in #venezuela6 years ago (edited)



Dear Steemians and friends from Venezuela,

My introduce: I am Mexican and my name is Edgar and known by some of my followers as @edgarare1 for now living in Oaxaca City, Mexico.

A friend of mine were talking about the big problems in VENEZUELA, her name is YOSSI, she is not on Steemit, She was talking about the economy and the problems in her Country and why she decided to move to my place, GUADALAJARA JALISCO, MEXICO.. And I believe they deserve extra attention and support.

Many people are having problems in VENEZUELA to get a better economic future and how to support their families.

We are all looking for new alternatives to be in a better economic situation, but this is very difficult to achieve if we do not have the skills that are needed to be a good leader and get a better job.

Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through. the technology and the blockchain is an alternative for all and a future in which some economic resources can be obtained, but this also take some time to be able to achieve it.

Many people are looking for help in the Steemit community when they are new in the platform, but nobody turns to see them, there are few people with gratitude and the mission to help others but sometimes it is very difficult to find them.

100.000 STEEM as a GIFT.


100.000 STEEM as a GIFT. Distributed for @steem-bounty, just people from VENEZUELA, it is not important if your SP is high or low ... The important thing is that you have to be from VENEZUELA.

I want to give it to you as a support and keep you motivated, and know that there are people who are still here to help. I know it's not too much, but I've decided to help more people and not just one. Some people say that something is better than nothing...!!!

The only thing you have to do is:
Just leave a comment with the entry ººVENEZUELAºº and talk a little about the problems you have in your Country (Venezuela) and I will review your blog and decide at the end of this post who will grant the Steems after seven days with an upvote on the comment.

Ps: If you are not from VENEZUELA, feel free to comment, I always read, reply and upvote all of them ...!!!



By @reverseacid
Venezuelan Economic Crisis:


A lot of Hugs ...



Saludos, @edgarare1
Un gesto muy hermoso de tu parte. Lo aplaudo y lo apoyo. Como ya te has percatado, son muchos los Venezolanos que hacemos vida en Steemit, contra todos los obstáculos (internet, electricidad, robos de telefonos y computadoras, etc.). Creo que todas las regiones de nuestro país estan representadas acá.

My name is Henrry Lezama. I am from a small town on the east coast of the State of Sucre (North-east of the country). I am 46 years old. I have 5 children. My elder son is living now in Lima, Perú (I was unable to get him through college). My elder daughter is finishing High School in June (we are planning to send her to Chile with some aunts, there are no universities left here for her to study and even if there were, we’d not be able to afford it). I have been planning to leave the country too, but due to many complications we have not been able to do it. Until last semester, I was a college professor at the Universidad de Oriente (UDO), but was forced to just give up my work given the increasing difficulties to continue teaching.
In this post, I provided a retrospective account of our particular situation.


Education, in all areas, is probably (after the health system tragedy) the most dramatic aspect of the crisis we are living.
The damaged that has inflicted on the generation of students who have attended schools in the last 15 years is, to a certain extent, irreparable. They lost their formative years in a system that was more concerned with ideological indoctrination than with a truly formative and liberating education. The public, independent universities were the only standing body to resist that. That’s why they had to be demolished. And demolished they were.

There are so many layers in this crisis and they are so intermingled that it's hard to find a starting point. One thing affects the other and everything ends up failing. I saw my work hindered by things such as funding (our universities stopped receiving the adequate funding to invest in equipment and infrastructure), but then things went to extremes of not having the most basic things available for students and faculty to do their work. No cafeteria, no library, no computers, no internet, no auditorium, no transportation, no bathrooms!; then crime started to escalate. Assaults, robberies, rapes, even assassinations became “normal” in campus life (no authority would do anything about it, again, the ruining was intentional). We started to give up everything and still continued trying to do our work. But at some point when you don’t have a classroom, when your students can’t afford to copy a handout, when they can’t come to class because they are hungry or can’t walk miles to get to class, and then you simply realize there are no students registered because most of them have left the country, then you know you’re done as a nation.

As of today, for instance, university professors across the country have not received their payment of this month (first fortnight), a payment that, by the way, amounts to some $5. On average, a university professor makes about $10 a month.
Before the revolution started to intentionally ruin the university system and the whole economy, we competed among Latin-American countries for not only the best salary but also the best education.
As it has been evidenced by the first wave of migration that started under Chavez's tenure, we were able to train the best professionals in the region.
At the moment, most public universities are stagnated, technically closed and the few that remain operative (UCV, LUZ, ULA) are doing it under enormous political pressure and under precarious circumstances.

