Las Vegas updates with testimony and forensic acoustic proof of multiple shooters, Inside Job, Official Story is BS, 200 bullets hit security guard in leg yeah right, Podesta's son-in-law's brother as FBI Agent in charge of Vegas Shooting

in #vegasshooting7 years ago (edited)

Please watch the videos, by The Health Ranger, The Truth Factory, The Outer Light, Maximum Liberty, End Times News Report, inTruthbyGrace, HighImpactFlix, SGT Report, RichieFromBoston, The Still Report, TruthStreamMedia, and other articles too by Before Its News by Truth Warriors. Please share.
Forensic acoustic proof of SECOND shooter in the Las Vegas massacre by The Health Ranger

In essence, because of the differences in the speed of sound vs. the speed of the bullets from a known cartridge (.223 Remington, in this case), the time lag between the last bullet hitting the pavement and the last audible report of the rifle muzzle can be used to very accurately calculate the range of the shooter.
More importantly, when the audio from the Las Vegas shooting is analyzed, it reveals TWO shooters operating at the same time, not just one shooter. Shooter #1 is operating at 425 – 475 yards, which is consistent with the Mandalay Bay hotel, but shooter #2 is operating at approximately 250 – 270 yards.
Speed of sound 20% humidity 345 m/s
Speed of 55 gr .223 rifle round= 975 m/s
Flight time to 366 m (400 y)=(.528 s)
Bullets arrive first!
High Frequency Sound Spectra to Low Frequency Sound Spectra
End Of Pavements Hits to End of Rifle Report.
Lag Time Tells you Range.
Distance (Y) LAG Times
100 Y=.164 LAG Time 200 (Y)=.311 LAG Time
300 (Y)=.434 LAG Time 400 (Y)=.528 LAG Time
500 (Y)=.584 LAG Time 600 (Y)=.597 LAG Time
Two Shooters Identified so far. Shooter #1=425-475 Y’s Mandalay Bay .559 s=425 +yrds
Shooter #2=250-275 Y’s Mandalay Bay .374s=250 yrds
FBI can Triangulate from videos, and evidence of where they intersect.
Forensics Acoustic Analysis.
Comments from Viewers: “FBI knows who did what. Now they are back peddling because they know they did a sloppy job with this false flag.”
“The false flags are getting sloppier every time. It almost seems like they're not even trying to hide it anymore bc there are still so many Americans that still believe that our a govt would not kill it's own people.” “Math & science doesn't lie but the FBI & law enforcement do.”

Las Vegas Event Compared to 2001 Amerithrax Operation by CIA - Vegas Investigation Part 1 by End Times News Report

Ren TV in Russia doing a documentary on 9/11. Richard Gage of A&E of 9/11 Truth.
September 18th weaponized weapon grade Anthrax killed 5 people, major news outlets. Sent to Senators such as Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, stated Death to America and Israel. Cost $100,000 in investigation. Bruce Ivan’s, engineered anthrax found dead of apparent suicide. Bio-weapon that sent around regular envelopes through postal system, Congress was shut down after 31 associates were affected, etc.
5 Countries Weaponized Anthrax had it in UK, Russia, Japan, US, and Iraq. US pushed Iraq in war with Iran. US gave Iraq weapons to place blame on him and justification for war in Iraq, when the US and other countries were involved too. Iraq said no to the Petrodollar, then engineered destabilization of the Middle East, for NWO agenda.

Jake became involved in Anthrax investigation with the biggest one in the country Research Group shortly thereafter.
Secret Army For Justice (SAJ). Erased from history. Cell 15 calling for attacks against Israel and the United States. Saying that Mohammad Atta was their leader.
SAJ joined Jake’s research group. Manifesto published with his research group.
Came to conclusion that Israeli Mossad played huge part in 9/11.
Geoengineered to put Fear in American people push for War.
Saddam were gassing the Kurds supplied by the US, that were trying to overthrow him and divide Iraq. Destabilization and destruction, all by design, world’s stage.
Anthrax came from Fort Detrick lab in Maryland and blame game on Iraq and Bin-Laden. Creating conditions for another war with Petrodollar, trafficking, etc.
InsideJob Anthrax GeoEngineered by US & Israel, etc. push case against Saddam said no to the PetroDollar Regime Change Middle East Destabilization SAJ involved.

