Important Note: This Publication corresponds to an Improvement Edition and subsequent translation from Spanish to English of My Post, previously made by me and published in Steemit:
Everything was done by the Author: myself @josevasquez With Graphic support, according to the sources cited
I Wish Present and Future Plenaries of Blessings, Love, Peace, Health, Wisdom, Happiness, Success, Freedom and Progress For All My Brothers on Steemit, Venezuela and the World.
Also, I must point out that the context of the situation analyzed is public and notorious, because for no one is a secret that in recent years, Venezuelans have experienced situations and events that are humiliating, complicated, destructive, convulsed, chilling, sad, decadent, hopeless, dictatorial and bizarre (and with a tendency to complicate the situation much more since the last weeks, especially after the announcements and actions of the government, focused on the ruinous and harmful "black package" of measures of presumed economic adjustment).
In fact, they are very ironic and tragicomic both the scenario that is experienced, as the situation and expectations of the Venezuelan citizens, combined with the proposals, decisions, rulings, executions, lies, manipulations, corruption and vexation by the dictatorial government. So much so, that the Venezuelans and the International Community seem to be confused and have probably even come to believe that no matter what can be done, the country will continue its tortuous path of terrible descent into a hellish abyss of chaos, famine and destruction; and every day Venezuelans spend we will be worse.
Although, I understand that I must give proof of truthfulness; In the same way, I know that it is required to present a few real and tangible samples. So, I must first point out the terrible daily and exponential bullish climb of the U.S. dollar/hyperinflation binomial, which has resulted in the evident official and unofficial depreciation of our currency, the daily increase in the costs of food, medicines and other essential articles to live well, and in obvious reaction there is the traumatic loss of the purchasing power of the salary of the worker and the Venezuelan family, in addition to the very high unemployment figure.
The above is just the tip of the "iceberg" of the horrible and fateful Venezuelan grief; framed in the evil, falsehood, populism, truculence, manipulation, deception, corruption, threats, dissociation, reversal of reality and repression by this sadistic government and their ruinous collaborators; all of which, configures a scheme and scenario quite singular, bizarre and sometimes difficult to understand.

That is to say, it is very obvious that there are many real proofs of problems, ridicule and daily sufferings that the Venezuelans suffer almost esthetically, which increase indiscriminately as cruel punishments that hit us every day more; and no matter what those who do not suffer in their own flesh say; I can point out reality objectively and truthfully, and with knowledge of causes and effects; because the great majority of us, we survive with fear, complaining, moaning and murmuring in Venezuela, in critical conditions that already resemble the infrahuman and irrational.
In this great context and generalizing as a whole, it is reflected that the spooky joint situation: moral, ethical, educational, political, economic, labor, social, family, cultural, health and principles, among many others. They encompass one of the worst crises of decline, destruction and famine of our entire history as a republic.
Although, perhaps nothing new I can relate, because just as all this I live daily and I know it very well; similarly almost all Venezuelans also suffer and know it, and perhaps some will even criticize me for this; because even internationally almost everyone already knows, because much of this has already been said; but, unpleasantly, only the Venezuelans are the ones who suffer it in their own flesh (even the subject is trite, with thousands of deaths caused)...
In this sense, trying not to digress I issue this preview, which only serves me to define recitals, contextualize the analysis and make catharsis, to reflect and call to conscience with real information, based on what we have today in Venezuela; and thus be able to refine strategies and proposals, with the pretension of advancing towards a better future.
In this order of ideas, I must indicate my first inference as I consider that our present comes as dependence, direct and indirect consequence of our past (especially our actions, successes, errors and omissions); then, my main proposal is oriented in that we must improve our present to reach an Optimum Perfectible future, of Freedom, Equity, Justice, Ethics and Modern Progress, with QUALITY AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT...

