Venezuela Observatory - Just one uninformed American's digging
Have you heard about the Economic Crisis in Venezuela?

I want to keep my opinion and ideas in this post short because I am not at all well informed on this subject but I've seen enough to be concerned.
As just another a human on this shared planet I believe the struggles of the Venezuelan people should be everyone's concern - just the same as all other suppressed and/or occupied people. No child deserves to starve or be witness to murder, bombings, and terrifying situations just because they happened to be born in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I thought I would highlight a few of the articles I've found relating to this topic.
If you are currently living (or have lived) in Venezuela I would love for you to comment and give us all your point of view on what is going on and even what has lead up to this travesty. Misinformation is rampant, statistics are manipulated (over decades even), media is bought and paid for therefore true personal experiences are priceless in today's world.
My only personal point of reference really, as a 30-something-American, is the "Joe-4-oil" billboards and commercials I recall seeing everywhere before but have not seen over the last few winters.
Here's one of his old commercials that used to play on cable here in Mass:
Joe Kennedy began his partnership with Citgo and Venezuela back in 1989. You can learn more about his projects and his past partnership with Venezuela at Citizen's Engery Currently Joe Kennedy sponsors solar projects all over New England. I did not look too deeply into exactly when/how Joe-4-Oil died down but from what I did read, obviously, there are a multitude of reasons. I have to admit I was happy to read about his solar related projects going on although I'm sure the oil businesses felt the loss.
In the News
Here are some articles from all different sources (even MSM) reporting on the situation. As usual, do your own research and form your own opinion. If you have any additional information feel free to drop it, or any links, in the comments section.
- Houston Chronicle article from May 9th Iran sanctions add to Venezuela collapse, jolting oil market
The South American nation, holder of the world's biggest oil reserves, has seen output fall almost 40 percent since 2015, to 1.5 million barrels a day, amid political turmoil and an economic meltdown under President Nicolas Maduro. With global creditors eyeing Venezuelan assets and the U.S. considering more sanctions, production could drop further, to 1 million barrels daily, Societe Generale analysts said in a report last week.
- Article from Al Jazeera posted on May 7th My life in crisis: Diary of a Venezuelan journalist
While barricading the street, burning tyres and braving rubber-coated steel bullets and tear gas, the protesters told us journalists of the hours their children spend sobbing from going to bed hungry. Children who don't go to school because, without food, they might faint in class.
Many Venezuelans today don't have milk for their children, they don't have rice, oil, sugar, coffee, spaghetti ... They can't afford anything because a kilo of rice, imported from Brazil or Trinidad and Tobago , costs around 220,000 bolivars ($4.40) - 56 percent of the monthly minimum wage in Venezuela, which is currently 392,646 bolivars ($7.85).
- CNN article from April 20thVenezuela protests: What you need to know
The opposition call became even stronger when, on April 7, the government notified main opposition leader Henrique Capriles that he had been banned from doing any political work for 15 years. The 44-year-old governor of Miranda, who has run for president twice, said the government was again acting like a dictatorship.
- NY Times article from February, 20th Venezuela Launches Virtual Currency, Hoping to Resuscitate Economy
The Venezuelan government has said the value of the petro will be tied in some way to the value of a barrel of Venezuelan oil. But the Maduro administration has not given many details on how this pricing would work, and many investors have said they would not trust the government to faithfully maintain the link between the petro and the price of oil.
- Bloomberg on Jan 28th IMF Projects Venezuela Inflation Will Soar to 13,000 Percent in 2018
The IMF expects the Venezuelan economy to contract 15 percent this year, leading to a cumulative GDP decline of nearly 50 percent since 2013. That’s holding back the rebound of the entire region; Latin America is expected to grow 1.9 percent this year, or 2.5 percent without Venezuela. While Venezuela suppresses the regional average, at this point the impact on its neighbors’ output is “very limited,” Werner said in a press conference following the report’s release.
A video on social media also showed around a dozen men running into a lush pasture, chasing a cow, and then apparently beating it to death.
“They’re hunting. The people are hungry!” says the narrator of the video, who filmed the incident from his car. Lawmaker Paparoni said some 300 animals were believed to have been killed. Reuters could not verify the information.
- put out an overview of 2017 :
They put out this easy to read image of statistics"
Now, let's take it back a few years and see what MSM was preaching back in 2016
- Forbes Magazine June 21, 2016 Congratulations To Bolivarian Socialism - Venezuela Has Food Riots Now
This self righteous prick is so utterly condescending and argumentative that I question whether Trump may have ghost written this.. LOL
This post has been part of #venezuelaobservatory. All earnings on this post will be transferred and donated to this project.
I hope you're interested in learning more about this initiative! Check out this post by @bifilarcoil Venezuela Observatory: (2018 may 06) to learn all about the project. <3 <3