Interview with Las Vegas Metro Police Officer - Vegas Investigation Part 3 by End Times News Report

YouTube has taken away my permission to livestream and given me another Community standards strike for absolutely no reason whatsoever. The video they pulled is 100% in full compliance with every standard. All it was was a video of me driving and talking about the 2001 amerithrax case.

Comments from Viewers: “In Gematria (full reduction for all of these) Stephen = 33 (Masonry) Paddock = 9, Luxor = 9, Bellagio = 9 and surprise! Mandalay Bay = 9. If you sum Paddock, Luxor, Bellagio and Mandalay Bay together you get 36. 36 = 3 +6 = 9. For those unfamiliar with Luciferian doctrine, 9 is his true number (666 = 6+6+6 = 18 = 1+8 = 9.) Just threw that in there because so many don't understand the true significance of the number 666.) I probably don't need to point out the significance of Luxor hopefully.”
“Bullet holes.... Did you find at least one?”
“They should just rope off all of Chicago, because 54 people got shot there last month --pretty sure there was more than one shooter there too.”
“Someone needs to organize a demonstration at youtube HQ show these idiots were not going to put up with their crap.”

FALSE ALARM - Fear of New Shooting Causes Momentary Panic - Vegas Investigation Part 4 by End Times News Report

Backup channel is
I was woken this morning by what sounded like automatic gunfire. Fear of another Las Vegas Shooting event hangs in the air like a dark cloud here. I went outside my hotel room and found many other guests had also gone out to try to figure out the source of the sounds. I hopped in my car and confirmed my suspicion that the sound was a construction jack-hammer!
This atmosphere reminds me a lot of the feelings we had in the weeks after the 9/11 attacks. State of Constant Fear. Patriot Act takes away Amendment Rights.

Las Vegas Shooting - Police Admit Their Official Story Was Wrong - Vegas Investigation Part 5 by End Times News Report

All week, Las Vegas Shooting investigators with the LVMPD pushed one theory very hard. Now they have admitted they were wrong and are trying a new theory - one which makes as little sense as the original story. Do they not know what they are talking about? Are they lying? Or is the FBI making them change their story? Even CNN and mainstream media outlets are calling out the Vegas Police for screwing this investigation up so bad... and that's really saying something!

Comments from Viewers: “You're not a conspiracy theorist you're a fact checker! Something that those who are trying to cover up the real story fear greatly!”
“1 absolutely disgusted with law enforcement
2 absolutely disgusted with the FBI
3 absolutely disgusted with mainstream media ..
these are the 3 steps to a demoralised public who only seeks justice.
thank you Jake for your hard work and providing the people with some hope .”
“Oh what a tangled web we weave...When we lie our spider asses off...”
“Your doing an amazing job! Why haven’t we seen a pic of this Jesus Campos? Does he even exist? Did u see the interview with Stephen Schuck the Mantience /Ground crow guy? First we r hearing of him!? He is saying He called Down to Mandalay Bay Front desk not Jesus Campos!? FBI LVPD have really screwed up! If I were a victim from the concert or just had been at Route91 I’d be PISSED! I wonder how they r all doing. I read some on FB have PTSD symptoms! Keep up the great work stay safe. Saying 🙏🏼for you God bless”
Official Story makes no sense. Jesus Campos, unarmed security guard went up there before the shooting. Checked the fire escape door, discovered it was jammed, wrong place, wrong time. Overheard drilling in Paddock’s room, installing security cameras last minute during concert. Campos contacted Chuck from maintenance about the door, Paddock heard them. After shooting Campos in the leg, Campos contacted law enforcement no action was taken. Paddock waited 6 minutes, then shoot crowd for 11 minutes starting at 10:05 to 10:15 p.m. then shot himself. Police entered the room over an hour after Paddock allegedly killed himself. Spooked by unarmed security guard, shoots 200 rounds in the hallway, shoots people, then kills himself.
Campos working with Paddock.

