America Honors Hired Mercenaries

in #veteran5 years ago


Veteran’s Day is a day to commemorate those hired mercenaries of innocent people bought and paid for with stolen money (taxes) as if they performed some honorable duty without which we would all be living destitute lives full of privation and suffering. Everywhere it is mindlessly parroted that “They fought to defend our freedoms!” Let us examine for a moment the often-referenced “freedoms” they are out murdering so hard to protect. The freedom of free speech and uninhibited expression? Nope. The freedom of the press and media to report alternative viewpoints contrary to the status quo? Nope. The freedom of cyber, personal, or financial privacy? Nope. The freedom to open a business without being harassed by oppressive government regulations? Nope. The freedom to practice a profession without the permission (licenses) and necessary extortion fees required to keep our governing federal mafia from harassing us to no end? Nope. The freedom to not be sexually assaulted when attempting to leave the arbitrarily government concocted lines known as state/national borders by naked body scanners and poking/prodding happy sexual deviants also known as the Touch Sex Army (TSA)? Nope. The freedom to keep all the fruits of one’s industry and labor? Nope. The freedom to put into one’s body whatever arbitrarily “illicit” substance our masters have capriciously chosen to prohibit? Nope. The freedom to decide one’s own healthcare? Nope. The freedom to not pay extortion fees (taxes)? Nope. The freedom to a fair and equitable trial by a jury of our peers? Nope. The freedom to opt out of supporting the inefficiently brutal agency of coercion, violence, exploitation, and theft also known as the Federal Government? Nope. The freedom to secede from the Union as a state, county, town, neighborhood, street, family, or individual? Nope. The freedom to use whichever currency one deems appropriate for payment of all debts public and private? Nope. The freedom to have our skies absent surveillance/murderous drones? Nope. The freedom to not have our physical whereabouts monitored by ever intrusive surveillance cameras and sophisticated tracking technology? Nope.  

If you are one of those unfortunates who are currently in the military, I implore you to re-examine what exactly you are doing in the world. Your actions are having real effects on real people. Do you possess the intimate understanding of other cultures and foreign peoples to justify your heinous actions? If you are participating to pay for college, travel the world, or because you think you have no other alternative I strongly encourage you to reconsider the motives of the organization you work for. Being a hero is not about obeying orders regardless of your morality. That is something a soulless machine could do. Claiming good intentions whilst acting in a state of ignorance is the basis for every kind of horrific atrocity in history. Being a hero is understanding what universal morality is, living by your moral code, and encouraging others to do the same. The true hero rejects initiatory violence in all its manifestations. The true hero is the one that leads a life of virtue, honor, and peace based on voluntary interactions with his fellow human beings. The true hero does not come home to ticker tape parades. The true hero is not awarded metals of honor or purple hearts. The true hero acts based on a profound understand of morality, philosophy, and economics. The true heroes are all around us. They are not in the limelight. They do not expect daily praises for their efforts but they do hold other to the same standard of civility. Be a radical. Advocate for peace, love, and anarchy. Vacate the State!  

“Man is the only Patriot. He sets himself apart in his own country, under his own flag, and sneers at the other nations, and keeps multitudinous uniformed assassins on hand at heavy expense to grab slices of other people's countries, and keep them from grabbing slices of his. And in the intervals between campaigns, he washes the blood off his hands and works for the universal brotherhood of man, with his mouth.” ― Mark Twain, On the Damned Human Race   

America Honors Hired Mercenaries    



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Click on the link if you would like to download my free e-book “Peaceful Anarchism Volume 1” in PDF.   

My name is Danilo Cuellar. Follow me at Peaceful Anarchism. I also run the Peaceful Anarchism Facebook page and produce many YouTube videos and DTube. You can support and donate to my work through Patreon. To support me through PayPal please visit my Peaceful Anarchism website and click on the donate button at the top right of the page. I’m a practitioner of Eastern Healing arts with degrees in Acupuncture and Chinese medicinal herbs, I have always questioned the status quo, a path which led me to peaceful anarchism. Through my journey, I have worn many hats, that of a classical pianist, avid chess player, philosopher, comedian, and now father of two little anarchists. My wife brands me as a Cultural Critic, but I am simply following my thirst for knowledge and passion for writing.  

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