Do you know some of the typical dishes of Zulia state?
Zulian cuisine is rich and extensive but generally within the cuisine from Zulia state, we can highlight the coconut, banana, fish and meat as the main ingredients of our meals. We can also highlight that we maracuchos love to eat high-fat food at any time. We love breakfast, pastelistos, tequeños, mandocas with their respective salsita and accompanied by a cold coca cola.
Among some staple food are:
• The patacones, which is my favorite. The same is done by cutting the banana in an elongated form, it has two layers of it, then it is fried in hot oil for a few seconds. Then remove the same and crush well then put it back in the pan. and white and / or yellow cheese, ham, ham, ketchup, pink sauce, mayonnaise and mustard.

• Chivo en coco, the goat is a meat typical of the Zulia region. This dish is made up of a goat that is cooked with coconut. You can accompany it with white rice, fried plantain and salad of your choice.

• Mandocas these have a fried ring shape of corn flour mixture, papelón, ripe banana and grated cheese. It is eaten frequently hot, with grated cheese and it is one of the favorite breakfasts of the maracuchos.

• Bollos pelones, do you know this dish? The one who sees this dish can almost spontaneously perceive a clear sensation of delight, marked flavors, visually appetizing colors, it is the perfect description for one of the most delicious dishes rooted in Zulian cuisine.

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