The reality of the Venezuelans emigrating; some have begun to emigrate on foot.

in #venezuela7 years ago

Hi guys, I do this post because for nobody is a secret that many Venezuelans leave the country every day across the border, but due to censorship of information in Venezuela there are many things that are not known internationally, like this: Due to the low Venezuelan monthly salary and the high costs of the tickets, people have begun to emigrate BY FOOT, yes ... WALKING.

It is incredible the journey to which these people are thrown ... being adrift and depending only on the help that people on the road give them.

Surfing the internet I found this video that has a lot of interesting information and proves the reality that people seeking to leave Venezuela are going through


  • Where are you guys coming from?

From Barinas, Barinas state, the Venezuelan plain.

  • From Where are you walking ?

We are Walking from Cucuta (the border with Venezuela)

  • Why that crossing? Why walking?

Because of the situation we are currently experiencing, one to leave the country, pass Colombia and arrive here, you need a large amount of Bolivares to be able to buy a ticket.

I passed the border and changed 1 minimum salary from Venezuela (400 thousand bolivars), I changed it and they gave me 12 thousand pesos.

  • Not enough to pay a taxi

No,it is not enough for anything, only for some empanadas for each one and that's all.

  • And since when you started in Cucuta?

on Friday, afternoon

  • How long have you been walking?

Friday, Saturday and Sunday, We have been given rides but short.

  • We came and it catches our attention that there are more than 120 people that we have counted in all the way and I wonder how they come? Do they come in groups of 5?

Yes, right now in the last group we were about 30 people and they told us that there were about 350 people walking ahead.

  • And how far do you want to go?

The truth is that our goal is Argentina, Colon.

  • And Venezuela were difficult to leave?

all Venezuela is ugly, this is real, this is no game, this has to be seen by everyone, as is the situation in Venezuela today. And we have to emigrate to be able to look for a future.

It is not like a few years ago that one said I'm going to Colombia for a entertainment, I'm going to Medellin to visit, to the beach. Right now, everyone is going out for necessity.

Because 400 thousand bolivars that we earn in a month of work only reach to eat two days, 1kg of rice costs 90 thousand, 1 kg of sugar 150 thousand, 1kg of meat 200 thousand and at the change are only 12 thousand, 13 thousand pesos; IS NOTHING.

  • And right now, you have eaten something?

Back there a man gave us some empanadas and a juice. We have found good, very noble people who help us as well as others who turn their backs on us. But thank God we have actually gotten more good people. If we have collided with bad people but we have also got help.

  • This is in El Picacho, Páramo de Colombia.

The fridge, is how they call it "La Nevera".

This is the reality that our country is going through, inside there are families and children dying of hunger and at the borders there are people struggling to get out, having to reach extreme ways like these; of having to travel entire countries on foot to go in search of a better quality of life and on TV nothing is said about this, the only way to obtain information is through social networks.

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