What Are You Feeling and Thinking Right Now? The Key to Manifesting
Abraham Hicks Transcript
Youtube Video by bestspiritualquotes 6/5/2015
You’ve come with some deliberate intentions. You’re enjoying the contrast of your time and place. Sometimes it’s ear-splitting. You’re understanding that it is contrast that helps you to focus and it is that focus that is the molding of the clay. It is that focusing of energy that is the creating of your own experience. You are the creator of your own experience and you do it by focusing, contemplating, musing, remembering, imagining. Most people do most of their focusing, and therefore offering a vibration, by observing something, because there is plenty of manifestation to observe. There is this real-life experience with all of its texture that is so interesting to observe. It’s always the contrast that helps you to identify what it is that you want and once we’ve launched that rocket of desire, Source and that desire become one. So there’s one valid powerful point of the relativity. The other one is where you stand relative to it. So here you are bipping along through life. You’ve given birth to lots of rockets of desires; they’re shooting out into your vibrational future, your desires are being held for you in vibrational escrow. It’s waiting there for you. It’s got your name on it, it’s got your code on it, it’s yours, no one can snatch it from you, it’s waiting for you to become a vibrational match to it.
You have to become a vibrational match to your own desire or you cannot let your own desire into your experience. And that’s what goes wrong with so many people. At different points of your life you’ve come to honestly believe that you are worthy, many of you. Many of you haven’t gotten there yet. And many of you believe that you can ask for things and that they should be given. But we hear a loud cry from humanity saying, “Abraham there must be something screwy with this. You say, ask and it is given, and I say to you, then where’s my stuff? ‘cause I know I’ve been asking and it’s not coming in. Something is wrong with this system that you are touting”. And we say, “Oh you’re asking alright. You were born to do that. And source is answering alright”.
Source always rides the rocket of your desire. So if you have things that you know you want that are not yet manifesting into your experience in the way you want them to be, it must only be because you are not a vibrational match to what you’re asking for. And the reason, bless your hearts, that you are not a vibrational match to what you’re asking for is very logical. It’s because the contrast has confounded you. It’s because the contrast, which gave birth to the desire has within it things you don’t want and here in your action-oriented body, you’ve become accustomed to believing that if you can just push hard enough against that thing you do not want, it will go away. But in a universe, like the one we all live in, which is vibrationally based, there is no such thing as “no”.
When you see something you want and you say “yes” to it, you begin to vibrate as it does. When you see that thing that you say “no” to, you begin to vibrate as it does.
There’s a war against poverty, a war against drugs, and a war against aids and a war against teenage pregnancy and a war against terrorism and aids and terrorism and terrorism and terrorism. Did we mention that there’s a war against terrorism? You seem to believe that if you push against this thing you do not want, that in time you will obliterate it and then in its absence you will be left with well-being.
What we want you to understand is that the more you push against something, the more you activate the vibration of it and the more you activate the vibration of something you do not want, the more you prevent yourself from being the receiver of what you DO want. You know that you cannot set your radio dial on 630AM and hear what’s being broadcast on 98FM. The frequencies have to match up.
You are source energy, creative genius. You are pure positive energy on the leading edge of thought. You did not come forth to fix a broken world. You didn’t see it as broken. You came forth for the sheer delight of having exposure to experiences that would cause new desires to be born within you. We’re talking about the non-physical you that knows that there is nothing that is ever complete, the non-physical you that takes such delight in exposure to new experiences which cause an eruption of new desire because you know from that vantage point that that wave, that leading edge, that physical time-space-reality leading edge that you are being born into, is the leading edge of thought and you know that’s where the most exhilaration of life is. It’s out here popping on the leading edge. We want to express to you the joy that Source feels when a new idea erupts within you.
In the moment that the new desire is born, the new vantage point, the new preference, no matter how big, broad, small, narrow, wide, no matter how big or important it seems to you, Source sees every new preference as important and relishes in the contemplation of it.
So out here in your vibrational escrow, are all of the rockets that you’ve been launching, all coming together with the added benefit of Source focusing upon them, which means to you, circumstances and events are being lined up; 20, 30, 40, thousands of circumstances and events are all taking place, all taking shape in your vibrational future. Sometimes you have a dream about them which gives you a sort of advanced anouncement of them. It’s easier to dream them sometimes than it is to live them because there’s less resistance to them in your dream state. But things wanted and unwanted are out here accumulated in your future experience, so today you’ve got fortunes accumulating out here for you. New houses, new lovers, wonderful things, all taking shape and form out here in vibrational escrow for you. Also there is some disease, some sickness, some disappointment, some worrisome things. You’ve launched a lot of things through your thought into your future experience and you can tell by the way you feel, what you’re doing in terms of activation in closing that gap between where you are and what’s in your future experience. 99.99%, almost all of your creation is complete before you see any physical evidence of it. It takes place in this vibrational realm. So if you care about the vibration of your being, if you care about the way you feel, now you’re tending to your vibrational future. Now you’re tending to the vibrational nature of your being and now you are the deliberate creator of your own experience.
