Everyone Has Fallen for the Lies About Venezuela

in #venezuela6 years ago

There are three things I know for sure in this fanciful, sometimes inglorious experience we call life:

  1. You will never have a safety pin when you need one, and you will have thousands when you don’t need one.
  2. Wild animals are breathtakingly majestic until they’re crawling up your pant leg.
  3. A U.S. presidential administration will never admit that it invaded another country or backed a coup attempt in order to essentially steal the natural resources (oil) of said country.

This is why it was so very shocking last week when members of the Trump administration admitted they were backing a coup attempt in order to essentially steal the natural resources (oil) of another country.

That country is Venezuela...

Read the whole story: https://www.truthdig.com/articles/everyone-has-fallen-for-the-lies-about-venezuela/


Great article..thanks
The US wants to free the Venezuelan people
from their oil.

Not so sure. Sure the motives of people like Bolton is definitely that. Yet we do have some cool people from Venezuela that have been very active in #informationwar on steemit for some time like @vieira. It is good to get their perspective too since they are in Venezuela and they are active in the #informationwar. I know they don't dislike Trump, though they like many of us dislike some of the people he has surrounded himself with like Neo-Con Bolton.

Many Venezuelans actually support the intervention in a desperate way. It is not the majority, but it is certainly not a negligible part at all. Although I don't think that's the solution.

Surely Maduro is a tyrant, like Chávez, and without a doubt they are the main culprits of the economy, social and political crisis. Certainly the country is in ruins, and the people who support the government are a pretty small minority. And evidently there is an inumerable amount of problems that are the product, in one way or another, of the government's failed interventionism.

This causes many to despair and seek a quick exit, where opposition and international intervention comes in.

However, the opposition is also socialist, and even their government plans differ little with the current ones, the difference is that they have support from international politicians, they have the support of international money, and in turn, they have international interests, so options are between changing a tyrant who is weakened and about to fall under his own weight, for a new one with more strength, support, money, etc.

The Venezuelan opposition is what in the United States would denominate "the most extreme wing of the democratic party". Guaidó is not at all different from Ocasio-Cortez, for example.

I think that the American political establishment wants to force an intervention in Venezuela, to set up social-democratic politicians, and then blame Trump for any mistake. Maybe I'm wrong.

"Surely Maduro is a tyrant, like Chávez, and without a doubt they are the main culprits of the economy, social and political crisis."
What makes you so sure of that? Both of them were voted in by the people in elections which were deemed to be exceptionally fair by international observers.
The US didn't send observers so that they wouldn't have to admit to this fact.
Also one of the main reasons for the bad economic situation has been due to sanctions illegally imposed mainly by the US.


I looked up @vieira and #informationwar but couldn't find anything relevant to this issue.
Though all US expansionism, regime change etc. is nothing more than plunder in disguise.
It has nothing whatever to do with bringing democracy or freedom or saving or helping the people. In fact quite the opposite.
In fact it's the only way the US economy keeps going.
If you have any direct links to these other perspectives on Venezuela I'd appreciate them.

I just gave an answer just above.

Yes and I think you're wrong. Obviously you don't understand how the US economy works. It's heading for a major collapse so they need to plunder someone to prevent it, and Venezuela has just what they need right now.

Always follow the money!

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