A short introduction to the VI editor in Linux.
The vi editor is a powerful text editor that comes with most Linux distributions. It is useful to know about it, because with some installations this is the only editor installed by default. As a result, you will need to use this instead of more popular editors such as VIM, Nano, or Emacs.
Here are the basic steps to use the vi editor:
Open a terminal window in Linux.
Type the following command to open a file in the vi editor:
vi /path/to/file
Replace "/path/to/file" with the path to the file you want to open. For example, to open a file called "file.txt" in the home directory, you would type:
vi /home/file.txt
Once you've opened the file in vi, you'll be in command mode. This means that you can issue commands to the editor by typing them directly on the keyboard. To switch to insert mode, which allows you to enter text, press the "i" key.
Once you're in insert mode, you can enter text just like in any other text editor. To return to command mode, press the "Esc" key.
In command mode, you can issue a variety of commands to edit the file. For example, to save the file and exit the editor, you can type:
This will save the changes to the file and exit the editor.
If you want to discard your changes and exit the editor, you can type:
This will discard any changes you've made to the file and exit the editor.
You can also use various other commands to search for text, replace text, navigate through the file, and more. To find out more about the commands available in vi, you can type "man vi" in the terminal to view the manual page for the editor.
Note that vi can be difficult to use for beginners, but it is a very powerful text editor once you become familiar with it. If you prefer a more user-friendly text editor, you may want to consider using an alternative editor such as nano or emacs.
You can find more information about Linux commands and how to use them at https://www.ipaddressguide.org/