Vice Industry Token cuts out the middlemen for video content producers

Video content producers, like most any other type of entrepreneur, want to make money from doing the things they love. Whether you make comedy skits, how-to videos, or even adult content, part of your objective is to make money from ad revenue earned each time somebody watches a video that you made. Based on that, it’s kind of disheartening to be dependent on a third party service like a video hosting platform to make money. Even more disheartening is seeing them take in a healthy income for doing nothing, while you just get what’s left over. On the surface, it seems that this is how the modern ecosystem of video content works these days, and there supposedly isn’t really any way around it.
Vice Industry Token is a revolutionary blockchain-based solution that rewards video content creators simply for getting views on their content, with no connection to advertising revenue, or an arbitrary set of rules. It is built on the Steem blockchain, which uses a “proof of brain” algorithm to foster viewer engagement. Since the focus is to get and keep the attention of users – the better your content is, the more it will earn.
The best way to think of Vice Industry Token(VIT) is to ask yourself, “who’s doing all the work here?”. If you’ve spent years and years developing your skills, gone to great lengths to build up an audience, and took hours or days to film and edit a video, you’ve done quite a bit of work when it comes to producing a video for others to watch. Why should you be letting a third party that only sells advertising take a cut of money that they couldn’t be earning without content like yours? Traditionally, you didn’t have much of a choice. With Vice Industry Token, you’re not at the mercy of these third parties. VIT’s focus is on taking care of you as the content producer, for doing the real work.
The project is overseen by seasoned adult industry executives Stuart Duncan (founder of adult TV network Exxxtasy), and Kelly Holland (owner of Penthouse Global Media). They have seen all possible variations of compensation models for video producers, from ones where the viewers pay to watch, to others where advertisers pay a third party to pay the producer. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each of these models, they have developed Vice Industry Token to put the content producer first, understanding that with no content – there is nothing to watch!
Vice Industry Token has its own proprietary cryptocurrency which can be traded for other cryptocurrencies, or fiat currencies. Once Vice Industry Token is launched, content producers can start earning right away, and without the restrictions of traditional forms of media.
One way that content producers lose out on earnings that they deserve is ad-blocking. With a large population of internet users who utilize ad-blocking software, content producers get robbed of ad revenue that they should be earning, in a way that is completely out of their control. Since the Vice Industry token model does not pay content producers based on such things as ad revenue, content producers can be assured that they will not miss out on any opportunity to earn. Several steps have been taken to protect the interests of content producers, and this is exactly why Vice Industry Token will be revolutionary!
- Maiyah
- Maiyah Link