Official Las Vegas Shooting Story Is Falling Apart Fast - Vegas Investigation Part 6 by End Times News Report

MAJOR changes to the "official" story keep coming out in the Las Vegas Shooting Investigation. This compilation shows some of the gross inconsistencies in what the public has been told by the Las Vegas Metro Police Department and the FBI that is managing it.

Massive Coverup by DeepState/Illuminati.
Podesta's son-in-law's brother standing to Sheriff's left always very evil look on his face.

Comment from a Viewer: “John Podesta's son in law standing to the sheriff's left always has that very evil look on his face...very evil!! I have a video of a couple who were at the concert and when they were running away, the went to the New York New York only to fun into more gun fire and they ran to the Tropicana into more gun fire!! They ran into a weird guy carrying a black suit case among all those running and screaming people scared out of their wits and this weird guy was calm and cool. When the guy in my video asked what was in the suit case insistently, the weird guy said "you want to see?" When he reached down to open it, gun fire in the Tropicana opened up and the weird guy went into the room where it was going down like he was late for work. The couple ran for their lives and found a huge trash bin and climbed in there and hid for 3 hrs. Yes, this was a major attack but only one person was found. Very strange in deed.”

Possible Lead on Source of Guns In Stephen Paddock's Room - Las Vegas Shooting Investigation Part 7 by End Times News Report

"I spoke to LVMPD tonight about a lead on the source of the guns in Stephen Paddock's Mandalay Bay room during the Las Vegas Shooting. They advised me that they cannot take tips and that the investigation is completely under the control of the FBI and that all information must go through the Feds."
Homeless guy found white van at day of shooting. Stole some of the guns and tried to sell them. Owner of the van is a Mercenary.
Blood Two Vanity Plate in Nevada is the White Van in question.

Detailed Video Footage of Las Vegas Shooting Scenarios - Vegas Investigation Part 8 by End Times News Report

This detailed analysis of different shooting scenarios from the Las Vegas shooting at Mandalay Bay / Route 91 Concert is recorded on site. Was Stephen Paddock a lone gunman? You decide!

Helicopter Sniper Theory - Las Vegas Shooting Investigation Part 9 by End Times News Report

A popular new theory in the Las Vegas Shooting is that a sniper fired from a helicopter. I will explain why I do not believe that theory is correct.
Maverick company has 20 Helicopters, use quiet technology for military use.

Gunman On Ground Behind Taxi Cab Theory - Las Vegas Shooting Investigation Part 10 by End Times News Report

Some people are incorrectly claiming that there was a shooter on the ground behind the taxi cab driver during the Vegas Shooting. This is incorrect and I demonstrate why in this video.
Comments from Viewers: “Yea ... clearly it's a blinker...”
“What about the girl who swears there was shooters on the ground chasing them? APPLE VALLEY — About a week after surviving the mass shooting at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas, Kymberley Suchomel has died.
Suchomel, 28, who was not injured during last week’s shooting, died early Monday at her Apple Valley home, according to her grandmother, Julie Norton, the co-founder of the High Desert Phoenix Foundation. She wrote about the experience.”

Police Press Conf Shuts Out Independent Media - Las Vegas Shooting Investigation Part 11 by End Times News Report

This week the LVMPD used a new set of tactics for its press conference to try to hold onto control of their bogus "official" story.
Step 1: Stop Independent Media from attending press conference that was originally open to us.
Step 2: Don't have a Q&A session.
Step 3: Have the Public Information Liaison run interference and obfuscate.
Plus, Jesus Campos is missing too? Next on Deep State body count?

Las Vegas Inconsistencies- It's Not Adding Up by The Truth Factory

Comments from Viewers: “I'd put money on the second shooter being in one of those elevator shaft towers directly behind the stage.”
“SGT Report discovered FBI agent Thats overseeing the cops every move is married to John Podestas daughter!John Podesta comes up all the time including Charlotteville.”
“Vegas Sheriff looks TERRIFIED while his FBI handler just looks creepy.”