I have been on Steemit for 15 months now and I started here just looking for extra money because we were literally starving. It has not worked out quite well in that aspect. The combination of a bear market for cryptos and our outrageous inflation rate makes it impossible to get any significant economic aid. However, during all these months, I have found amazing people who not only show solidarity for our cause, but also encourage any talent we may have and have pushed us to developed unknown talents.
From this window to the world, I have tried to provide the insider’s view so needed in times of censorship and fake news. There is a lot of misinformation about our crisis and there are a lot of conflicting interests among groups that might be helping otherwise, but who are so concerned to remain faithful to their ideological agenda, they forget about the justice agenda.

We can only hope that our debacle will serve as an example for other countries who might be flirting with promises similar to the ones we got, from people with discourses, links, and agendas similar to the ones held by the chavismo, to stay away from them and avoid a fate similar to ours. To that effect, to leave living proofs of the immensity of our tragedy, and to continue feeling alive, I write on Steemit.

So very sorry for the situation you and others in your country are in. I really hope things turn around soon, though I am afraid there will be much turmoil no matter what happens. It seems that world is full of "politicians" who want nothing but there own way, instead of wanting what is best for the majority.

Proud member of #powerhousecreatives

Thanks. Can't agree more. The irony of our times. So much "progress", so much legislation to protect the weak", so many backward ideas alledgedly overcome, so much communication (which allegedly would render manipulation of hiding of truths impossible), and here we are, no better than any other point n history when it comes to the relationship between the goverment and the governed.

Hello @toddrjohnson thanks for coming...

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

@hlezama I applaud your courage to enlighten the world to the real situation and not what is fed to us through the news media. May God bless you and your family today and every day.

Above all, please be safe.

Hello @dswigle thanks for coming

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

The pleasure is mine.

@hlezama, I don't even know what to say! I've been following the "situation" in Venezuela for a long time now, and just can't believe that it's all happening. I'm so sorry that you and your family and so many others are living this nightmare. I'm still hoping that things improve for the entire country. Thank you for your courage and honesty here. Big hugs to you and yours!

Thank you very much. Even here, some people do not know what to say (and actually remain speechless) and do not believe we've fallen so low. "I never thought we could hit bottom", they say, only to find themselves later saying, "when I thought things could not get any worse... this crap happened..."

Often people choose silence when they're uncomfortable I guess; I'd rather try and occasionally put my foot in my mouth :) I was thinking that "it can't get worse", but unfortunately, history and man's inhumanity has proven otherwise time and time again. My heart is with you and yours and everyone affected.

Thanks. Good thing history has also given us examples of miraculous recoveries. I stick to those cases when desperation knocks.

I will do the same :)

Hello @lynncoyle1 thanks a lot for coming..

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

You're most welcome @edgarare1 :)

I admit it's hard to hear what is happening in Venezuela. My sister-in-law is from Venezuela. She's actually in the process of moving her mother here. I guess she was lucky she moved to the US about 8 yrs ago to go to school. Hopefully someone will figure out the answer to start putting the pieces back together.

Upvotes, commented and resteemed.

Best of luck @hlezama we are rooting for you.


Wishing you luck and may your people endure to see a new age and you are allowed to rebuild.

Thank you very much. A new age will come, we're sure of that. Hopefully, we'll be around to see it.

Hello @manoldonchev thanks a lot for showing your support ....

It's for all of you, of course. Words is what we can give you and I hope sometimes some words prove powerful enough.

Good luck through these difficult times.

Hello @c0ff33a

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

That´s awesome...!!

I am so sorry to hear of your situation, it is hard to believe that any ruling party could put their country to ruin. It must be tremendously difficult to have your livelihood eroded away from you. Thank goodness you have the courage to make the effort to change your circumstances and those of your family!
Do take care and I hope you have a change of circumstances soon!

Nice to hear from you @porters ...

Thanks a lot for your comment and support all Venezuelan people ...


Hello @xcountrytravelers thanks for coming..

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

I am truly lost for words
I have a Venezuelan friend who has lived here for close to 30 years, who every now and then would be upset, depressed, angry for what's happening back home and to her family there.
It is really sad.
I really hope for the best that you find your way out of this mess

Thank you. It does upset that much, even when people have been away so long. I know people who would rather not read or watch news/reports to avoid getting depressed. I have tried to interspersed my blog with things other than the political and economical crisis, but I find myself scratching the would, even when I talk about (seemlingly) unrelated matters.
I appreciate your support

It is consuming and affecting everyone there for sure
Her mother is still there and refuses to leave even though she had been trying to convince her mother
Stay safe and well (the best you can) @hlezama

@hlezama & @edgarare1,

Edgar, a wonderfully generous initiative.

