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I am @HeidsterTrades I am a trader, I trade mainly futures and forex. I am involved in curating oil news, events and other data for the titter hashtag #OOTT, I recently started a website called where I have integrated my curated news, charts, data and analysis for oil trading. I am also involved in a project with where we blog about economic news and events with focus on every futures. I will be posting stuff on here mostly about macroeconomics as well as some off the beaten path subjects as well.
My formal training is in the medical sciences and someday I would like to start a foundation dedicated to getting high school students interested in pursuing STEM majors in college, while helping struggling graduate students. That is me in a nut shell!! I look forward to interacting with you all! :)
Welcome to Steemit! Do you trade any digital currencies or cover that on your site? Upvoted and followed :)
We cover them on thank you very much!!! Look forward to sharing more with everyone! :)
Awesome, I'll check it out!
Cool! Where do I get help on here, there is no edit bar on my posting window. I tried chat, but no answers. Thanks!
I believe once you post it you cannot change the tags. You'd have to repost under new tags :) I know it's weird, but it's beta, maybe they will change that. As for help, the best thing to do is use the google search hour glass at the top of Steemit, and ask your questions. Most things are covered by the users here, so most questions may have multiple posts with answers.

Also, you may want to submit a similar post under the #introducemyself tag.