Airbnb Insider: Vegas spree-shooter’s account was DELETED post-massacre, Killer Rented Houses In Vegas


Special Agent Aaron C. Rouse previously served as chief in the Counterintelligence Division at FBI Headquarters (FBIHQ). Married to Megan Rouse, Dublin California School Board Trustee. Her father is John Podesta.
ISIS sleeper cells in the US.
Comments from Viewers: “Why is it necessary to have an FBI guy standing next to the sheriff?” “the big question is: why this was executed so poorly? now everyone and his dog is questioning the FBI. The credibility of the FBI reached a new rock-bottom.”

Paddock Accomplice Singing – FBI Wants Him Dead!

Great job by the Tennessee Police to say no to the FBI.
Police better have full confession and everything that Scott Edmisten knows.
Russia orders Nuclear forces to full alert.
Warring Factions those loyal to Trump & those Deep State/Illuminati
Paddock linked to Operation "Fast and Furious" Gun Running operation selling weapons to drug cartels, some of those weapons ended up at Benghazi on 9/11/2012. "Stephen Paddock whose accomplices received a CIA arms delivery from Israel a week prior to this massacre taking place—with Paddock, also, being aided by one of the most feared Russia Mafia leaders in the world whom FBI forces loyal to President Trump took down in Las Vegas on 7 June."

CIA eliminated witnesses such as the developer of the Lithium battery with UltraLight Corporation John Beilman and his disabled daughter.
Due to the CIA's "False Flag" "Pyramid Sacrifice" Massacre was meant as a warning to President Trump.
Official narrative is down the toilet and very sloppy job by the Deep State with their cleanup like they don't care anymore.

At least those of us awake can see through their lies.
There's more to read from the article, plus eye witness testimony by Gio Rios with multiple gunmen running to the New York New York, Excalibur, and Tropicana had gun fire too. He asked the man with the suitcase possibly Men in Black, doesn't say anything and didn't open what was in the briefcase, runs into danger, directs people to the Casino at the Tropicana.
3 bursts at the Tropicana had floor to ceiling windows. Witnessed muzzle bursts.
Couple hid in a dumpster for three hours until things were clear. Helicopters flying at other hotels.

Vegas Survivor Proves FBI Lying Scum! Wow!

Las Vegas City Wide Drill? Bomb@Luxor, "Active Shooters" @ Bellagio, NY NY & Tropicana by inTruthbyGrace

The audio of the police scanner linked below plus the personal videos from Tropicana & Bellagio & Luxor suggest there was a lot more going on that night in Vegas.
scanner video:

Shooting at the New York, 2 shots fired at Casino floor. 70 civilians hunkered down.
Comment from Viewers: “Truth, First thing I noticed that was "just not normal", was when he approached others on his walk on his first floor. , he didn't stop and talk to them. 99.9 % of normal situations people will talk among each other about what is going on.
Every video I have seen of the night's events, seems "wrong". People are not acting normal!!!! When you have "crisis actors" playing their role, it is easy to detect that they are acting, because they do not act like 99.9% of normal people would, in a crisis event. We all have been around a fire, car accident, or hurricane etc.. and people talk to each other. God is Great! and full of Love, and that is why when he said he created us " In his image". We really do care about others and do not want to see others suffer in anyway. Blessings Truth, and thank you so much for all your hard work these past few weeks.”
“Certainly this was a drill that went live. It was a set up drill and BS put together on top of this. America really?”
“It wasn't a "drill". It was another "inside job" domestic terror op like 911. A joint effort between deep state & Clinton Foundation. Who says Democrats can't "work together"?? Quite sure Soros had a hand in it somewhere.”

Strange video from The Tropicana by The Outer Light

Shots NOT Being Fired From Mandalay and Were Peeps Boxed in ? – VIDEO by MAXIMUM LIBERTY

“Oh! Did you see the video of the people leaving out the concert and the police or security guard sent them right back into the arena. Watch In the beginning they come out onto the road and the cop closes off the exit into the road waving them back into the arena.”

Iron-Clad Proof of Vegas Crime Scene Cover-up They WON'T Want You to See!! by HighImpactFlix

“I made this in honor of those in Vegas who have fallen (IF anyone really did fall). They deserve an HONEST and thorough investigation !! I'm going to propose the position of the second shooter - definitely unconventional and SCARY! "Like" this, share it, mirror it, copy it and load it onto your channel...whatever you have to do to get it out. Let's wake some people up!