On Steemit, Henrry, @hlezama, is one of the most passionate, and articulate, writers respecting the Venezuelan situation. Henrry and I met a year ago in the comments section of another poet, @d-pend. His comments were always so insightful and well composed that I began to take notice. Eventually, I demanded that he start visiting my blog so as to provide enlightenment on my posts as well. Amazingly, English is Henrry's second language ... a fact indiscernible from his comments no matter the complexity of the subject matter.

Besides being intelligent and articulate, Henrry is also an honorable man. He is both a credit to his country and to our blockchain ... and, I am proud to call him "friend."



Much obliged, guys.

Hello @quillfire nice to hear from you...

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama... That´s awesome...!!

Thank you so much for let me know a little more about @hlezama ... for now we are in connection and that´s incredible for me to meet incredible people on Steemit...

Also I reviewed @d-pend profile´ but it seems to be he is not active a month ago...

Thanks a lot


... for now we are in connection and that´s incredible for me to meet incredible people on Steemit...

I'm glad to hear it. I love seeing initiatives that expand the Hispanic community here on Steemit.

Respecting @d-pend ... another great mind. But, he's a poet. And we poets are ... complicated. :-)


That´s awesome my friend @quillfire ..

Don´t worry about that, many artist need their own space ....

Hello Henry, Happy day, really what the situation is, especially in the educational field that should be one of the most valued, since it is one of the factors that most influences the progress and progress of people and societies. In addition to providing knowledge, education enriches the culture, spirit, values ​​and everything that characterizes us as human beings since it depends on the future and development of the country and that in other countries they give that value and are hired, as well to health professionals. These 2 fields are fundamental, but the security and integrity of citizens, so that there can be a better and higher quality of life possible.

Thanks. Happy day for you.
You are so right. And becasue education is so powerful and can do so much for people's integrity and freedom, it must be manipulated. At least other socialist regimes invested in it, modernized it and then put in at the service of their ideological agenda. These bastards opted for destroying it. After all, they made sure the children of their elite would get the best education possible abroad or in private institutions they made sure would remain intact (or at least not as affected as the public sector, where they confined "the people").

If Henry, here they tried to copy the Cuban ideology and in which its inhabitants also passed and suffered many deficiencies, but also have and enjoy certain advantages, such as education and security, most people are professionals, they walk the streets and they do it. Without fear, do not walk with anxiety like here, you can not even use the phone in the street because they take it from you and if you resist you can take your life, sad and sad, where there are so many security forces.

First, glad to meet you. Secondly, it's great to see you on Steemit. You are very courageous to broach this subject. I've been keeping an eye on Venezuela. You guys have it rough down there. Hopefully, your next chief will be more oriented toward building up your country rather than tearing it down.

Thank you. We are hoping that will be the case. There is little else to tear down in any case, but we have learned that things can always get worse, so, I say that "under erasure", as Derrida would put it.

thanks for coming @hlezama ...

That sounds really but, just keep your mind stronger and never give up for nothing ...

Now you are in a good place where you can get a better future, STEEMIT, so continues working well...

About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it..

my best thoughts and wishes in this time of strife for you and your loved ones, @hlezama ! my full upvote for you, and good luck !

Nice to hear from you @porters ...

Thanks a lot for your comment and support all Venezuelan people ...

Hello @veryspider

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

That´s awesome...!!

Thoughts and prayers. I went to Venezuela some 15 years ago. Una Paiz marvellosa! I want nothing more than ease, security, humanity and a release from suffering for your wonderful country. I don’t not pretend to know the depths... but wish to send out nothing but love and resilience to Venezuela!

Thank you very much. It is hard to know our reality in depth,even for us. Most likely, as your motto says, it is somewhere between what we think and what others perceive.
One thing is true, though, and thanks to technology now all those statements are out for posterity, there is a cruel reality that the chavistas governments (Chavez's and then Maduro's) have consistently denied to the point of calling those who denounced it disociados (dissociates).
They instituted the term and used it pejoratively every time they wanted to dismiss anyone's claim.
They suffered what I call the Lorax Complex. They speak for the people, the same way the Lorax speaks for the trees. At least the Lorax was actually trying to protect the trees. These guys destroyed the people and then told the survivors, "no, that what you think you see is fake; there are no people eating from garbage, there are no children dying in hospitals...no...no...no. It is the empire's 3rd generation war putting those ideas, even the images, in your head"


Orwell's, "1984" ... except they seem to modelling that which Orwell was criticizing. The parallels are so striking at times that it actually defies comedic comparison.