The economic warfare of the US against Venezuela has been incredibly effective, just as much as the PR and spin campaign in the mainstream media.
If you are looking for alternative sources, check out the Empire Files with Abby Martin, who has spent time on the ground in Caracus. An article here on TruthOut, and another from Mint Press News discussing the tactics of the (US backed) opposition.
Also check out Lee Camp's (Redacted Tonight) interview with Eva Gollinger
We need to remember the conditions of the US backed "Chicago School" regime, and what improvements did occur under Chavez, whilst understanding the reasons why the country is now on the brink
@cattledog thank you so much for all those sources!! I'm checking them all out. I really appreciate you sharing all this information with me and anyone else who may read this. I want to at least gain more of an understanding so I can be a small help in some way to make a difference.. I feel like so many Americans are misinformed or just uninterested - maybe with posts like this and sources being offered up people will start to do their own digging and wake up.
Thanks again for reading my blog and taking the time to make this awesome comment :-D
To get a broader perspective of the US actions in South and Central America, have a look at the John Pilger's 2007 documentary The War on Democracy
thank you!
Thank you..all sound interesting. Let me check them one at a time.
Thank you @amariespeaks. I am also not well-informed about this issue in Vanezuela but your post definitely helped. I have read the articles you referenced and will search for more.
thank you for taking the time to read and research more @dandalion :) hopefully more people will take an interest as well ! Namaste my friend <3
That name triggered a WTF alert.
I'm digging around in Caribbean news, as a few island are Dutch municipalities and use our language. The Island Curacao has a large oil refinery that was in Venezuelan hands. And i see contradicting news about it.
Yesterday i read 2 articles that the refinery was serviced on and would be able to step up the production. Suggesting that the production will soon be started again.
But today the news ready the exact opposite
Venezuela stops oil delivery to Curacao.
My curiosity rises about how they will 'fix' this 'problem' as 50% of the GDP of Curacao IS oil and this little secret cash cow for the Dutch elite now goes hungry.
All the more interesting how this all ties up with history. Kennedy family, the current political bullshit in the USA. (o we are soooo damn busy with Hillary, but how much of this is a result of that BS?)
While the greedy elite are grasping for pocket money, there are real lives at stake here.
Link that back to the greed here on steemit, and i would say COME ON GUYS, cut the crap. Don't behave like a bullshit elite wannabe. We are better then this. And if not, then something else needs to happen..
ohh jeez - I had seen some news about their (Venezuelan) oil refineries only working here and there and this had become a major issue and was driving the economy down. I see so much BS it's hard to sort through lol but I think you're very right it's all about greed and those cashing in do not care about the real lives at stake.

I guess all we can do is our own small part and try to balance out the greed out there. I hate seeing it permeate Steemit.. it's like that meme:
We need to be wise about where to focus on. And i'm having a very hard time to make priorities.
In my mind everything is equally important and it is driving me nuts.
Great MEME!
I agree there are way too many things to be done/fixed - I'm having trouble focusing as well. There are so many avenues which have led to the disaster.. maybe just focusing on the future and how to provide some relief might be the best option? IDK..
it's scary how bad the world is broken. And you only can see it when you need to use the system. And the sooner you need a solution the harder it is to get trough.
yup! It's a down hill slide.. trying to cling to little weeds and branches that just pull up and out and provide no help what-so-ever
Another example of suffering people, at the hand of 'fat cat' governments...
I know right... you think people would learn? Nope.. just keep going on with the same broken systems and wondering why everyone is failing except 1% of the population.
hello great article I like to talk about my country, it is true we are in crisis, many problems in the health system nothing works, justice system is totally corrupt, the prison system only sends crime the state lost control over the jails, much but many people are going hungry, there is something that works well all basic needs such as water, electrical system, garbage collection nothing is working. I really do not believe that the US is the biggest influence in all that I do not believe, for me it is the political system that does not work in the XXI century or Karl Marx and Lenin did not work socialism. To know what is happening in Venezuela you just have to be living and surviving this. Thank you for your article here I leave a publication made by me about the Venezuelan situation.
hi @chanchuy thank you so much for sharing your story - I will be sure to read your post :) The justice system across the world is in dire need of a complete over haul. Don't feel alone in it - the People are being screwed over in every system, every government across the globe. Hopefully by spreading awareness we can be some small change. There is a discord for this project - hope to see you over there :)