  • Update...I just clicked on my video and it ran a 15 second skippable ad, even though, in my video manager, this video is demonetized. What was the video? MetLife. Interesting!
  • Update 2... Important Correction: This is from: Karen Omodt"Aaron C Rouse FBI is not son in law to Podesta. But he has family connections through his daughter. The Podesta connection to Las Vegas FBI goon/handler.
    The FBI goon/handler is the brother in law to Megan Podesta Rouse. Megan's father is John Podesta. Megan is married to Gordon Rouse. Gordon's brother is FBI goon/handler Aaron C Rouse.
    (Errors should be swiftly dropped like a hot potato. Thank you Karen!)
    I knew people would object to my opening statement about "fallen brothers and sisters." I don't have proof that people DID die in this "event" AND I don't have proof that they DIDN'T. IF they did...then we owe the "dead" and their surviving loved ones an HONEST investigation that TRULY aims (no pun intended) to nab the criminals. I would NOT put it past government functionaries to have ACTUALLY killed people in order to promote their own nefarious agendas (and I base that on Northwoods, among MANY other things). The point is, of we're gonna launch an investigation, let's base it on facts like, MATH and physics, not hearsay and false reports. Don't forget to visit Mike Adams' channel. He really came through for humanity by producing that video (his links are in the description)”

Comment from a viewer: "VEGAS SHOOTING

Route 91 on October 1st. 91-10-1 or 91101. September 11 '01. Not a coincidence. And articles were online before the day of the shooting questioning who the shooter was - set up. Type in on Youtube: 'Las Vegas false flag, THEY KNEW IN ADVANCE! Reported 2 days prior'

Just like drills were set up on 9-11 regarding hijackings there were drills at the Mandalay Bay for an active shooter. They served as cover should anyone have found the guns. Just like the Patriot Act came in after 9-11 having been pre-written the intent is there for body scanners to be profited from by Michael Chertoff. Again, involved in 9-11. They profited from the illegal invasions killing innocents and those dropping the bombs want more control over your guns giving them more security and profit. Wake up! The multiple shooters in multiple hotels scenario is too obvious hence they have tried covering it up - regarding the body scanners they are seeking to profit from. If it is more than one hotel and the question is how did they get these guns in, and another question is why were they attacking at multiple hotels - then for safety people may be accepting of the body scanners. Michael Chertoff, his affiliates and more did 9-11 and they are seeking to profit here too.

Just like Larry Silverstein profited from leasing the towers and doubling down the insurance policy, Sheldon Adelson who is a large Republican and Trump donor will profit hugely from expensive surveillance equipment and x-ray machines being sold to Casinos and beyond.

Plus shares sold by MGM in the lead up - similar to the put options ahead of 9-11.

Israeli Zionists did 9-11 and they did this too.

NEWS VERSUS Donald J. Trump

Propaganda laws passed previously by the politicians enabling them to deceive 'legally'. Look them up! This back and forth is garbage."

More Question on Vegas Mystery, 1830 by The Still Report

The "Official" Story Will Be the ONLY Story We Get to Hear by TruthStreamMedia

YouTube/Google rest of Mainstream Media suppress truth. 1984 Orwellian times.
Project Vertias exposed New York Times caught on camera Earnest Pettie using algorithms promoting BLM.

Comment from Viewers: “Actually, GooTube does promote conspiracy videos. they have an entire group of channels in the first few pages of results that offer the most unreasonable, illogical theories that the average person would be repelled by. That is a part of their information strategy.
I hate what the internet has become. It is becoming impossible to find factual information on vaccines, Lyme, cancer, herbal cures, etc...fn goats.”
“Youtube should just change their name to 'kittens and cupcakes' and have done with the whole charade of being a public platform.”

