Breaking news: Shots fired near the Venezuelan border with Brazil
As predicted the other day, the Aid for Venezuela operation is turning deadly. At least one person has been killed and several wounded near the border with Brazil. According to press reports, security forces opened fire on a group of indigenous people trying to keep the border with Brazil open so humanitarian aid can come through.
As you know, two separate aid convoys from the US are scheduled to enter the country tomorrow, one coming from Brazil and the other from Colombia. Self-appointed president Juan Guaido is also travelling towards the border with Colombia to be see the aid in and take credit for it.
The news that people were killed today is sure to add fuel to the already dramatic situation in Venezuela, which could lead to further protests and more dead.
At this point it is hard to say who will win in the battle for Venezuela, but one thing is certain, the woman who died today won’t get to see it. Nor will the others, willing to bet their lives on the freedom the Americans have promised them.
The fuse has been lit.
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