in #venezuela6 years ago


Important Note: This Publication corresponds to an Improvement Edition and subsequent translation from Spanish to English of My Post, previously made by me and published in Steemit:

Everything was done by the Author: myself @josevasquez With Graphic support, according to the sources cited

I humbly present Ideas and Possible Actions to Build Present and Future Plenary of Blessings, Love, Peace, Tolerance, Wisdom, Health, Happiness, Equity, Progress and Success, with Quality and Continuous Improvement.

For those who do not know and may be interested, I must report that I am almost finalizing and documenting a brief investigation (begun in February of this year), which aims to induce due reflection and generate objective proposals for Venezuela and the Venezuelans; being a study that is already in its third phase.

In this sense, previously I have already managed to share on Steemit a couple of summaries of my research, which have been exposed in two previous publications:



In the aforementioned environment and for this quasi-summary, I consider it almost a duty to reiterate that today's problems are not different from yesterday's, they have only been accentuated; and in fact, we can see that if we do not promote an active and general change, then these problems for the future will be worse and with many added aggravations.

That is to say, among my first conclusions (without pretending to invent lukewarm water), it is evident that our present is a direct consequence of our ideas, words, decisions, actions, errors, deviations, omissions and successes in the past; therefore, by simple logic it is inferred that if we stop acting and continue making mistakes, deviations and omissions in the present, then our future will be the same or worse. If we already know this, then why do not we think, speak, feel and act accordingly?

Therefore, based on various statistical results, formal and informal surveys and the opinions of well-versed analysts, it is noted that the majority of Venezuelans (over 85%), we agree that this red, evil, hunger, looter and destructive government or "puppet" system of government ¿socialist? They should not continue in power and should finish it term as soon as possible, because they are very bad, corrupt, repressive and puppet of other countries of looting governments of our resources.

In addition, almost everyone is clear that it is an incompetent government, outlaw, inefficient, murderous, liar, expropriator, criminal, destroyer of the economy, morality, education, happiness, hope, family, society, the companies, productive industries and institutions of the country, mortgaging the future of our children, and with exaggerated authoritarian, nephotic, dictatorial, mafia and narcos traits.

However, it is regrettable that they are still badly governing in Venezuela, the people continue to suffer and the country continues to crumble to pieces with metaphorical terminal leprosy; Then, in my prospective future scenarios, the possible alternatives are apparently blocked before the series of questions: How to achieve it ...? How to do...? How is the how ...? Among others, how ...? Because simply a change is urgent and the obvious answer is: YES TO CHANGE! But how...?

Continue Waiting Cowardly and Silently for Ideas and Actions of a "Messianic Leader"?

Contradictorily, many Venezuelans wait with fear and in silence, sometimes, we remain full of hope, faith, resignation, conformism, fanaticism, submission or simple cowardice; all a long wait for the performance of other leaders? who, presumptuously, should they... Magically solve our problems?

In fact, in view of the submission of both, the people and the institutions of the state, the politically divisive idea and action of going to vote or not don´t, is usually posed. And in both cases, the response and proposal that remains in the environment is a sad wait in silence and fear of the occurrence of such elections, then wait what...? How many more years should we wait fearfully and silently? How many more years should we wait with fear of giving opinions and acting to drive change?

It is sad to admit it, but with such accumulated cowardice, it is presumed that the next months we will continue to pass while waiting in silence, while Venezuela and the Venezuelans become ill, tortured, hungry, weak and almost without vital signs, with millions of citizens migrating massively seeking to save themselves of the Red Holocaust; while, many others unfortunately die daily. And those of us who remain here and continue with life, will continue in the sad and bitter wait for a final or fatal outcome?

I consider that there are other errors, problems, failures or omissions of us Venezuelans as a whole, because we should not worry so much, complaining, murmuring and waiting in bitter silence of taciturn cowards; In fact, I am inclined to take care of ourselves, to be active and united, proposing solutions, alternatives, acting and fighting, in efficient Creole team for a better future that we deserve, both Venezuela and all Venezuelans, in Harmony, Peace, Progress and Happiness...

In this context, I must point out that the history of humanity is full of similar events, with sobering circumstances that invite us to understand, react, awaken, get up, think and act with great courage, and in action and reaction of the entire Venezuelan Society that is willing to change; and therefore, I suggest that everything be based on the Perfectible Quality and Continuous Improvement, to grow, prosper, succeed and be happy in self-sustainable progress.

So, I reiterate my call to the individual and collective conscience of all Venezuelans, because changes will not be possible, if we do not change ourselves first in attitude and mentality, by ourselves, internalizing it properly so as not to corrupt ourselves, or fanatize, or lose faith, nor wait more in silence, nor cowardly, nor require for the appearance of a "Leader or Messiah" who comes to save us; because the best we can do is feel, think, speak and act without fear; and to promote, achieve and enjoy the changes, successes and happiness all together, that as brothers we deserve it.


Based on the definition of "Continuous Improvement of and for Venezuela, and of and for Venezuelans", presented in the first publication referred to this topic (supra identified), it has to consist of "a systematic scheme focused on perfectible processes, in order to achieve the best strategies, management, actions and systematic operations, focused on perfectible processes, for the management, planning, administration, execution and control of optimal operations, processes, products and services of Venezuela towards its Citizens and Entrepreneurs and their Citizens and Entrepreneurs for Venezuela, obtained by commitment and consensus and implemented in a documented and controlled way, based on a general attitude focused on perfectible Quality".

