More New Year Healthy Eating Inspiration 🥕🍅🥔 {Building a Solid Soup}

in #vegan6 years ago

Hey everyone! I hope you are all enjoying the weekend! Since my last post (building a solid salad) seems to be receiving wonderful feedback, I wanted to share one of the other articles I wrote for the corporate holiday challenge, as well. The more healthy eating inspiration out there, the better, right? In case you aren't a big salad person, perhaps soup is more your speed! (I know my #fruitsandveggiesmonday folks are with me on this one!) 😉


I love making a big pot of hearty vegetable soup this time of year. There’s just something satisfying about sitting down to a bowl of steaming goodness that makes my heart and belly happy. Though I think a healthy diet consists of all kinds of different dishes, soup is a great one to feature into your regular rotation. Even if you don’t cook much, most anyone should be able to put together a simple, vegetable-packed soup on occasion. Ideally homemade is best because many store-bought or restaurant-made options have lots of sodium or hidden preservatives.


Here are some of the reasons why I think soup is such a great option in your healthy meal plan arsenal:

  1. You can pack a lot of vegetables into one dish which helps make sure you are getting in plenty of nutrients each day.
  2. If you choose high nutrient ingredients, you can often get a very light dish that still fills you up and leaves you satisfied.
  3. Having a small bowl of light soup before your main meal can help make sure you don’t overeat on higher calorie rich foods. I often eat a bowl before going to a holiday party if I know there won’t be a lot of healthy options available.
  4. Making a big batch for the week makes your meal prep so much easier (especially if you have a slow cooker). The good thing about soup is it tends to get even better throughout the week, so leftovers are sometimes even better than the first bowl!
  5. Freezing is also a great option if you make a large pot. Have a few bowls one week, then freeze a few portions to pull out later when you are in a pinch and need a healthy meal.


So soup is great, what are some of the best ingredients to add? While there are so many different variations that you can quite possibly never make the same soup twice, here are some of my favorite things to add in to my soups to make sure they are loaded with nutrition and flavor (you may recognize most of these from my last article):

  • Herbs & Spices—go cultural for inspiration like curries, minestrone, or miso
  • Greens—chop up just about any type to add in at the end of the cooking time
  • Flavorful Veggies—onions, garlic, fennel, celery all provide good flavor base
  • Colorful Veggies—tomatoes, beets, carrots, sweet potatoes, red cabbage, peppers
  • Lean Protein—beans, lentils, tempeh, tofu
  • Acid—a squeeze of lemon or a few tablespoons of vinegar brighten up any soup
  • Starch--if you want to fill out your soup for a heartier meal, add in potatoes, quinoa, barley or other whole grains to stick to your ribs with wholesome complex carbohydrates.

Like I said above, make sure to watch the salt content of your soups. Opt for homemade broth or lower sodium versions. You can also do half broth, half water for a recipe. A splash of acid like citrus or vinegar at the end of cooking can definitely help bump up flavor without having to use extra salt. A little fat in a meal can be a good thing to help absorb the fat-soluble vitamins, but be careful not to overdo it or your soup will turn into a calorie-bomb. Try out using some different plant-based options like coconut milk for curries, blended up white beans for a creamier soup, or top a bowl of black bean soup with avocado or homemade guacamole.


I can only hope you all are starting out the year with plenty of local, healthy ingredients to keep yourselves full of energy to take on everything you want to accomplish! I am truly so excited to continue sharing my own yummy creations and of course seeing what all of you create to put on your own tables. Thanks for stopping by and reading!


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I like soup and eat it most days, hot with bread

Oooh, I am a fan of a nice slice of fresh bread with my soup, as well. Just hits the spot on a cold winter day.

I love, love soups! Veggie soup is a tradition with us at Christmas. This year was no exception. The funny thing is we live so far south now soups just don't' sound appetizing. Perhaps I'll have to try cold soups, lol What is the second pictured soup? They all look so luscious and delicious. :) Great post today @ plantstoplanks!

I knew some of my favorite folks were also soup lovers! My sister made soup this year for Christmas dinner, too. I can see why you wouldn't eat as much in the warm weather down there, but perhaps this year will be the year for gazpacho! I almost put a picture of the strawberry gazpacho I made this year, but then opted for the pinkeye bean and sweet potato stew that is the second picture. I figured it was more seasonal where I am, but didn't think about a lot of other people being in summer right now. Either way soup is always a winner in my book!

😋 yum, soup, soup, love me some soup. I like to add rutabaga to my stews now too. It gives a potato texture with a little sweetness. Black bean and avocado soup is screaming my name right now.

I just woke up and now reading everyone's comments I'm getting hungry, haha. I wouldn't pass up a bowl of black bean soup for breakfast. 😜 I'm planning out what I'm cooking for meal prep Sunday, so that probably doesn't help either. I might have to go kick the BF out of bed soon so he can make us our Sunday morning smoothie....

Sunday morning smoothie, Sunday morning pancakes, same thing 🤷🏼‍♀️ I like all of the comfort foods on Sunday (I mean, everyday). Yesterday I made my mom my morning green eggnog smoothie. She actually liked it and it had NO fruit in it. That made my heart smile :)

Veggie soup looks delicious not much of a salad person and you got me on the soup. It would be a great idea to try it for a change. Will take note of the salt content. Thanks.

I'm glad I got you on the soup. ;) Yeah here it is really crazy how much soup that is already made from the stores or restaurants usually has so much salt in it I have a hard time eating it. Homemade is so much better anyway! Then you can put whatever you want in it and make it perfectly delicious without any added junk. :)

I love soups! I'm not a great one for salads, even in the summer I prefer foods that have been out of the refrigerator long enough to lose their chill, but I can eat any amount and variety of soup. Great tip about having as a starter before more calorie dense foods :)

I had a feeling it would be good to share this one since not everyone is a salad fan. ;) I'm pretty much happy with anything in a bowl, haha!

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I love soup - and I adore salads. But, homemade soup on a cold day? Oh, yes, please! Now, all we need is a cold day!

There is nothing more satisfying than a bowlful of soup, the ingredients mixed and melded together. Oh, yummy! I will sometimes freeze leftover veggies to use in a soup, waste not, want not.

You are right. Anyone can make soup and it is such a satisfying meal or light meal before going out somewhere that I will be tempted with the food. It is a go to meal and there is always some in the freezer for those lazy days.

As for salad. Any day. Any time. You have some amazing recipes for salads too. Happy New Year, Katie! @plantstoplanks


Always a pleasure to have you pop by Denise! I'm glad we are on the same page. I don't think I can be friends with someone who doesn't like soup, haha! 😜

We have quite a springlike day here today, but at least I will take advantage of getting out and finally going for my first run of the new year! It has been a soggy week otherwise, so I'm not complaining to have a warm sunny day to enjoy. Though I do know that some actual winter weather serves a purpose. I don't want to be swatting away mosquitoes in January!!

I have already gotten out and done it! Yay!! My first also! Not so long, but, out there nonetheless.

Who wouldn't love soup?

I know it serves a purpose. I always wonder about those hot countries that have no relief!

I love visiting tropical places, but enjoy living somewhere with seasons. 😆 No complaints from me today though because it is absolutely gorgeous out! Oh that vitamin D feels so good. ☀️

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Gotta love a good soup :) That was my way of kicking off a healthier start to the year on new years eve of all the days :-)
Nicely put together, I feel inspired to make another pot!!

Nice! It's always a good day for a pot of soup! :)

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