Tourist places of Venezuela

in #venezuela7 years ago

Venezuela has a myriad of paradisiacal places, which I invite you to know if you have the opportunity. Because in spite of all the difficulties that my beautiful country is currently going through, it does not stop being a point of reference for the enjoyment and enjoyment in a recreational way of all the people who decide and can come to enjoy our wonderful land and hospitality. the locals.

I show you a small gallery of images of my beloved Venezuela ..

Margarita Island
It is an island surrounded by the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea, famous for its dreamy coastline, where paradisiacal beaches, luxurious hotel infrastructures and picturesque fishing bays follow each other.


Archipelago de los Roques:
Another of the paradisiacal tourist places of Venezuela to visit in the Caribbean region, a coral atoll formed by fifty islands and hundreds of small keys, where probably hide some of the most paradisiacal beaches of the country, characterized by its white sands and warm waters crystal clear.

los roques.jpg

National park Canaima:
Located on the border with Guyana and Brazil, it corresponds to one of the most famous natural gems of Venezuela, a park declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, whose vast extension places it among the largest national parks in the world.
Among the spectacular scenarios of the park, stand out both its imposing rock formations, with vertical walls and almost flat peaks, known as "tepuyes", as its huge waterfalls, among which are the Kukenan and Angel Falls, the latter, the the world's highest water fall.


Morrocoy National Park:
Another national park that could not be out of any ranking of the best tourist places in Venezuela, encompassing a vast territory of terrestrial and aquatic areas in the Golfo Triste area, a gulf located in the southern part of the Caribbean Sea.


Mochima National Park.
Park of beautiful natural scenarios, among which there are coral reefs and mangroves in the coastal area, as well as millenary humid and cloudy forests in the area of ​​the foothills of the Eastern Cordillera.


Cross port
Port city on the Caribbean coast, known for its extensive tourism development, with both an extensive hotel infrastructure and an attractive entertainment offer, especially concentrated on its Paseo Colón, with numerous restaurants and night spots.


This university city is another of the attractive places to visit in Venezuela, delighting both with its beautiful landscapes of surrounding mountains and with its valuable historical heritage, housing numerous colonial buildings in its historic center.
Among its most famous tourist sites is the Sierra Nevada National Park, a beautiful nature reserve of snow-capped mountains, lagoons and cloudy jungles.


City with a historic center and port declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco, home to numerous historical monuments and colonial buildings, which reflect an interesting mix of Spanish and Dutch influences.
In addition to its colonial zone, the city presents the attraction of its magnificent natural environments, among which are the Los Médanos de Coro National Park, with sand dunes in continuous movement and the Caribbean beaches of the Paraguaná peninsula.


Delta del Orinoco National Park:
One of the best tourist places in Venezuela for lovers of ecotourism, comprising a vast area of ​​humid tropical forest, which surrounds the delta of the mouth of the Orinoco River, site where the river branches into hundreds of channels also known as pipes.

delta del orinoco.jpg

Colonia Tovar:
Small town full of charm located only 42 kilometers from Caracas, a town founded at the end of the 19th century by German immigrants, where its picturesque wooden architecture and its traditions and festivities are still appreciable. Eating German food in its restaurants, visiting workshops handmade ceramic, taste sweets and
Conserve or drink the typical beer of the region, are part of the activities that can be performed in the place.

colonia tovar.jpg

There are still many places, beautiful to show from my beautiful country ....


Beautiful country. Will visit someday for sure...

Wow... Breathtaking. Gorgeous and pristine country. Can't wait for more. Maybe one day I'll get the experience some of those places. Thank you for sharing beautiful country.

thanks friend for your comment.Venezuela is with open arms

Wow what an amazing place after readibg your post i want to visit this place

thank you, you are well received. I invite you to read my last post, so you can see other wonders of my country. I count on your vote and comment. Thank you.

Thanks for the beautiful pictures. I was working on a Canadian warship that stopped there for a week in 1988. Despite the number of armed security forces we had a great visit.

I love being able to show the beauty of my country and the hospitality of my people. Thanks for your comment.

Venezuela es el país maravilloso. Dejemls las divisiones y disfrutemoslo. Conciencia y Cultura.

asi es amigo,Venezuela es de todos.

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