Yahoo Claims FALSE FLAGS serve No Agenda by RichieFromBoston

Yahoo is doing their part in the FALSE FLAG damage control. Every one of these false flags spurred new or pushed older laws into place all leading us up to the advent of the NEW WORLD ORDER.
Alex Jones is a CIA gatekeeper, shill, disinfo agent. Alex Jones aka comedian Bill Hicks.
More like Disinfowars.

Executive Order 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports. 10995 controls Media. 10997 controls power, electrical, gas, petroleum, & other minerals. 10998 seizing all modes of transportation. 10999 government control of all food resources. 11000 mobilizes citizens to work in government brigades under government supervision.
11001 health, education, and welfare. 11002 designates Postmaster General to operate a National Registry of all persons. 11003 government control of airports and aircraft.
11004 Housing. 11005 Railroads, waterways, and public storage facility. 11051 Office of Emergency Planning and authorization of Executive Orders into effect of increased international intentions and economic and financial crisis.
11310 DOJ enforces Executive Orders to control everything. 11049 Emergency Preparedness Function consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a 15 year period.
11921 control and production and distribution of energy sources, wages, salary. Congress cannot review the action for 6 months and nothing of public opinion over the story.
1950 Defense Production Act gives the President sweeping powers over all aspects of the economy. Act of August 29, 1916 in time of war to take possession of transportation, material, or any other purpose related to the emergency.
International Emergency Economic Powers Act enables the President to seize the property of a foreign country or national. These powers were transferred to FEMA in a sweeping consolidation in 1979.

Comment from a Viewer: "Yahoo just admitted having all account under their umbrella hacked a while back. What they say has been shit for quite some time."

Other postings.

Las Vegas updates with Insider Trading, Censorship, 2 CIA Assets arrested, Crisis Actors Crowd Expose & neck wound healed & on CNN, Muzzle flash 2nd building of Mandalay Bay

Whoa! Soros Had A $42 Million Short Open On MGM

Las Vegas updates, petition, shooting at Bellagio hotel, proof of multiple shooters, key witness kills himself & daughter following FBI raid, crisis actors moving arms & no swelling, bruising, automatic rapid gun fire mirrored to Aliens film

Updates with Las Vegas, possible Paddock look alike video aftermath, Dan Bilzerian satanic vampire exposed, muzzle flash debunked 4th floor, analyzes and geoengineering

More details revealed on Paddocks ties with the Russian Mafia was CIA & FBI blowback, How his father landed with the CIA, CIA operation at Vegas Shooting, Trump tell all?

Las Vegas Shooting Hoax, Crisis Actors Reunion and other Crisis Actors, Victims Liveleak Breakdown

The Doctor Of Common Sense's take on Las Vegas Shooting, Gun Control

Las Vegas Shooting Mystery Woman Solved on "We are all going to die" and NRA siding with Anti Gun Control Measures, updates, & with New Madrid Faultline

Paddock’s Accomplice, Scott Edmisten Captured? CIA operation with G4S involved in False Flag Shootings present and previous, Deep State Censorship conditioning and programming

Real Story on the NFL/ National Anthem Story, Marketing for Military Industrial Complex, real enemy are Illuminati, Federal Reserve

Truth on Sports is Entertainment/Distraction as Roman Circus, it's All by Design by the powers that shouldn't be with NWO Agenda

Predictive Programming with Las Vegas Shooting as Illuminati False Flag mirrored to The Accountant, Jason Bourne, and Minority Report

Las Vegas was a FEMA drill, Gun Trafficking Gone Wrong, 2 Shooters, Paddock's girlfriend FBI Informant, former CIA Agent, and latest updates

Las Vegas False Flag event leads to Minority Report...Cui Bono? Loss of Freedom, Police State, Body Scanners like Minority Report

Las Vegas Shooter's name was posted 4 days before WTF? Proof Las Vegas shooting was done by two shooters at different locations

Las Vegas Shooting What's Next? Crisis Actors Complication, Hegelian Dialectic, Distraction from Hurricane Harvey, Irma, and Maria

Updates with Las Vegas Mass Shooting, Subliminal Messages, Muzzle Flashes, False Flag for next one

HOW THEY SPEAK IN SIGN LANGUAGE! (EDUCATION 2017), Freemason Hidden Hand revealed

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