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Hey @fyrstikken I just became a fan of yours!!

I have been following Adams latest venture which is Burstnation (dot) com... I also am acquainted with Haitch who is the admin of burst-team forum and burst pool operator. Adam spends most of his time now bashing Haitch and calling the forum names and trying to dig out evidence to smear Haitch. It is a shame. He is hurting BURST coin and all peoples involved.

I love how Adam slithers from one place to the next scamming people.

I believe he is behind the recent DDOS attacks on the Burst Blockchain. Several of the pools ran by Haitch or associated with burst-team forum where hit hard by DDOS and taken out whilst the burstnation affiliated pools sites kept on mining. Getting all the coins during that period. Then later a very small attack on one pool Adam owned was launched which i believe was to keep fingers from being pointed at him.
There are so many people on Adams forum that drink his koolaid and believe that the official BURST forum is a bunch of hackers and scammers when in fact the total opposite is true. I plan on writing much more about this in the coming days.

Funny you mention casinos... Adam has a link on his forum to one he operates or is involved in.

Probably a scam.. or a way to skim coins from his users...

#Anyway Thank You For This Post!!!

Very Enlightening as I really had know Idea about anything Adam has done Pryor to getting into BURST Coin.

But now he is doing nothing but damaging the future of Burst.
He is a cancer on the world!!!
UPVOTED, RESTEEMED and Followed you!


If there ever was a case like "The People VS Adam Guerbuez" - He would be found guilty of

  • Telephone Terror
  • Threatening
  • DDoS attacks
  • Doxxing
  • Lying/Slandering people
  • Causing injustices & civil unrest

Among a long list of other things, I am sure. I am glad to read your response, more confirmations on the same subject-matter is great. Having to deal with a big baby like Adam Guerbuez can be tiring. A real life Eric Cartman minus the humor and the animations.

Remember that he is Bankrupt, he is vlogging from his laundry-room in his rented apartment in Canada because he cannot own anything since... Zuckerberg owns his ass 😂 and good luck paying off almost a BILLION US Dollars + accumulating interests.

I predict that sooner or later Canadian Police will become interested in him, and Karma & The Universe will just make sure that justice is served cold, raw and with the same amount of mercy he has bestowed upon others.

Thank you for your follow, I am glad to see you on Steem. Hope to see you on soon as well, over 3000 members now, open forum (not a safe space) where we keep it active on the voice-chat 24/7 since like... forever :)

Thanks for the response man... Been unable to get back to you till now. I just don't know what to say about that guy anymore. He is a cancer and I think you should never just ignore him. He needs to be taken down again. lol I was so glad to see your post and i wish Haitch would stand up and respond. Haitch response on his forum but its just comments about his post. Not sure why Adam fills his day with Fucking with people. He has so many users on Burstnation (dot) com that think he is god and he is taking care of them. Sorry he is taking them without any care at all. Anyway man good to meet you and I will have to check out your discord. Thanks again. Good Vibes to you man... Good Vibes... Peace be upon you.