In this context, some inferences of Perfectible Quality and Continuous Improvement of and for Venezuela and of and for Venezuelans will be indicated in the future; as ideas and realistic alternatives, sincere and feasible, that can be implemented according to the necessary sustainable progress of the whole society, united in synergy, with guarantee and respect for laws, norms, regulations, policies and stable criteria, beneficial to all, incorruptible and unbreakable; to achieve efficient operative, administrative and management executions, with effective controls to minimize errors and satisfy the needs and expectations of Venezuela and the Venezuelans.

In this sense, and considering that Venezuela and the Venezuelans need a real change, Naturally, the Perfectible Quality and Continuous Improvement is proposed as a strategy of change, since conceptually I consider that these are the most updated and proven means and mechanisms for develop perfectible positive changes, depending on the optimization of the resources of both Venezuela and its citizens (for example to encourage a lower tax burden (less taxes) and in the shortest possible time.

So much so, that it is very obvious because failures, problems, deviations, gaps, errors and omissions in terms of Quality consume excess resources for actions and inorganic operations. Therefore, it is recommended:

.- Analyze and evaluate with true knowledge, honesty and ethics, together with specialist technocrats, in consultative synergy with the People, about the pre-existing situation to identify the problems, causes, consequences and the areas of possible improvements, in each national area, regional and local; both for the Country and for the Citizen, and at the micro and macro level, in all the Venezuelan and Venezuelan contexts.

.- Based on the results of the previous analysis and evaluation, for each problem, failures, omissions, causes, consequences and areas of possible improvements detected; the objectives and goals should be established with their indicators and controls for faithful temporal and operational compliance, in order to successfully achieve the referred continuous improvements and the highest possible quality.

.- Later we must focus on the search for multiple possible solutions to achieve the aforementioned objectives, with good indicators and goals; and from there apply methods with selection criteria of solutions, to make the choice of the best options (without disregarding the other possible solutions, which will be as warned at the bat, in case of failing the option or options chosen by consensus or by choice by Consultative or Approval Referendum).

.- The next step will be the Management of the Improvement Project, with all the necessary components in terms of planning, resource management, execution, control, evaluation, feedback and improvements of all the processes inherent to the implementation of the actions decided based on the agreed solutions.

.- From the previous point, the analysis of the results obtained and the evaluation of the implemented actions and solutions will be carried out to determine with measurable and reliable indicators, if the proposed objectives and goals of Quality and Continuous Improvement have been achieved, or in their defect is returned to the initial point, to restart the process in honor of the ideal Perfectibility.

How, where, what, with what, why and for what "do we eat that..."?

The answers to all those and other possible questions that are generated in the way to travel, will always be framed in the conceptual structure of the Perfect Quality and Continuous Improvement, because from its philosophy the undoubted advantages that its application for any organization or system.

In fact, in our case it is inferred that applying the Perfectible Quality and Continuous Improvement of and for Venezuela and of and for the Venezuelans, surely the necessary change will be achieved to be progressively and always better, more productive, efficient, competitive, honest, successful, with more equitable distribution of wealth and happiness; with a better Government System that together improves and we all improve continuously; especially because:

.- Venezuela, its System of Government, Institutions and Productive Apparatus, could achieve a greater capacity for progressive and improved adaptation to the needs of all Venezuelans; in institutionalist terms, strictly controlled, inviolable and without allowing absurd changes that try to demean the own system, the country, the Venezuelans or the control or the feedback of Continuous Improvement for its faithful fulfillment.

.- The characteristics of the Perfectible Quality and Continuous Improvement, is an intrinsic control factor that will force to reduce the problems, errors, deviations, waste, failures, mediocrities, risks, inefficiencies and omissions, among others; and therefore the consumption of our resources and associated costs would be reduced, in order to automatically increase productivity, efficiency, consideration and economic benefits for the people (for example, by lowering taxes, improving wages and salaries, and increasing social help), in an assertive binomial of winning + winning.

.- The activation of a system of government Focus on processes and Quality Management and Continuous Improvement Perfectible, allow governments are facing in preventing problems, corruptions, errors, deviations, nepotism, failures, inefficiency, negligence and omissions; in all the branches of the Public Powers, and in each one of the areas and institutions of government and of the national productive apparatus.

Idealism and Pragmatism .- perfectible Quality and Continuous Improvement and Venezuela and the Venezuelans and should inform the tangible fact and reciprocal to improving the quality of management, Legislation, Justice, controls, works , products, services and security, among other aspects of everything that Venezuela will offer to Venezuelans; It will promote the immediate reduction of protests, complaints, discouragement, complaints and social problems.

.- With Quality and Continuous Improvement, both the country and all citizens will automatically and especially improve the Quality of Life of all Venezuelans; and as a result the Venezuelans will offer the Country its best and best effort of Perfectible Quality and Continuous Improvement with commitment, honesty, innovation and entrepreneurship; turning the scheme into a Virtuous Circle of redundant Perfectible Quality and Continuous Improvement for everyone's satisfaction and growth in INDISOLUBLE UNIT OF WIN + WIN.

I believe that at this point I should finish this third phase and leave the conclusive part for the last installment...

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