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RE: If you are not a vegan, you should watch this video

in #vegan6 years ago (edited)

Actually wrong again, we have short digestive tracks more closely aligned to carnivores than our herbivore ancestors.


Those drawings are about as silly as Ernst Hackel's drawings of embryos and prove about as much. If you measure the alimentary canals of humans compared to most carnivores properly, ours are about twice as long.

Bunch of dieticians having a go at each other. Good stuff, the old dietism debate, well done clap for you. How about you all focus on food waste and starving people instead of imposing your beliefs born out of having widely available food choices and ample time to waste your life and energy with holier than thou opinions.

Posted using Partiko Android

It's not opinions it's science, but if people want to destroy their body's with cholesterol that's their choice.

Science is at its core malleable, meaning that everything falls into the category of a theory at best. Growing up I heard a dozen different takes on the good vs bad cholesterol of consuming eggs alone. Much if not all science is shaped by who is paying for the research. If you're taking the stance of advocating the my body my choice model, why spend all this effort pushing an agenda or what you're calling "science" ? Every individual medically speaking is different and will have different needs so a prescription that states this is good or bad is highly subjective and individualistic especially with your I don't care if others destroy themselves with cholesterol end game. You also entirely evaded the the whole economics and environmental factors which have created a food waste issue on one extreme and scarcity on the other end of the spectrum. Also what do you propose Inuit natives in the Arctic should eat? How about aboriginals or even the under privileged villagers of the world that don't have access to first world dietary choices?

Posted using Partiko Android

Vegan dies is the ONLY diet that has been shown to reverse heart diseases in studies. We are physiologically the same. Our digestive tract is long compared to meat eaters. Humans are all the same species.

Yeah, but bacon....

Posted using Partiko Android

Those are not drawn to scale, do your own research that isn't tainted. You are looking at all meat and dairy biased drawings and videos.

The drawings on "what the health" are more accurate.

Herbivores eat meat and so do we, keep trying.

Then don't post anti-meat propaganda films that are designed to highjack the emotional responses of it's viewers to push an agenda; an agenda that wants people sick and infertile.

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