We want to show you how to quantify your journey of not enough money to lots of money or from sickness, arthritis in your hips to feeling wonderful or from a relationship that isn’t working to one that is fabulous in all ways or to a business enterprise that you can’t get off the ground to one that is functioning so powerfully that thousands are employed and millions are benefiting. We want you to quantify your journeys between where you are and where you want to be. And the way you do that is by being aware that every indication to you is vibrational and by understanding what the indicators are. This is always true. What I think and how I feel and what manifests is always a vibrational match but here’s the big kicker, what manifests isn’t manifesting instantaneously. So you’ve got all the leeway that makes you sloppy. If you thought a negative thought and a brick would fall on your head every time, you’d clean up your thinking. But you’re not here to be punished about your thinking. You’re here to understand your thinking. You’re here to use your thinking, your focus, to create. And it is such a delicious experience to come into conscious awareness that what I’m thinking right now and what I’m feeling about it is setting into motion something in my vibrational future and what I’m thinking right now, most important, is bringing me close to many things that are already in my vibrational future.
Can you see how someone could get their heart-broken and then they could get sick and then they could lose all of their money and then they could wreck their car all in the same week? It’s easy to get focused in that place of despair and then the only thoughts that they have access to are thoughts like that and so they just beat the drum and beat the drum of it. And if they’ve been doing it for a while, then their vibrational escrow is full of all that kind of stuff and in a very short period of time they begin manifesting the results of how they’ve been feeling.
We don’t want you to be afraid of your vibrational escrow. It’s full of wonderful things too but we want you to be aware of what you’re doing vibrationally because we want you to know which way you’re going along this journey. We want you to know when you’re headed toward what you want or when you’re headed away from what you want. You can tell by the way you feel whether you are moving toward what you want or whether you are moving in opposition to what you want. That’s what your guidance-system is all about.
Never again will you ever feel negative emotion and not know what it means. So just stop and laugh and most of all make peace with where you are. That’s the most important thing that we want you to leave this room with today. Because if you’re here relative to money or relative to abundance of any kind or relative to wellness or relative to relationship, if you’re here and you want to be HERE and you’re condemning the fact that you’re here, you cannot budge at all toward what you want because your condemnation of where you are is holding you so much here it’s as if you’ve got your feet nailed to the floor. You’ve gotta make peace with where you are. And think about it, when you give yourself a break or when you give somebody else a break, when you make it better, when you try to make the best of something, don’t you feel relief when you do that?
Have you ever made a mistake? And have you ever been in a situation where someone who’s opinion you care very much about noticed that you had made the mistake? And then have you ever had the benefit of that person who you care very much about share their opinion who saw you make the mistake, have you ever seen them laugh? And say isn’t that the way we all do?
Esther tells people, “The reason I’m so smart is because I’ve made all of those mistakes. I’ve made them all.” And then she offers a joke like the one-armed alligator wrangler. We learn as we go.
Look for a way or a reason to diffuse the feeling and when someone does that in the midst of your feeling uncomfortable about your mistake, what do you feel? You feel relief don’t you? Someone has helped you make peace with where you are. When you try to make the best of something, you move closer into vibrational alignment with what you want. When you try to make the worst of it, you’re moving in opposition. So why does anybody make the worst of it? Because every fiber of your being knows that things are supposed to go well for you. And when they’re not going well, you’re sort of freaking out because it’s supposed to be better and you’ve also had so many people say, “why did you do that?” So you’ve gotten in this habit of explaining because most of the people around you don’t really remember about this vibrational stuff. Most of the people around you are living very conditional love. They tell you, “I live unconditional love”, but they don’t. What they’re living is, “when I see that condition, I feel good, so I vote for that. When I see that condition, I feel bad, so I vote against that. We’ll do everything in our power to get that away from us”. And we say that’s very conditional love. That’s saying, “change the condition so that I can have a better feeling response to the condition”. And it never works. It never, ever works because when you’re looking at the condition that needs to be changed, you’re activating the condition that needs to be changed in you and you are becoming more of the problem that you’re wanting to solve.
That’s why terrorism is becoming more. You just cannot kill everybody that doesn’t agree with you. You can’t do it. You’ll kill enough of them and pretty soon you’ll be down to the nitty gritty that is just you guys and you’ll start disagreeing with each other. You cannot get to where you want to be by pushing against what you do not want. It never, ever works. So what do you do? What do you do when you’re standing in the midst of a culture or an environment or a house or a marriage, a relationship, a situation where you clearly see things that you do not want to see? What do you do? They make you feel bad when you see them. Don’t you want to instruct those people to clean up their act?
Source has decided long ago, everyone gets to have their selfishness satisfied. Every perspective of self is paramount to Source. When you are in alignment with your own desire, your world will be perfect.
The resources are infinite. The resources expand exponentially to the percentage or perfection of your desire.