Let's talk a little about my country .. Venezuela!

in #venezuela7 years ago

Source: Google

Nowadays many know of Venezuela only what little they show some TV channels or social networks. Certainly we are going through a very hard time and it has led us to emigrate from our roots to land totally unknown to us. Although some have decided to do bad things, not all of us are like that, the vast majority are honest, kind, charismatic, loving and above all we have always supported each other.

Now, in this post we will not talk about politics, or things that disturb, I will tell you about the beauty of my country and what we both enjoy and miss from these lands!

In Venezuela we have the most beautiful landscapes!

Source: Google

The most beautiful women!

Source: Google

Source: Google

Source: Google

Source: Google

And not only that, we are kind, hardworking, honest, hardworking people who believe in their ideals and work day by day for a better future and a better country.

I believe in us and I bet you when you meet a Venezuelan will realize that I do not lie and that we have much more to offer than many others have been in charge of discrediting.

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what is the mentality of people over there?

It depends on the intention of your question. If you clarify the question I can answer your doubts with pleasure.

I definitely want to go to Venezuela, on my bucket list! upvoted!

You will love it and you will be welcomed! Thanks for comment! @mrwanderlust

Definitivamente ,y totalmente de acuerdo con este post, somos y seremos gente muy carismática, son valores y principios, amantes de nuestra tierra, perseguidores de sueños..guerreros por naturaleza, que viva Venezuela!

That's right, viva Venezuela! Thanks for your comment!

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