
in #victor6 years ago


Perseverance means the continuation in a course of action without regard to discouragement. You may start to wonder what's this got to do with love? I'm going to teach you how you being able to persevere, through thick and thin ,would help you in getting your crush in your arms.

If you give up after the 1000th try, it means you didn't want them bad enough
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I was talking to one of my guys, and he talked about how he gave up on ladies who have him hard time. I told him this, 'you didn't want the lady bad enough. Perseverance is the key'.

To be truthful to you, if you want any guy or lady,you would follow them through to the end.
Victor Love Secrets loves you to have a wonderful relationship, and is willing to make you guide you to having a beautiful one.
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Aniekan Victor


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Important to keep on with persistence

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