually, I have a Nikon P900 camera and have filmed things you shouldnt see when you consider the curvature formula of 8 inches per mile squared. I have also zoomed into boats, ships and oil rigs you cant see with your naked eye. There are also many videos on YouTube you can lookup, where people zoom into boats and ships that disappear with the naked eye and you can also find videos where people zoom in and just wait to catch the moment the boat actually disappears below "the curve" - it doesn't happen. The vessels turn into a mirage and start distorting because of the atmosphere and heat before you see them disappearing behind an imaginary curve.

I know very well the balloon video with the lego man, I used it in my flat earth documentary demonstrating how the appearance of the shape of the earth can be manipulated. Watch the first episode of my documentary Finding the Curve. It's filmed with a fisheye lense, making the horizon distort from concave to convex to straight flat. The kids aren't conspiring anything ofcourse, as is the case with most people - they're just ignorant of the fact.

I'm looking forward to your reply! Cheers!

Yes, the curvature works in both ways, but on the beach, when you're looking in the direction, where water is, you can see it only one way, because there is nothing between you and the horizon in that specific direction. When a boat goes under the horizon you can't see it anyhow, but before it does, it gets so small to your eyes, that you can''t see it, even though it's not under the horizon yet, so when you zoom in with some kind of device, you can still see it. Just hold that zoom for a couple minutes or more (depending on how fast the boat is going) and you'll see, that it starts to disappear

So, you're an unhinged retard?

"Flat earth philosophy" was invented by people who failed their high school science classes. There's an overwhelming amount of objective evidence in support of the fact that planets are round.

But you can bring a lot more attention to yourself if you stand in the middle of the street and scream out crazy things.

"Flat earth philosophy" was invented by people who failed their high school science classes.

Ah boy, here we go ...


i aced high school science. and passed college level physics.

gyroscope, properly calibrated will sit perfectly still for hours on end. yet if the earth was rotating it should turn 1 degree every 15 minutes, making a full 360 every day. yet they don't move.

vacuum of space, do you know anything about vacuums? have you seen the facilities necessary to create a near perfect vacuum? they have giant thick walls. Yet you'd have me believe those marshmellow, zero support suits are somehow keeping the astronauts from being pulled a part?

how is the ISS in the thermosphere, with temperatures upwards of 1,500 Celsius. if the heat doesn't transfer to them because of the molecule density, that still doesn't explain how they get rid of the heat all those electronics/bioheat generate.

watch some space launches, and really decide for yourself if they are really going very high before they head out to sea. if there were as many satellites up there as they say, we'd see one pass the moon every few minutes. I've seen videos of the moon and we never see any. ANY. on occasion they fake the ISS going past it... rarely.

watch some Balls Out Physics guy... then come back and tell me that.

Gyros, properly calibrated do turn 1 degree every 15 minutes.

A vacuum doesn't suck. The suit has to be designed to keep the air pressure inside. If a hole develops in a space suit in space, the high pressure air inside the suit is PUSHED outside the suit by the pressure inside the suit.

The thermosphere has extremely low density. The low density means there is a very small amount of heat energy present. The ISS has heat radiators that disperse the heat inside of it to space.

For a college educated person, you sure don't know much.

Gyros, properly calibrated do turn 1 degree every 15 minutes.

oh, uvas, you are just a riot. you claim shit that no one else can prove, and your 'proofs' are all blackbox, unrepeatable.

A vacuum doesn't suck. The suit has to be designed to keep the air pressure inside.

your right, it would pull you apart, you'd boil.

The ISS has heat radiators that disperse the heat inside of it to space.

this is so patently flawed logic, you can't disperse heat into something hotter. this is just insanity.

For a college educated person, you sure don't know much.

coming from a guy that just bashes anything anti-system. and spends his days bashing earth-custodian, it is almost like you have an agenda of items you talk about.

you really are very one dimensional. wonder what is like to be so hollow.

You think that all the data we have on gyroscopes about the earth's spin is unproven and unrepeatable? We can determine the earth's rotation to an accuracy of .000001%. Learn some science.

The thermosphere isn't hotter than the inside of the ISS. Learn some science.

Well, earthcustodians is a pseudoscience spamming knucklehead.

We can determine the earth's rotation to an accuracy of .000001%. Learn some science.

yet we have multiple proofs that it does not work, and only your word that it does.

oh, you say, sure it does, but only when you use the gyroscope NASA built.

The thermosphere isn't hotter than the inside of the ISS.

this comment, is just hilarious. you really just make stuff up to fit your dialog, don't you. from wikipedia:

The highly diluted gas in this layer can reach 2,500 °C (4,530 °F) during the day. Even though the temperature is so high, one would not feel warm in the thermosphere, because it is so near vacuum that there is not enough contact with the few atoms of gas to transfer much heat.

so, if you could contact them, they be insanely hot, yet somehow they are keeping themselves cool inside that tin can, which would pick up the solar radation (ever been outside and felt the sun??? it would be much worse up there... hence the reason it is said to be so hot... )

Learn some science.

you mean learn Main Stream Science lies.

Well, earthcustodians is a pseudoscience spamming knucklehead.

haha, that is what i'd call you. you support the people that damned Nikola Tesla to poverty, even though he actual invented the majority of the technology we are using today.

"multiple proofs"


Multiple proofs of being a knucklehead maybe.

yea, just ignore that thermosphere stuff... you'll never win that one.

but i'm sure those marshmallow suits 'keep in the pressure' .. lol .. if we really went to space you'd need something way more rigid, like we use in deep sea diving.

but since we haven't been to space, lol.

and this is nothing like an absolute vacuum.

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