Absolutely. They became experts in newspeak adoption and impossition. I regret not to have the time or energy to compile their entire dictionary (trying once some time ago actually drained my spirit). The level of absurdity and cynicism defies any stomach. Machiavelli's The Prince is another favorite of them. The funny thing is they would never allow an educational institution under their control to read and discuss such texts.

Hello @buttcoins thanks a lot for showing your support...

I love your comment ...!!!

Sorry for all the problems but it is good to get the word out we are here for you @hlezama @steemitbloggers #powerhousecreatives
Edited: also resteeming

Hello @rebeccabe

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

That´s awesome...!!

So sorry to hear what is happening over your country. I hope the situation can make a turn soon.

Hello @roselifecoach thanks for coming..

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

Good luck to you @hlezama on your great effort!

Hello @joelai thanks a lot for coming..

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

Is there anything we can do on an individual level to help the people of Venezuela? My heart hurts for all of you. It's a shame that so few people here in the US know the reality of the conditions you face.

Thanks for your support, @mattifer.
I don't know what to say. One of the most urgent needs we have is medicines and not even international organizations have been able to bring them. Sending packages is always a risk because customs officers are infamous for their skills to make things disappear.
I know some people who have relatives abroad have managed to get things sent to them but I don't know what specific companies provide safer services.
I appreciate your concern though. I wish we could just talk about more elevated things. I know most people refuse/reject playing the victim, which is what we look like when we have to reiterate this litany of maladies. Hopefully that'll change soon.

Yes, I've heard that shipping goods in or out is pretty difficult right now. My fiance is in the freight business actually. We were asked to provide a quote for goods going to Venezuela not too long ago. We couldn't find anyone willing to go there for a decent rate. It's even expensive to ship things in - and even then there is no promise they will make it through customs.

I'll continue to do what I can to raise awareness - that might be the best way I can help at this point.

Thanks, @mattifer. That surely helps.

Hello @mattifer

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

That´s awesome...!!

I wish there was more I could do.

Hello @mattifer thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama ..

Well, let me say something special for you...!!!

Every reply you send with your incredible wishes are helping a lot him and many people who are reading your message, that´s the most important part, many people need to see a little support from somebody else.

This is called: MOTIVATION... !!

Well in that case, consider me your cheerleader! :-)

I'm sorry that you and your country are going through such terrible times. You have written a very good post about the situation to bring awareness. I'm following you now as well to keep up with your posts! Good luck, my new friend.


Hello @blueeyes8960

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

That´s awesome...!!

All of the best to you and the people of Venezuela my friend!
You are certainly going through very trying times, but I know that after every storm, the sun shall shine again.
Blessings to you!

Hello @papilloncharity

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

That´s awesome...!!

so sorry for what's been going on in your country @hlezama, my thoughts and positive vibes are with you, your family, and people of Venezuela,

sending love to all of you there.

good luck, my friend, I hope you will have more votes!

Thank you so much. I am overwhelmed by the support I got here and the general support of Steemians to the venezuelan cause. There are several individual and community initiatives providing different kinds of support to my people. For that we'll be eternally grateful.

Hello @thekitchenfairy

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

That´s awesome...!!

Praying for you and your family! Such a tragedy to think a whole generation has lost out at such a critical time!

Thank you, @birdsinparadise. This has made me rethink Gertrude Stein's spithet. Those "lost" expatriates she talked about at least had valuable tools and support to develop their talents.

Hello @birdsinparadise

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

That´s awesome...!!

let's hope this is the first of many for you, good luck...

Hello @wales

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

That´s awesome...!!

Dear @hlezama

Thank you for sharing your life experience with us. Those are indeed very sad days for Venezuela and I can only hope that noone close to you will suffer or die.

My heart is with you guys. I can hadly imagine how difficult it must be to have hope in current circumstances.

God bless Venezuela


Thankyou very much, @crypto.piotr. I appreciate your concern for our cause and how you have made people rally around it.

I am so very sad about your situation and hope that Steem will get better and help you and everyone in your country.

Thank you very much.
We are all rooting for Steem, as much as we root for a change of government.

You are in our thoughts and prayers!

Hello @hlezama,

and did you receive anything of that Steem? I am just curios und would like to know of the outcome.
I hope the power shortages are over.
Do you still have the water problem as well?
Greetings to you,

Hi, Erika.
Actually, this did not end up very well. I was very excited at the prospects of getting quite a few Steems here, given the fact that my post got the most votes, comments, etc. But, it so happened that at the end the alleged 100 Steems were split among basically a lot of people who posted and got votes and comments.I ended up getting (I can't even remember the exact amount now) just a few. Probably less than 3 steem.

