Venezuela gambit
So it appears that US special representative for Venezuela Elliot Abrams was pranked by the infamous Russian prankster duo Vovan and Lexus, according to Sputnik news. It seems that during the 23-minute prank call, Abrams inadvertently spilled the beans when it comes to the planned threat of US military intervention. According to the article posted by Sputnik, during the call Abrams reassured that the threat was to pressure Maduro govt and the military more than anything, and that military option was only reserved for the unfortunate event if things whirled out of control for instance if the US embassy were to be attacked.
That said, we can expect the political and economic pressure to continue even though after over a month of disarray, Guaído et al seem to be losing some serious steam. Valentin Vasilescu, writing for, in his article Une intervention militaire ne peut pas renverser le gouvernement vénézuélien asserts that very much like in Vietnam a military expedition into the mountainous jungles of the land would only prove to be a waste of resources. It seems that the only viable way to achieve the "forced" regime change is a color revolution but so far it is clear that it requires much outside pressure, gaslighting and bloodlust to even come close to finalize the coup. We know what happened in Syria. We know the fate of Libya. We see the chaos in Middle-East today. US was only able to topple Saddam in Iraq with a forceful military intervention and bribing the enemy generals.
We don't know what the future's got in store for the average Venezuelan citizen. At this moment, the little humanitarian aid given to the populace is an insult when we think about the scale of sanctions against the dictator Maduro. However, the humanitarian situation in Yemen brought by Saudi dictatorship with US oil partnership is even more drastic. I'm not there so can I really judge. What I can say that the manipulation of public opinion aka social engineering is making most of us blind in the face of immerse amount of information. Politicians and military people are no immune that the rest of us and have to make often ill-advised and two-faced comments about this and this situation in this and this country. MSM is no better in advocating violence against nations standing up to "democracy" or human rights. These are complex issues and I dislike when people simplify these things as black and white, good and evil or us and them. There are more things happening behind the scenes.
Here is a link to the recording of Vovan and Lexus pranking Elliot Abrams. Listen to it while it's available.
Valentin Vasilescu's article at