Libertarian Veterans March in New Orleans

in #veterans7 years ago

MOTDV Military for Kokesh.jpg
Libertarian veterans need to go behind the enemy lines of the 'warfare state' to demolish the 'military industrial complex' from within.
Once in a while, opportunities will come along that are out of the ordinary. It is the vigilant who recognize them first and must decide whether the scarcity of opportunity is worth the investment or not.
There is a genuinely historic shift taking place around the globe right now, and the technological revolution likely has yet to reveal just how different will be the role of government in everyone's lives. Just like after the advent of the printing press and the ensuing global revolution and reformations took place, we are still only in the early phases of just how dramatically and rapidly the human experience is about to change. The printing press made The Enlightenment possible and drove much of the Protestant Reformation and American & French Revolutions; and the modern technological communications age has only begun to reveal the shifts to come in geopolitical fallout.
There was a time in pre-American Revolution history Thomas Paine wrote his classic work, Common Sense. In it, Paine made the case for why the economic shifts and alignments of the day (along with proximity of the British Navy and ability to reach the colonies in a given amount of time), helped to present an opportunity for the colonists to throw off the British Crown and declare their independence - bringing the power center closer to home influence, and empowering the individual in ways not available previously or under the tyranny of the British Empire.
For those of us who might think such philosophical revivals and revolutions as was characteristic for The Enlightenment is generally a positive gain for humanity, the prospect of humanity's next giant leap forward is crucial and likely to be inspired by a significant history with Enlightenment philosophy and strong influence by contributors such as classical liberalism.
As this global shift takes place; these United States are in a position to once again help lead the world in liberating itself from the most archaic and barbaric institutions. In American politics, part of this fundamental shift can be evidenced by the rise of the Libertarian Party's status and potential to be a real player in the U.S. POTUS general election in 2020 and/or beyond. Within the Libertarian Party, there are lots of dynamic changes happening and lots of empty seats of influence that could be easily filled just by virtue of a willing body to come and fill it. In this modern American evolution into what hopes to be a more free society, shouldn't it be veterans who run a gutsy charge at the state right up the middle and straight to the face?
If you happen to be a veteran, and wouldn't mind affiliating as a Libertarian, you have a real opportunity in front of you right now to be a part of some American history of which an old anti-federalist and patriot alike could be proud.
The Libertarian Party National Convention is taking place.... and you could get in now before the Party gets flooded with new people as it bursts onto the national scene in new big ways. As this shift in politics gives rise to new waves of human freedom and progress, Libertarian veterans are leaders who can help position the agenda of human freedom in a way to usher in these changes as peacefully and productively as possible. This means we make our stand against the perpetual warfare state and all its' destruction, and we come out of the woodwork to make the voices of peace and liberty heard.
If you have ever had the urge to just get up and do something to get active and try to make a difference for freedom in the political realm, you may already know what a waste of time that can usually be; but this is an opportunity that could be very different. As your fellow Libertarian veteran, I implore you to make your way to New Orleans this weekend.
You can march in formation with us for The March of the Dead Veterans.
You could potentially officially join the Libertarian Party; and maybe even be seated as a voting delegate at the convention - in an empty slot where other delegates fail to make it to New Orleans or a given state doesn't have enough people to fill their delegation.
You can be part of history.
Libertarian veterans like myself are already on the ground in New Orleans, and we are organizing for a milestone event. We've been meeting people, securing our parade route and areas for the marching formation, handing out fliers, and otherwise building momentum. Please make your way to New Orleans this weekend, and let's show America that veterans are still committed to the defense of freedom. Follow the links for more information...


– Adam G. “Brick” House is an Afghanistan war veteran and former licensed minister (UPCI), who has become an outspoken skeptic, peace advocate, and involved himself in many other issues which he believes affect the individual freedoms of the people whose inalienable rights he took an oath to defend. He currently resides in Texas, where he is recovering from PTSD, enjoys the therapeutic hobbies of training Muay Thai, playing drums, gardening, writing, and other forms of artistic expression \m/


oh my god

and you could get in now before the Party gets flooded with new people as it bursts onto the national scene in new big ways

You get knocked down, you get up, brush yourself off, and you get back to work. Barack Obama

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