Thank you for answering. It's what I assumed what happened. The whole thing was a marketing gig to excite many people. This space can be in the same way wonderful as corrupt. :) Well, like outside, right.

I checked this account after I got a marketing memo through my wallet. I decided to check it out as I had time. But then I saw how petty all the article on this blog are written and payed for to geht high payouts. Well... I do not understand why people decide to stay under their talents, it's kind of irritating cause they will regret it one day...

I wish you a good day and thanks again for responding.

Thank You for the feedback. I was very disappointed, but was not in the mood for arguments.
I even contacted the guy about a week later and he came up with a lame response. What they did at the end (if they did, I did not have the time to track all the transfers) was not what the post had promised.
In any case, we continue being screwed in one way or another. We continue having blackouts here, inflation is in the millions, and the political nightmare seem stronger than Freddy Crooger

You learned something valuable, didn't you? There are many fools around here who believe their own stories.

Do you have access to technical devices to make yourself independent from power grid? Are there locals forming to help each other out in building stationary wind mills or other solutions for getting electricity?

And how much rain do you have so you might collect water and filter it?

Is this something you people think of?

Stay well.

Great questions. I'm afraid I have negative answers for all of them.
I have been thinking about posting about both the electricity crisis and the water crisis. With all the complications, I have not been able to.
We are more vulnerable than you can imagine.
We have very few options or alternatives.
Unless you have enough money to afford a power plant, if there is a blackout that's it for the average Joe.
As for the water problem, we need to learn home-made ways to filter water. other than boiling it and filtering with some peace of cloth, there is no much we do with water. Most people get sick because they do not even boil it.
In the are I live we get very little rain all year long.

Are people around who gather and find help in building little street-communities? Are people at hand who have some engineer knowledge? Can money be collected to buy something via Internet-Shops?

As long you have in times of electricity working access to the Internet, what are you waiting for? As it seems self-help is required.

I was searching for portable solar systems and emergency electricity generators and stuff like that. Here are some links, I do not know whether the findings are worth something but might give you some ideas:




this is what a purchaser wrote about the solar panel:

we got our 120 watt Go Power portable system and I honestly pulled it out of the box, unzipped the very well made carrying case and unfolded the panels. I clamped on the positive and negative jaws to my batteries terminals and off we were pulling in clean energy charging my battery. My batt was at 2/3s charge which isn't very good, close to spiking amps and blowing fuses but even though it was overcast within two hours the battery was at 100%. We are sold! and for folks like us that bought a trailer or want to buy a trailer to camp with and don't want to be plugged into rv parks then spend the money and go solar! Within the next week or two we will be boondocking (dry camping) on BLM (Bureau of land management) with GO POWERS 480 watts kit on the roof top along with the 120 watt portable GO POWER folding unit producing a total of 600 watts of usable energy! Unreal, all from the sun, why are we all not using this natural resource? Anyhow thanks Go power after this relaxing weekend of camping you have proven yourself and we are forever faithful and a life changing solar power family.

Also, there are plenty of solutions for filtering water in a good and healthy way. Use your access to the Internet while it's lasting.

I would like more to hear of you people to help each other out. If nobody starts an initiative I guess you could.

@edgarare1 has set 100.000 STEEM bounty on this post!

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@sfcq240788 has added 1.000 STEEM of bounty on this post!

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comment pruned due to size

Thanks 🤠

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Gracias amigos de steem-bounty, que gran labor, Dios los bendiga.

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@steem-bounty Thanks
And @edgarare1 You are very happy with you too Who started this good work.My prayers are always with you you are a nice person.

Posted using Partiko Android


Saludos amigo @edgarare1, Soy Venezolano, vivo en la ciudad de Maracaibo, Edo. Zulia. Uno de los estados que aún sigue sufriendo de la contingencia eléctrica, luego de 5 días sin energía, aún no se estabiliza y estamos teniendo recortes de 3 a 5 horas diarias y algunas veces 2 veces al día.

Muy agradecido por tu generosa iniciativa. Muchos Venezolanos estamos padeciendo de las inclemencias de un gobierno tirano y dictador, donde la única preocupación es la de llenar sus bolsillos sacando de los nuestros.
Apartando la política, mi punto específicamente es el de la medicina para mi hija mayor, Alejandra Rodríguez con tan solo 19 años, estudiante de arte en la Universidad del Zulia, padece de Diabetes Mellitus tipo I (insulino dependiente), requiere de dos insulinas al día para vivir, la Apidra que se la inyecta antes de cada comida y la Lantus que se la inyecta en la noche antes de dormir.
La misma situación política de un gobierno indolente y asesino, no autoriza las divisas para la importación de las insulinas, a pesar de tener un programa que las dá, y a veces las he obtenido, las mismas son muy escasas. Hoy en día, esas insulinas cuestan casi 120.000 bolívares cada una, cuando se consiguen, o 25 a 40 dólares en el mercado negro.

