Veritaseum - Reggie takes on FUD on YouTube but comes out a little short
There's no doubt about Reggie, he's a likable guy and he's a smart guy. When Reggie speaks about business, he can charm his way into your wallet. When making investment decisions, you have to leave your emotions out of the decision making process.
Here's a couple of things to look for while watching the video:
Google, Facebook, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley doesn't have a whitepaper. These companies didn't come to the Crypto-World and raise money like Veritaseum. You have entered a small community or crypto investors that have certain expectations, and not having a whitepaper will always haunt you. You know have no choice but to be big success or be known as the person who came to the crypto-world, got half a billion dollars in market cap, and still wouldn't make a whitepaper. If you won't do it for the community, just do it for your investors.
GITHUB! Why not just humor the loyal crypto community or just do it for your investors.
Want to take on FUD? It might just take a day to get #1 and #2 done .