Theorizing, it can be said that annually the concept of Quality changes and evolves, to take it from what was formerly related to "something good", to sophisticated notions based on the properties of "something" to judge its value. That is to say, the word Quality can generate confusion, which makes it difficult to define it punctually. So much so, that each author defines it based on his philosophy, understanding, context and particular use.
However, according to my knowledge, prejudices or Philosophical Theories, I gather defining pieces from multiple authors, which can be adapted to my particular way of understanding the subject. In this sense, I consider Quality is the capacity of "something" to guarantee the satisfaction of the needs and expectations of the consumer, client, user or citizen, in my particular case.
For example, in the case of a company that offers a product or service, Quality refers to the capacity of said product or service to guarantee the satisfaction of the needs and expectations of customers, users or consumers; who will judge the value of that product or service based on their offered properties and their satisfaction will be directly related to the comparison between what is offered, their requirements and what is actually available, used or consumed.
Therefore, and by extension for the National case that obliges me, Quality can be defined as the Capacity that Venezuela has, in terms of guaranteeing the satisfaction of the needs and expectations of ALL its Citizens; and in equitable correspondence is the commitment of the Citizens towards Venezuela and towards themselves.
That is, Quality of Venezuela in an intentional format to satisfy all Venezuelans and in return, Quality of Venezuelans to satisfy Venezuela; and in both senses, the value of each one of the committed ones will be judged on the basis of the comparison between what is offered, promises, requirements and what is actually accomplished, fulfilled and executed, for the good of the country and the citizens.

In a similar way to the previous concept, I recognize that in the past, the process and Continuous Improvement approach was basically aimed at organizations of companies and industries, and essentially to their operations, products and services.
But, I also recognize that this concept has now been extended to almost any type of organization or system, with inclusive factors towards suppliers, customers, users, consumers, citizens, and in general to all groups or societies of interest or commitments, for the referred organization or system.
That is to say, in my particular Philosophical conception, I recognize that Continuous Improvement is currently considered to be a systematic scheme focused on perfectible processes, which seeks optimal operations, management, products and services of an organization or system, through the documented and controlled application of a managerial and general attitude, committed and focused on Quality.
For these reasons, I recognize that the concept of Continuous Improvement also establishes the bases to ensure the normalization and stabilization of criteria, plans, strategies and management, operational, labor and administrative, optimal and perfectible for the management of processes and the entire organization or system, with records, controls and the perennial search for errors, failures or areas to improve; to meet the needs and expectations of customers, users, consumers or citizens.
In this sense, the concept can be extrapolated and indicate that the Continuous Improvement of Venezuela is inextricably linked to the Continuous Improvement of Venezuelans, in order to achieve the best strategies, management, actions and systematic operations, focused on perfectible processes, for the management, planning, administration, execution and control of optimal operations, processes, products and services of Venezuela towards its Citizens and Entrepreneurs and their Citizens and Entrepreneurs for venezuela; obtained by compromise and consensus and implemented in a documented and controlled manner, based on a general attitude focused on Quality.
In this context, it is inferred that the Continuous Improvement of Venezuela in synergy with the Continuous Improvement of Venezuelans, is a realistic, sincere and feasible alternative, which must be or can be defined, refined and implemented with the commitment to advance according to the sustainable progress of the entire Venezuelan society, united in the whole architecture of our idiosyncrasies and in order to guarantee laws, norms, regulations, policies and criteria stable, fair, ethical and beneficial for all, incorruptible and unbreakable.
In short, this proposal is presented in order to achieve sound and efficient managerial, operational and administrative executions, optimal for the management of all the processes that Venezuela and the Venezuelans require for their sustained and authentic growth, with effective controls and in the search rational of mistakes, errors, gaps, problems, causes or areas that should be improved; to meet the needs and expectations of progress of Venezuela and the Venezuelans; and according to the HAPPINESS and SUCCESS for all.
I will cut this first part here and in a next installment, I will present and explain a little more the details and characteristics of this Humble Proposal...

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Buen contenido el de tu post @josevasquez , gracias por publicar ya te sigo y te ganaste mi voto !
Ojalá en nuestro país cambiara la cosa y de verdad mejorara la vida de los venezolanos.
buen post