Amigos me han ayudado desde el exterior, específicamente me las han traído de Colombia, pero en estos momentos no hay pasos por la frontera, y tampoco dispongo de recursos económicos para seguir comprandola a esos precios.
Mi hija necesita esas insulinas, y una dieta rigurosa, que como habrán leído en la mayoría de los comentarios, no es nada fácil, ya que están escasos y sumamente costosos.
Lo que puedan hacer para hacerme llegar alguna ayuda que Dios los bendiga, mi hija y mi familia se lo agradecerán.

Gracias por leer.

Donación de insulinas Ale 12-2018.jpg

Gracias por compartir tu historia. Desearía que hubiera una forma de enviarte insulina para tu hija. Mi esposa es diabética y cuando cambian sus medicamentos, nos dejan la insulina y se nos dice que la destruyamos. Me aferro a él el mayor tiempo posible con la esperanza de poder encontrar a alguien que no pueda costearlo.

Mientras leo su comentario, lo que veo es un padre orgulloso que está más preocupado por su hijo y su salud. Eso me golpea en casa porque tengo una hija y una nieta, y no puedo imaginar pasar por lo que eres.

Ojalá tuviera muchas respuestas, pero no tengo ninguna. Intento y encuentro formas de ayudar, como a través de @ aid.venezuela y por supuesto @ edgarare1. Puedo hacer mucho. Voy a retrasar la respuesta a este comentario hasta que mi poder de voto aumente y pueda proporcionar un voto positivo.

Hay muchos a quienes les gustaría ayudar pero ellos también están luchando. Ellos también han venido a Steemit para ganar un poco más para cuidar de sus familias.

Mi corazón está con ustedes y espero y oro para que la solución llegue a la gente de Venezuela.

Saludos amigo @edgarare1, muchísimas gracias por su aporte, sin dudas que ayuda. En nombre de mi hija Alejandra, muchas gracias. Dios te bendiga y te conceda mucha fuerza, mucha salud y mucha felicidad para tí y los tuyos.
Un gran abrazo.

Feliz de oir que pude ayudar en algo, espero poder seguir ayudando en el futuro..

Love to help people...!!

Gracias a todos por su apoyo, en especial a @yaleal, @shari-loveurlife y @sughey. Y en especial mi agradecimiento a @crypto.piotr, por referirme a visitar el blog de @edgarare1. Un gran abrazo.

Estare disponible siempre para ayudar ...

I always will be available to help ... Love that...

Saludos, @fjjrg. No puedo imaginar la angustia de tener un hijo necesitando medicamentos hoy día. Mis hijas se molestan cuando les pido que no corran riesgos innecesarios, que no se pueden enfermar, que no hay seguro ni dinero para medicinas. Es como condenarlas al encierro. Uno ve tantas personas morir por falta de medicamentos básicos que termina asumiendo que en cualquier momento nos toca.
He venido posteando en mi blog sobre cada aspecto de la crisis, haciendo énfasis a la gente que vive en otros paises y que aún cree que el socialismo es mejor que el capitalismo y que lso criminales que nos gobiernan son víctimas de una conspiración imperial.
Espero que Alejandra esté bien, que resista y pueda terminar sus estudios (yo ni siquiera pude mantener a mi hijo mayor en la universidad y ahora esta en Lima). Mucha fortaleza y suerte.

Un gran país, con talento humano, maravillas de la naturaleza, personas de gran corazon, con sueños, anhelos,y metas que todos desearíamos alcanzar. La situación se ha vuelto dificil para muchos (por no decir todos), se nos ha despojado de las cosas mas basicas, electricidad, agua...
Conseguir los alimentos fue en un tiempo una carrera de suerte y de espera eterna en colas frente a los establecimientos. Ahora, no es tan dificil, donde vayas lo consigues, pero el salario minimo que nos ofrecen apenas nos alcanza para una o dos cosas y se supone que con eso debemos aguantar todo un mes...
A pesar de todo, los venezolanos tenemos esperanza. Esperanza que el día de mañana sea un día mejor, muchos cuentan con sus proyectos, con sus emprendimientos, pero la situación hasta eso nos ha obligado a abandonar...
Venezuela es una historia de puntos suspensivos, donde pareciera que no fuera a haber final, y con el corazon en la mano vemos como nuestros familiares y amigos se van yendo poco a poco y nosotros nos quedamos a la espera...
A la espera de un mejor mañana, de días mejores, de volver a ver a esos familiares con lagrimas en nuestros ojos. Eso es Venezuela, que de ser tan grande, ha quedado reducida a sueños rotos, a familias separadas, a niños sin ilusión, porque en eso nos han convertido.

