Vibrational Matching Requires an Identity Shift
Vibrational Matching requires an identity shift. It is all about setting yourself and others up in a new and powerful way. There are so many ways to help us in achieving this shift, but we don't all have the same amount of time, patience and resources. That's why we need to work with the systems that work the best in our lives and match our vibrational needs. Here are three simple ways to support you in creating a more vibrational based life.
First, we need to identify our needs and take an honest look at our lives. Then, we must learn how to align ourselves with other vibrational resources and match those needs with others in our life to create alignment and balance in our world. We have to understand that all things contain energy and that the energy of others, themselves, and even things in the Universe ultimately flow together to create the vibration that supports us.
Second, once we have aligned ourselves with the vibrational needs of others, we have to set them up so that they also benefit us. This means that we have to make a choice to give energy to others, but we also have to set up circumstances in our lives so that we can receive energy in return. You can't give someone else what you aren't giving yourself, can you? Of course not. If you give someone else energy, then you are giving up your own energy to do so. Set up a system in your life to receive and give the energy back.
Third, once you've aligned yourself with the needs of others, it's time to match your own needs. You may already know where you're headed; it may be a different career path, a new family, a new home or more money. When you set up the conditions for receiving and giving energy, you must match the energy to those needs. Otherwise, you'll be like the person with empty pockets: you'll just be "feeling good" without doing anything.
Fourth, you must get clear about what you want. Vibrational matching requires an identity shift. When you know exactly what you want, you will be more likely to attract what you want. This means having clarity about what you want, having a plan to get there and a whole lot more. The more clear you are about what you want, the easier it becomes to get something into your life - even if it's just getting the "right people" to contact you.
Fifth, while you are actively making the plans to match your energies and arrange the energies to support you, make sure that you don't become stagnant. Don't sit at home or in bed thinking about or obsessing about what you haven't done. Be creative. Find opportunities to interact with others. Go for real connections - educational connections, spiritual connections, networking connections, etc. - and you will find that everything else will fall into place.