๐ฝ Stay healthy! ๐๐Daily ice cream challenge: ๐๐๐ Strawberry ice cream pan cake ๐
Dear friends ๐,
This is my 11th daily ice cream post! Please forgive me that there was a little break since the last ice cream post. ๐
This time, I made some strawberry ice cream ๐ on pankcakes!
Ingredients for the ice cream
You need about 2 bananas and about 500 g strawberries๐๐๐. If you are using a blender, some liquid (e.g. water) is advantageous so that the blender can handle the frozen fruits.
Preparation for the ice cream
- First, freeze the bananas ๐ and the strawberries ๐ for at least 8 hours.
- Cut both the bananas ๐ and the strawberries ๐ into smaller pieces so that the blender can better handle them.
- Put the cut-up fruits in a heavy duty blender or a food processor.
- Add also some liquid (e.g. water) into the blender and blend it all up until it is creamy and smooth.
Ingredients for the pan cakes
- 1 ripe banana ๐
- 250 ml soy milk
- 100 g rolled oats
- 54 g wholewheat flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1 pinch salt
- 2 tsp of olive oil
- 2 tbsp flax seeds
- oil for cooking (olive oil or coconut oil work great)
Procedure for the pan cakes
- Put all the ingredients except the oil into a heavy-duty blender or a food processor and process them until it becomes smooth and nice batter.
- Take a non-stick pan and put some oil on it. Spread the oil out evenly on the pan with a paper towel.
- Put the pan on the oven and heat on to low-to-medium heat.
- Pour in some of the batter and toss the pan a little bit so that it spreads out.
- Let it rest on the pan some time until some bubbles appear on the batter.
- Flip the batter using a spatula. Let it rest on the pan again for about half a minute.
- Repeat the last two steps until the pan cake is ready.
- Again, pour in some of the batter and make the next pancake until there is no more batter left.
- Put a pan cake on your plate and put some ice cream on it. You can also wrap the ice cream up with it.
There you have it! ๐
Your delicious strawberry ice cream pan cake! ๐๐๐
I garnished it with some sprinkles of soy milk.
Enjoy it!
Hope to inspire you! ๐
Good luck and best wishes!
Chris aka smallstepschange ๐พ

If you like my post, please ...
Yep, definitly brings a good vibe to my feed, thanks for the effort and, yes, my blender definetly is going to have to deal with some frozen bananas very soon.
Hey Wolfgang, I try to give my best. :) Thanks for your nice comment! :)
Sieht echt lecker aus @smallstepschange. Du hast mir jetzt einen richtigen Gusta auf Eispalatschinken gemacht ^^
Danke! Ist ja gottseidank sehr einfach zu machen und ist ein groรer Genuss!: )
Waaaah, das sieht ... oh mein Gott! Ich mรถchte auch sowas. Ich muss es sofort nachkochen! Danke fรผr das Rezept :)
Hey Lisa, gerne! Das mit dem Palatschinken ist ein bisschen eine Patzerei, bis man herauรen hat, wie das geht. Aber wenn man mal drinnen ist, klappts gut! :)
It looks super amazing :) I made a nice cream today. You will see it in tomorrows post. No nanas in :D
Now I am curious!
You might have noticed it, ... but for me ice cream is all about bananas. haha :D
I might get neeeeever tired of them. ;)
Haha yeah I have noticed :D I how ever find that I like it more without the bananas. The texture does not appeal to me when the bananas are in :D
It's perfect that people are different, otherwise there would be mostly bananas in the supermarket. :D haha
Funnily, it is exactly the smooth texture of the frozen bananas that I like. :D
But I also like ice creams without bananas. hehe
I am looking forward to your ice cream!!
Yes you are so right :)
I think it's getting to goey... can't explain it but it feels like it all sticks together ๐คฃ
The post is up :)
haha, I understand. :)