Pero a pesar de todo y de todo lo que nos han arrebatado, seguimos con la frente en alta sabiendo que podremos salir adelante, con la confianza en Dios siempre y sabiendo que el nos ayudará a superar todas estas dificultades que han rodeado nuestros días.

Gracias por la iniciativa, muchos hemos usado steemit como una herramienta para conseguir un poco de ingresos alternativos y apoyarnos.
Saludos :)

Hola @arzkyu97 bienvenida y muchas gracias por tu comentario.

Solo manten tu mente motivada y nunca te rindas por nada en el mundo. Aquí hay muchas personas para ayudar, ahora estas en una plataforma en la cual podrás alcanzar los objetivos que necesites alcanzar solo continua con el gran trabajo que estas haciendo en Steemit.

Acerca de los steems, dejame explicarte un poco como se van a distribuir. Cada venezolano que comente recibira votos por cada una de las personas en sus comentarios, entre mas votos tenga cada persona es igual a mas steems.

Esto sera distribuido por steem-bounty al final de siete dias finalizando el post, hazle saber a cada persona que entre mas votos tengan en sus comentarios mas steems sera enviado a sus billeteras.

Cuando se te quita todo lo único que nadie puede tomar es lo que está a tu lado. Mantén viva esa chispa de esperanza.

Eso es lo mas importante, la actitud con la que enfrentamos llas situaciones. Y siempre con la vista puesta en un mejor mañana. Saludos <3


Hello @ edgarare1, thank you very much for being a person concerned about others and for collaborating with this cause called Venezuela crisis. Today in Venezuela all people suffer this crisis that does not stop happening and every day increases much more, I am a professional with a career in the area of ​​administration and with a job that for many was enviable, in which I enjoyed many. Benefits and resolved my family life, I lived comfortably, the salaries were enough to cover all my needs and I was able to help my family, to save to enjoy shopping, vacations in the country and abroad, today the reality is that the Salary is not enough to eat much less to save, nor for medicines because they cost a fortune. Particularly I have many shortcomings like all my countrymen, but the first one that affects me is my father, who is an adult over the age of 101, disabled by his age, must use disposable diapers, medicines, adequate food and I can not do it, it is the most big. The frustration that can live, thanks to Steemit helps me a little and people like @ crypto.piotr, always helps me and collaborates with me and many people from Venezuela. Infinitely grateful to the platform where people like you are, God gives you many blessings and successes in your work. A hug in the distance, from Venezuela to Mexico, thanks infinit

Dear @maxili63

Thank you for sharing your life experience with us. Those are indeed very sad days for Venezuela and I can only hope that noone close to you will suffer or die.

My heart is with you guys. I can hadly imagine how difficult it must be to have hope in current circumstances.

God bless Venezuela

ps. Did you perhaps consider using "enter" from time to time? To separate blocks of texts? It would make it much easier to read.


Thank you so much for coming @maxili ...

Just keep your mind motivated and never give up ok...

About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it..

Thank you very much Edagar, for your motivating comment and support this cause, I have always been an enterprising and fighter, I have never depended only on a salary I have always done other things but today there are many limitations to do other additional activities, to move from a place to another is difficult, public transport chaos and private vehicles parked for lack of spare parts, are very expensive or are not achieved, many difficulties to do anything, so most people choose to leave the country.

Nice to hear that @maxili63

Just keep pushing step by step, here there are many people to help, so everything will be change ...!!!

Happy day @ edgarare1, is really encouraging every word of their motivation, which strengthens me, drives me to continue in that struggle to achieve a better quality of life in the future, God willing, but when things like this happen they depress me, I comment with sadness that today they paid 18 thousand bolivares. , equivalent to my father's pension, I can not buy anything, nor milk for the old man, because a kilo of milk costs 34 thousand bolivars, which really does not make sense

Incredible the comment I did in the morning and it turns out I had not gone out on the internet super slow

Hello friend edgarare1, thanks to @ crypto.piotr I was able to know about your publication and it seems fantastic to me that there are people who still think about helping others.

