What is veganism?

in #veganism8 years ago (edited)

Do you really know what veganism is all about? Have you ever looked into it?

Veganism is a moral philosophy for living.

The term "vegan" was attributed to Donald Watson in 1944, saying:

"Veganism is a way of living that seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing and any other purpose."

It's not a diet. It's about a way of living, a more moral way of living. Changing your diet is part of what is required to adopt a more moral way of living.

What's wrong with that?

Nothing. It's right. It's good. That's what more moral is, more right, more good.

Yet, it's a hard truth that many refuse to accept. Some people laugh at the goals of removing ourselves from the support or participation in exploitation, enslavement, harm, violence or murder. And what's more, is that some people get aggressive at those who live and speak about this more moral way of life.

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt... more like a dried up river you can stick your head in the sand of...

Automatically, that means if you're not as moral, as right, as others, then you are less moral and less right. Those who are more moral and right make you feel bad about yourself. You deny and reject the moral truth, because you can't get over yourself. Learn to let go. Face reality honestly.

Similar issues were faced in the past when dealing with immorality that was plaguing society. The human abolitionists faced much opposition to get everyone to recognize the immorality of treating other humans as property. Now we face an even more entrenched immoral way of life that we have supported, and justified as part of our survival, for thousands of years. It's so ingrained in our way of life and identity, that we don't even think about it much, and certainly don't question it in a negative light to look at it honestly.

If you can feel for a cat, dog or other nonhuman animal, but don't feel for others, and even justify their enslavement, harm, violence or murder, then you have a broken moral compass that is not aligned properly with the true north of objective moral understanding. Some people care for cats and dogs, and eat others, while other people eat those cats and dogs. People across the planet have been broken and disequilibrated from morality from thousands of years because they have been focused on survival and getting by, justifying their actions ad infinitum.

We can progress to greater moral understanding.

From the human abolitionism, we now have nonhuman abolitionism. Many people recognize that not only are human animals
not the property of other humans, so to are other animals not the property of other animals, like humans.

So... why not learn more about veganism, if you don't know? Don't you want to know things accurately, rather than ignorantly dismiss them?

Don't let your emotions and denial prevent you from become a more moral person.

Honestly look into veganism and what morality really is.

How can you feel for harm done to a cat or dog, while ignore, justify or even cheer on the harm done to another animal?

Just because you want to eat it, when you can eat plants?

Just because you like the taste?

Your taste buds matter more than the life of an innocent free being who did you no harm?

They did nothing to you. You can live another way by being healthy and thriving with plants alone. Educate yourself on morality, and then change your actions in life to reflect a more moral way of living. Diet is one part of that change. Don't confuse veganism with a diet. Veganism is about morality.

Learn more on:

  • Our Relationship with Animals
  • Moral Dissonance

at: http://vegankit.com/why/

There are many more resources online. Thousands. There is no excuse to keep denying a moral comprehension of what veganism is about, that is... if you are willing to let go of your attachment to yourself and honestly face yourself in the mirror.

Can you handle the truth? Or are you a coward in fear of morality?

All you anarchists who claim to support non-aggression, don't understand what you are even talking about in your denial of aggression to nonhumans. Go be aggressive to a human animal, and be aggressive no a nonhuman animal (especially a mammal), and you will see similar behavior and reactions of being afraid or being aggressive themselves. We are all animals. Start thinking in terms of morality, and learn how to change your behavior.
