So, the Audi was once unusual. With arms and racks and I think you wrote that it strutted too.... And to think I might have walked passed that Car, unimpressed by its colour and Wankly bits, thinking it was just another ... well upon closer inspection, indeed, I dunno what... but not a rare NSU, which must stand for Now for Something Unusual. I don't think I'd get the most out of living in Hengelo.
Sir Winston Churchill's Cigar remains elusive, I found this NSU in Boekelo about 5 miles dead south of Hengelo. I like the rewriting of the story; that it was strutting down the street and wankling the rack and pinion with its arms and such. I almost walked past this one myself, except I had never seen one in person before so it was the "what the hell is that" that drew my attention away from a Motorcycle with sidecar.