I am proud of Venezuela since I was born living here growing and seeing how it was damaging the economy but still love this country and it hurts me to see how it is in recent days removing the poetic hand in hand this last incident of light left me with bad taste in the mouth with so many dead in hospitals.

I am from a beautiful city called Mérida where I could not continue studying the beautiful career of medicine for reasons of stoppages for political reasons of the same university and I had to go more than 9 hours from my house to another city to study since my dream always has been to build a clinic or hospital with the name of Saint San Martin de Porres (I invite you to know about him) and good although I know that with steemit at the moment that dream is far away for reasons as much economic as other things it hurts my mom feel bad for not being able to buy me a blood pressure meter and a stethoscope for lack of money since the same university where I study now does not have the supplies to give them and that is why I am heading to this world of Steemit not much public issues of health since that takes a lot of time and I also see it every day for that reason I prefer to make known other tastes and waiting to increase my knowledge to share about my experiences This is where I am starting the second year.

Thank you for giving this friendly hand to so many compatriots.

I truly wish one day in the near future you can have that clinic built. It will be the only clinic in the world with memes decorating every room. Patients will recover sooner seeing funny things on the walls :)

That is really the best thing that I have been told this day XD hahaha in the future you will see the clinic and upload photos to Steemit, I hope you can see them.

Deal. You dod that and I'll write a post about how I gave you the idea. It will be so cool to see that dream of yours come true.

Hello @memes777 thanks a lot for coming..

Just keep your mind motivated and never give up ok...

About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it..

Thanks from the heart and if hahaha does not answer fast because I left school late and was studying for a test

Don´t worry about that, it is ok...


Saludos a todos, especialmente a los venezolanos que hemos encontrado un espacio para desahogarnos. Soy venezolana con padres venezolanos y una familia venezolana, tengo tres niños pequeños que lamentablemente sólo conocen la pobreza, la crisis, las limitaciones. e visto la miseria, antes pensaba que la miseria era algo mental, pero no, no es así en realidad, la miseria me saluda, me abraza y siento que juega conmigo y con la gran mayoría de los venezolanos, es terrible la situación en el país, estamos comiendo yuca como mejor platillo, el pollo, la carne, el pescado desapareció de mi mesa. La educación ha empeorado, los colegios públicos no dan casi clase y dentro de los planteles educativos se ven cosas tan feas y perjudiciales para los que acuden a ellas para "instruirse" que lo menos que hacen allí es impartir conocimiento y formar adultos competentes, conscientes, honestos y justos. A pesar de todo los males que arrastra este régimen, me aferro a la educación que yo he recibido de mis progenitores y no permitiré que nada ni nadie le quite esa oportunidad a mis hijos, porque eso depende de mi, y así cómo eso debo tener esperanza que a pesar de toda la hambruna, las injusticias y la tan mala situación general que cada día parece empeorar como una ola que va con tanta fuerza que parece imparable, puedo y debo hallar lo mejor de mi y sembrar esa semilla en el corazón de mis hijos. Muchas veces he sentido que la vida se me escapa de las manos y no se que hacer, en una de esas oportunidades escribí un poema sobre el país y lo que siento al respecto de todo esto: https://steempeak.com/cervantes/@vida-blanca/hoymesientotantriste-b37y6cvnab

Gracias por la oportunidad.

Hola @vida-blanca es un gusto oír de ti, gracias por comentar...!!

Existen en el mundo infinidad de problemas pero ahora solo me queda decirte que estas en el lugar indicado, ahora hay muchas personas para ayudar y solo es cuestión de tiempo..

Nunca te rindas ante nada, y continua haciendo el gran trabajo en Steemit porque esto es el futuro para alcanzar el éxito que necesitas ...

Acerca de los steems, dejame explicarte un poco como se van a distribuir. Cada venezolano que comente recibira votos por cada una de las personas en sus comentarios, entre mas votos tenga cada persona es igual a mas steems.

Esto sera distribuido por steem-bounty al final de siete dias finalizando el post, hazle saber a cada persona que entre mas votos tengan en sus comentarios mas steems sera enviado a sus billeteras.


excellent initiative ... I am from Venezuela and this is a total crap ... to live, not water, there is no electricity and there is seldom internet ... now you add the high costs of the food ... I DO NOT THINK PARTICIPATE, BUT IT WOULD HELP ME MUCH TO ME IN THE PARTICULAR IF YOU RECOMMEND MY WORK WITH YOUR FRIENDS OR OTHER PROFILES ...

Hello @jimramones thanks a lot for coming ...

Just keep your mind motivated and never give up, many people are here to help ...

About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it.

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